
Elemental by John Connors

emandm2222's review

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*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I really hate giving books low ratings in general, but I especially hate giving them to books that I received from publishers or authors.  Unfortunately, this book really deserves the low score.

First, it was horrendously written. Between the words missing in many sentences in order for them to make sense and the bad grammar, it was difficult to read just because I had to infer what the author had intended. I would think that the editor would at least catch those mistakes. Is it asking too much to have proper grammar and all the words in a sentence? Also, there were random sections that were bolded with a different font. At first I thought it was meant to emphasize a point, but the more I read, the more I understood that it was just random. Some words were half bolded and half not-bolded. It was just plain weird, and I have no idea how, or why, that could have happened.

Secondly, I was unable to get into the story. I just could not imagine myself in this world that the author tried to create, which I think is a really important aspect in a book. I also could not connect with the characters. I found that I just didn't care what happened in the end, I really had to fight to finish it.

Another reason why I didn't like this book is because I read a very similar book to it about two months ago, with much better writing and a better storyline. It was like both authors were told to write a middle-grade book about a teen/tween with a magical amulet and a magical book that helps them with the amulet. Elemental was just a darker and less fun version of the other book.

Overall, I really had to push myself to get through this book. I kept doing other things so I didn't have to read it. I was tempted to not finish it, but because I hoped it would get better, I continued to read it. Unfortunately, it did not get better, it only got worse. I would never recommend this book to someone. It needs more work done to it to have any potential of being successful. If the story does sound interesting to you though, check out Immagica by K.A. Last, and my review for it. It is a version of the same premise.