
Alien Diplomacy by Gini Koch

melodicfate's review

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This took a while, but I ended up really liking it. It was a bit long, but I never figured out who was good or bad before Kitty did. It dragged in places, but I think it's because of Kitty's new job and location. Also, yay for Jeff growing some in the supportive husband department.

marget_orange's review

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This book is better then all the first ones in the series, though they have been getting better as the series goes on. I think the reason is that the first one I had a hard time getting off the "seriously, they are taking orders from her?" to just enjoying the wacky conspiracy and how it unfolded. At this point I can rest on the disbelief ( not that there is less to disbelieve) but concentrate more on how the conspiracy plays out. I also enjoyed watching how they are going from the active leaders to more the powers behind the active leaders, I think the author is doing a good job portraying how difficult that is as well has a successful (fiction) path to that.

heyt's review

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I have to say this has been my least favorite of the series so far. It still had that so bad it's good vibe because it doesn't take itself seriously but the pacing felt a little off. I think it's because the team is not as much reacting to situations already upon them but trying to proactively approach a problem and they kind of are not good at that. I did think the whole getting used to the desk job vs the active duty job was handled nicely though.

lpcoolgirl's review

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Oh, wow, another awesome book! And it deals with the big changes of Kitty and Jeff becoming Diplomatic Corps people, which was so strange! Lots going on in this book, and yeah, it was so great!

sionna's review

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Oh no, I hope I'm not losing interest in this series :(

I really started off liking it, but this addition just didn't keep my attention. I also didn't laugh as much. It has been a while since I read the previous book and completely forgot about how many characters are in here! I didn't remember them all :/ but I powered through and mostly remembered who everyone is.

The thing is, I still feel somewhat attached to the characters, so I desperately want to like this series. 5 books in is a lot of dedication.

I will give #6 a try and see if I'll keep going or not.

vikit's review

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Our group of characters went through a lot of change in the brief time between this book and the previous one. Kitty, Jeff and Christopher are officially the new ambassadors for the AC-s and they stepped down as operation leaders, hanged their fighting gloves up. At least they are supposed to concentrate only the diplomatic and political part of the operation but it’s not easy when they are used to the constant fighting and the adrenaline rushes. They don’t feel ready to retire from the field. This creates a lot of conflicts.

The fact that they are going to retire didn’t take me by surprise since it was hinted in the previous book. But I still was a bit reluctant to start the story since I was afraid the action and excitement is going to take the backseat in preference of politics. In some percentage this one came true but not completely. Thank God.

Kitty is not as natural of a diplomat as she is of a monster fighting master mind. She needs to take classes to adjust to her new responsibilities. But don’t fear my friend she can find mayhem and chaos even in the most serene situations. She even recruits new people for her little ragtag team from the most unlikely people. She has an eye to find talent and useful people everywhere.
The bad guys also try a different approach to reach their goal. The goal is the same but this time they not gunning for Jeff and Christopher, they go for the kids. Everybody wants the kids.

I loved Olga character, she knows everybody and finds out the bad guys plans before anybody else but most of the time lets things play out on their own without interference. She is the mysterious grandmother of the bunch.

Other reviews from me, here:FantasyRaiders

kbairbooks's review

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A bit too much diplomacy for me. I’m rather struggling with this series I think... I really like them but also just a bit too much crosshair mystery, too much info evasion, I dunno. I like them a lot and I can get through them really fast but also some parts are just so long.

liliandherbooks's review

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This was my least favorite installment so far. I wasn't as interested in the plot and new setting that was depicted in this book. I knew from the very beginning that I wouldn't enjoy Kitty in a diplomatic Washington D.C. setting and I didn't. It really just doesn't suit her style or personality. I also found the character interactions in this book a bit lacking. I wasn't really invested in any of the other characters lives and their happenings were quickly breezed over for the sake of the "plot."

One of the reasons that I didn't like the plot line was for the fact that every few pages some action sequence would happen but by the end of it every character was lamenting how badly they were adjusting to their new positions and the fact that they had no clue what was going on. It got annoying very quickly, especially since I didn't like the new setting in the first place. The final scene after all action was over was so predictable, I was very disappointed the book ended on such a poor note.

Overall, it felt like the book was centered around one theme that was best summed up by a single quote a character makes towards the end about adjusting to a new lifestyle; a change you don't want to make but have to in the end. I don't think it was worth all the pages this book had just to make that one theme stand out.

abkeuser's review

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As with the first four novels in this series, Alien Diplomacy delivers on moments of witty banter and some pretty fun fight sequences, however, I feel as though this series has begun to taper off.

I do enjoy the number of red herrings Gini throws into her books. There is something to be said for the chaotic tone it adds to the book. If there’s one thing I’m seriously grateful for it’s that Jeff has finally grown out of his “Uber Jealous” faze and is finally acting like the grown up alien he is. There is nothing sexy about how controlling he was in the first 3 1/2 books, so I’m happy to see that personal growth (though it does piss me off how everyone else reacts to it).

There were a few things I found tiresome in this novel. The number of times “turned up to eleven” was used (or its variations), the occasional use of “boded” without a clarifier (example: ‘This, like so many other things, boded.’), and the propensity for overly long dialog sequences with no tags to orient the reader to who is speaking.

I did enjoy the way that Kitty was put into a ridiculous situation, and especially how the “boys” get her out of it. There’s something oddly fun about the personal intrigue that goes on as a sub sub plot in this book.

In the end, when we encounter the super soldiers, I’m at a loss to understand how 10-foot tall metal encased super beings are going to navigate their way from the subbasement to the ballroom – I realize both of those places will have high ceilings, but I don’t know that the halls, elevators and/or stairwells will have the right clearance. It’s one of the things in this novel that pulled me out of the story.

Overall, I think this is the weakest in the series so far. There are at least two more novels in this series, and I have to say, I’m starting to fear reading them.

edwindownward's review against another edition

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Gini Koch has succeeded in putting Kitty and Jeff through another edge of the seat ringer