
Broken Beautiful Hearts by Kami Garcia

caffeineaddict980's review against another edition

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Peyton Rios is ready for life now that she got into her first choice university, but finds out her boyfriend's dark secret and he pushes her down a flight of stairs in a violent rage, her knee shatters. Peyton stays with her uncle in Tennessee to aid with her recovery and meets Owen, who is hiding his own secrets.

Surprisingly, I really enjoyed this novel, it wasn't too dark but managed to balance mature themes and romance extremely well! Peyton was a sympathetic character and you can emphasise with her easily. Even the supporting characters were great!

ashcash04's review against another edition

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What a wonderful, beautiful book about broken people. This may be one of my favorites of the year. I thought some things with the characters could be better, but the story was just wonderful. I have to stop and try to remind myself how I may have acted in high school and that not every teen was like me; even if I would have handled things differently, not everyone thinks or acts like I do. Relationship abuse is a very real thing and my heart breaks for those who have or are suffering. I teared up a few times. I love the awareness that it brings to abuse and standing up for yourself, even if you're the only one on your island. I will definitely be looking to read more from this author. I'm also extremely excited that this all revolved around sports. There aren't enough athlete books out there!

itsdanysbooks's review against another edition

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Väčšinou dávam hviezdičky len podľa toho, ako sa mi to páčilo, teda v 90% hodnotení ignorujem také nepodstatné chyby, ALE, tu by som ich rada spomenula a nemôžem s čistým srdcom dať 4* kvôli príbehu a ani 2* za originalitu a kopu klišé. Takže si pekne rozpitvám veci a dám im hodnotenie ako to vidím ja.

Príbeh bol skvelý, o to lepšie bola autorská poznámka na konci, kde autorka vysvetlí, že aj jej sa niečo podobné ako hrdinke udialo. Pekne sa zameriavala na nezdravý vzťah, a že by sa ženy nemali báť ohlásiť to na políciu a hovoriť o tom otvorene bez toho, že by sa báli a tajili to. Celkovo je takých pasáži s feminizmom a podobe v knihe veľa, čo bolo super.

Postavy boli super, pretože mali svoju hĺbku. Síce väčšinou ma irituje, keď postavy (hlavné tí chlapi) majú neviem akú tajnú históriu, ale tu to autorka pekne vybalansovala, že obaja hrdinovia čo to skrývali a prekvapujúco dievčina tajila oveľa viac.

No a teraz k tým negatívam

Autorka si požičala ruletu Jennifer Niven, zatočila ňou a vyhodilo jej ďalšie dve najsmutnejšie udalosti sveta, ktoré sa hrdinom prihodia. Tu som to síce nevnímala až tak negatívne ako u Nivenovej, ale šlo mi na nervy to, že každými pár kapitolami sa pridalo niečo nové, niečo horšie, niečo smutnejšie, a už ma to nebavilo. To stále musia mať všetci najhorší život na svete? Veď všetci rodičia, čo sa tam spomínali tak buď zomreli alebo odišli alebo ja neviem čo. To nikto v knižnom svete nemá úplne normálny a nudný pár rodičov, ktorí si po večeroch vypijú vínko, dennodenne chodia do roboty a sťažujú sa na politiku?

A teraz k tým klišé... na to sa autorka rozhodla rozpovedať, čakala by som, že vymyslí niečo zaujímavé a nové. ALE NIEEEEEEEE. Boli tam úplne všetky klišé z YA kníh a stereotypy zo stredných škôl. Práve preto bola kniha nesmierne predvídateľná.
Hrdinka je futbalistka ✓ (nie že by to bolo niečo zlé, ale tiež to nie je žiadna novinka)
Chlapci dvojičky, ktorí sú strašne populárni (a obaja si "tajne" striedajú jedno dievča) ✓
Jedna bitch, kráľovná školy (ktorá je k hrdinke samozrejme hnusná a tyranizuje ju) ✓
Chlapci, ktorí sa len bijú ✓
To dievča, ktorej sa hlavná postava zastane pred tou bitch ✓
Mŕtvi rodičia ✓
Stratení rodičia ✓
Choroby a násilie ✓
Hrdinka, ktorá je veľmi bad ass a nepotrebuje nikoho pomoc, lebo je samostatná (ale presne preto už druhý deň premýšľa, že aký sexy je ten chlapec a za týždeň už dobreže spolu nechodia) ✓
Hrdinka, ktorú samozrejme hneď milujú všetci chlapci na škole ✓
Prehnane ochranárska rodina (tí bratranci), ktorý aj napriek hrdinkyným protestom budú každému chlapcovi hovoriť, že nech sa od nej držia ďalej ✓
A takto by som mohla pokračovať Ďalej. Ja nehovorím, že teraz všetko bolo zlé a neviem akú originálnu knihu autorka mala napísať, ale skrátka so to všeeeeetko už videla inde a nebolo tam absolútne vôbec nič originálne, ani ten príbeh, ktorý sa mi síce páčil, no aj to už som niekde čítala. Proste autorka nepriniesla nič nové a na to, že je taká ostrieľaná a napísala už toľko kníh som čakala, že ma niečo ohúri a padnem na zadok, pretože som také niečo nečítala, ale nestalo sa. Najviac ma dostalo to automatické klišé tej bitch kráľovnej školy, ktorá nenávidí hrdinku a obe sa stále hašteria. Môžu už prosímpekne autori prestať s týmto klišé????

Ako som ospevovala príbeh, tak teraz ho aj trochu zhodím, pretože autorka odrazu ku koncu nabrala taký smer, že to vyústilo do úplne prehnaných momentov, čo ma sklamalo, pretože som čakala, že sa budeme viac trápiť s tým, že hrdinke nikto neverí, no nieeee, zrazu všetko tak prehnala, všetko bolo také over-the-top, že to až bolo miestami nerealistické a sklamalo ma to.

A nakoniec spomeniem písanie. Síce rozhovory mi nerobili problém a neboli tam ani žiadne opakujúce sa frázy, no bolo to dosť nevýrazné písanie, ktoré sa snažilo žiariť pri takých veľmi hlbokých myšlienkach, ktoré až priam kričali po pozornosti. Neviem či viete ako to myslím, ale nikto nič nerieši, vtipkujú a zrazu sa hrdinka spýta:
"Povieš mi veľmi hlbokú vec?" ("Prečo je život taký hrozný?")
a hrdina odpovie: "veľmi hlboká vec." (" Pretože vtáčiky umierajú, keď Slnko zapadne a moria sa nám snažia povedať, že je globálne oteplovanie")
Proste som si nič nezaznačila, lebo mi to prišlo byť silené.

Čiže celkovo by som túto knihu nezavrhovala, pretože ma fakt bavila a nevedela som sa odtrhnúť, no fakt, na to aká je táto autorka známa, čo všetko už napísala, tak by som očakávala niečo oveľa oveľa lepšie spracované. Autorka v podstate stavila všetko na tému násilia, pretože rozoberať LGBTQ+, rasy, feminizmus a znásilnenia je IN, tak prečo sa tomu nevenovať tiež, všakže? Nechcela som byť taká ostrá, ale príliš sa spoľahla na to, že niečo také zakomponovala do knihy a tak sa vykašľala na všetko ostatné a len tam niečo dopísala.

kayladbruns's review against another edition

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I loved it! I should just let that saying be my whole review. I really didn't know what to expect when I first started reading, I haven't read anything by Kami Garcia since Beautiful Creatures. This book made me an emotional mess and I loved every minute of it.

I loved Peyton so much. She's the kind of main character I feel like we should see more of in young adult novels. She was brave, strong, and a pleasure to read about. I love she never changed her story or let what everyone was thinking about her make her do things differently. I also loved that she didn't want to leave to Tennessee and that she wanted to try and live her day to day life. 

“I didn’t want it to look like I was running away. I don’t want him to think he broke me.”

From the moment we were introduced to Owen I knew that I was going to love him. He came off selfless and real. Owen was also a straight up swoon worthy character to read about.

Owen wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me against him. When I don’t protest, he slides his other hand up my back and into my hair. “Unless you tell me to stop, I’m going to kiss you.”

See what I mean?! However, there was so much more to him than that. He was caring and always there for Peyton when she needed him. He did have some stuff that he was keeping hidden away as well. 

These two together were great. We have two people who both had secrets they were keeping. Both didn't plan to get close to anyone. Both who felt like they needed to close themselves off from feelings and making attachments to people. 

But broken and battered can become broken and beautiful."

We also had great side characters. Especially the twins Cameron and Christian! 

I feel like I can't express my love for this book enough. Pick up this book, I promise you won't regret it!

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whimsicallymeghan's review against another edition

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After receiving the best news of her life, acceptance to her top school to play soccer, Peyton can’t wait to share it with her best friend and boyfriend, only nothing goes to plan. Instead, Peyton finds out her boyfriend has been using performance enhancing drugs and when confronted, things turn from bad to worst and she finds herself at the bottom of a flight of stairs with a busted knee. Knowing full well she was pushed, yet no one believes her. When she can’t take the looks, bullying and death threats any longer she packs up for Black Water, Texas to live with her uncle for a few months. It’s there that she begins to find herself and the person she wants to be. This novel didn’t start off great; the reader wanted to rate this two stars because there were quite a few things that bothered them, but as we got to the end, it really did redeem itself and the resolution was really good, so it got a three stars. The good thing about this was that it was fast-paced so the reader found they were flying through the story quite quickly so it never felt like a drag to read. The plot of this was well done, it was heavy and dealt with domestic abuse, drug abuse and gas lighting just as main trigger warnings. The way Garcia was able to weave the really heavy stuff with the lighter and fluffy plots was well done. What the reader didn’t exactly care for was making the other main character have this life altering disease; it made it feel like it was added for shock value and the way that we found out didn’t help that claim. There’s all this build up to what is wrong with this guy, and because we already knew our main character, Peyton’s ex-boyfriend was abusive, it gave the impression that this new one was too and it just didn’t sit right with the reader. They also took a long time to warm up to the majority of the main characters. Peyton felt like she didn’t need any help from no one and that made it really hard for the reader to enjoy reading from her because it was so frustrating; the reader understands she has been through trauma, but she didn’t have to go through life without help. Then we have Owen, the new love interest; the reader felt the chemistry and thought they were great together, but the fact that he wouldn’t leave it alone every time Peyton said she wanted to be just friends. The insistent need to know why he couldn’t be more than ‘just friends’ with her all the time really got to the reader because she shouldn’t have to explain herself, especially since she just got to that town and school; like who are you to demand answers? Then we have her twin cousins who had to fight it out over everything. As soon as one of them got into a disagreement with someone, or even with each other, their fits were out. The angst in this was hella strong, which had the reader kinda taken out of the story a lot. Like it was mentioned at the top, the end turned around, once people started using their words and communicating better, all of those characters learned valuable lessons that in the end shaped them. It just sucks that it took almost four hundred pages to get there, so that’s why this reader didn’t completely dislike this. There were important talks that happened and important topics that this brought up, which would be great for teens. Overall, this reader might not be the target audience, but they can see how it would be good for teens.

melsbookishaddiction's review against another edition

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I love this book so much. This book broke my heart into a million little pieces but then Owen put it back together. This book was just so real, I felt the emotions pouring out from the pages and into my heart. I felt Peyton's pain. I knew what she was going through. And the fact that this book was inspired by Kami Garcia's own experience with abuse made it even more real. Everyone should read this book. Definitely is one of my favorite romance reads of this year.

shainapnina's review against another edition

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lookingforamandaa's review against another edition

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I loved this book. I wish that I could just say that and be done with this review because really, I loved it and I just want everyone to read it. This was a compelling story filled with so many different things that I like. We follow our main character as she’s dealing with potentially losing everything she’s worked toward her whole life. Also dealing with her crazy ass ex-boyfriend, moving across the country, adjusting to a new school, and grieving for her father.
There were so many different things going on in this story, but it wasn’t too much. All the different aspects of the story were brought together so well that it just worked out.
Peyton was a fierce and fiery character that didn’t back down, even when it would have been the easy thing to do. She stands up to all sorts of bullies, from snotty cheerleaders to MMA fighters on steroids, she’s brave and stubborn. I really loved Peyton. I don’t know that I related to her so much as I just really respected her as a person. She’s someone I could be friends with in real life for sure.
The twins, Peyton’s cousins, Cameron and Christian were a great part of this story. They come off as big dumb jocks at first, but you learn that there more than that. They’re loyal and quick to defend those they care about. They do say some dumb things but don’t have an issue being corrected and learning why they were wrong. They just made me laugh and I loved them.
I liked Grace too. She was sweet and I’m so happy with how her story ended. She was a good friend to Peyton when she needed one and I loved seeing the girls get to know one another.
Tessa really pissed me off, but I understood (to a point) where she was coming from. She’s another character that I was happy with how things turned out. I’m happy with how she and Peyton figured things out, though we didn’t get a whole lot of closure on her after that.
I hated Peyton’s ex-boyfriend and I’m not going to name him so the thing that happens, in the beginning, doesn’t get spoiled but I hated him. He was a giant jerk and I knew things were just going to get worse. The whole situation at the beginning of the book made me so mad. I think because this is something that happens all the time in the real world, it just made me so mad.
Now, my favorite character, Owen. I loved him. He stood up for the little guy. He was nice even when he was supposed to be portrayed as a jerk. He’s big and tough and exactly what Peyton needed at the time. I love that they pushed each other’s buttons. They made me laugh the whole book.
I just really loved everything about this story. It was real and hard to read in some parts. It talked about real things that happen every day in real life and it doesn’t shy away from anything. I definitely think this should be a more widely read and talked about story because it is an important one for sure.

“I used to believe that everyone gets one perfect day sometime in their lives-if they were lucky. But I had it all wrong. We don’t get one perfect day. We get a lifetime of imperfect days, and it’s up to decide what we want to do with them.”

Keep on reading lovelies, Amanda.

saroee's review against another edition

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It was not bad, I am just too old for high school drama.

saskiacb's review

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I never know quite how to talk about books which deal with sensitive topics that I have not personally experienced. I usually use words such as "entertaining" and "enjoyable" in my book reviews, but when talking about sensitive topics I feel using those that kind of diction can leave room for wrong interpretation.

Broken Beautiful Hearts follows the story of Peyton who is physically abused and harrassed by her boyfriend. Many of her friends, and the friends of her boyfriend do not believe her, including her best friend who just so happens to be her boyfriend's younger sister. Peyton makes to a new town to live with her uncle and cousins after receiving threatens to her person.

In this new town, Peyton develops new relationships as she struggles to deal with the emotional, physical and psychological consequences of her attack.

This is an ownvoices novel. Garcia's writing took me a few chapters to adapt to and really get really sucked into, but I did and I found Peyton to be particularly inspiring and strong, not just for her endurance after being assaulted, but her stubborn and witty personality drew me in. I felt like she was clutching my hand in some way, having been abused myself, and I just love her. I always find myself rooting for people like me.

I would definitely recommend this book to you and you have been warned of the sensitive topic this book explores.