
Bounce by Noelle August

bookdevouringmisfit's review against another edition

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This is another case of it's not you, it's me. Gaaah, I so badly wanted to like this. Truly, I did. It's just even though Grey charmed the hell out of me (He's this tattooed bad boy on the outside but inside, he's pure squish. AHIDHAIOFHAIJDOPAFJSAHDJHSKL!!!! He's hilarious and sweet and ugh he's immature sometimes but I get him), I just couldn't make myself care for Skyler. At. All. And I knew right then that that was bad. I didn't ship them much. No fuzzy feelings here for me. No chemistry. Nada. The little I felt for the two of them was ruined by my disconnection to Skyler. Ugh. (Okay but if I were being honest, it was probably because I wanted Grey for myself. I SHIP ME AND GREY <3 Hehe.)

Another thing, there's this sort of love triangle that bothered me. It wasn't even a proper love triangle because the other guy was pretty much ignored most of the time but still. I hate love triangles and I can't believe I let it ruin my enjoyment for a book once again. Ugh.

ambeesbookishpages's review against another edition

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The full review can be found at The Book Bratz

Confession: This is my first Noelle August book, but I can tell you what. I will be looking forward to her writing in the future. Never mind the fact I can't wait to get my hands on the other books in this series now. Bounce was both refreshing and entertaining story of a girl who never planned to be a star and a troubled boy who couldn't help but fall for her.

Bounce is told in dual POV, switching between Skyler and Grey. I'm not going to bother sitting here and describing what happens throughout the novel. Honestly there is so much that goes on that it will take me all night to type anyway. Shortened version: Girl meets boy, boy is filling in for a movie star at a reading, girl sucks face with boy, a bunch of other things happen, happy ending. Just with a lot of drama in between. I enjoyed most of the characters, besides Sky and Grey I really loved Garrett. He reminded me of an over enthused over caffeinated puppy at moments.

FINALLY! A leading female who doesn't blush every time she is around a guy. Their is constant flirting between Sky and Grey, and of course she blushes. She wouldn't be human if she didn't. But she could say "penis" in front of him and not turn as red as a tomato. Sky wasn't unsure of herself in most situations, and that is what I loved most about her. She didn't question or over analyze the things she would say to Grey. Grey on the other hand was the opposite. He second guessed everything he said and his body temperature would spike when she was around. Both characters are dealing with a lot when they meet at Sky's audition. They never expect to see each other again, then Sky scores the leading role, playing the love interest to Garrett who's current assistant is Grey. So naturally, never seeing each other ever again didn't work out. I loved how they balanced each other out at times. Grey could calm Sky down and vise versa. They are a perfect match and I wanted to punch Grey every time he said he couldn't have her. (I wouldn't though. He has such a pretty face.)

Most New Adult sex scenes are heavy breathing, touching, and asking if they sure they don't want to stop, ect. Grey and Sky were able to laugh and joke around, be their selves in that moment. Plus, it wasn't as raunchy as other New Adult books I have read. It was a bit refreshing actually. I would basically rate this book for 15+ based on the sexual content, it wasn't too much like other New Adult books.

My biggest issue with this book is how Sky's view changed about her body. She said in beginning of Bounce that she knew the bottom half of her was fuller and she understood and accepted that. But after she lands the role of Emma, her weight starts to bother her. The girls in wardrobe handled the situation pretty shitty in my opinion. They could lie through their teeth that it was fine, but they looked at each other and made a face. Did they not expect her to see that?Then, one goes and offers Sky a weight loss/water pill thing like she is some sort of drug dealer. Maybe that is how things work on a movie set? But it annoyed they hell out of me. They basically made Sky feel ashamed that she wore a size ten in jeans. No body else cared. Grey thought that she was gorgeous. Brook still wanted to go out with her. Wardrobe could have ordered her clothes a size up. But I see how her weight was able to push the story along, and help with how everything wrapped up.

Besides the sadness I feel because I finished such an AMAZING book and wish I could live in Grey's and Sky's world longer I can easily rate this one five stars. It had everything I look for in contemporary books plus more. My blogger friends better watch out! I am going to be pushing this one on them!

caseroo7's review against another edition

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I honestly don't even know where to start with this review. I really thought that I was going to love this book, but that wasn't what happened at all here. Bounce is my first book from Noelle August, even though it is the third book in her Boomerang series. Each book is a standalone new adult story, and I really love the new adult genre. I had heard that this series was really good, so to read this one and have the problems I did was the last thing I expected. I think that there are those out there that will really enjoy this book, sadly though that wasn't me.

Skyler Canby has been looking for more from life than the occasional gig as a cellist, so when her friends suggest that she audition for a role in a new movie she decides to give it a shot. She knows that her friend Beth is most likely to get the role with the experience she has, but she figures it is worth a shot. When the lead actor isn't able to make the audition, the CEO's brother Grey Blackwood fills in and the sparks immediately fly between them. But Grey is a bit too wild for her and is only working for the company to earn enough money to pay his brother for the damage his most recent party caused to his house. Though Grey is only there to earn money as he gets his music career going, he quickly develops feelings for Skyler and soon he is there for another reason altogether.

I really liked Grey. He was the best part of this book and I thought that he was a great guy that was struggling a bit. He had some insecurities because of his family situation, and I felt like he handled things poorly a few times but I think that was mostly due to his age. I felt like he was in the right when it came to his stepmother and with Skyler, and I was always on his side more than theirs. Skyler I had issues with, and honestly I didn't really like her. I didn't understand her at all and I hated how she treated Grey. These two were clearly attracted to one another and had a great connection, yet she pushed him away for no real reason multiple times. I thought that Grey deserved so much better than being strung along while she dated someone else. The worst part was that the whole time she was dating someone else, she had strong feelings for Grey. Her connection with Brooks was nonexistent, and even though this was dual POV so we saw her thoughts and feelings, there was no real interaction between her and Brooks. Yes they sent some texts and went on a few dates or hung out, but we never saw them really together or developing a relationship. So the whole thing just came off as completely weird to me. The whole love triangle thing felt completely forced and unrealistic, and 100% unnecessary.

I also felt like this book lacked any real romance at all. Besides a few kisses over the course of the book, and one sex scene at the very end that didn't pack any real heat, there wan't much actually going on. Grey and Skyler were apart the entire book while having these strong feelings for one another, yet nothing was happening. As I said before, there wasn't much of anything happening between her and Brooks either though they were dating. Another thing that bothered me was that I found Grey's whole family situation confusing. Grey is younger than his brother Adam. Adam and Grey share the same dad but have different moms. Adam's mom is Grey's Stepmom and has been in the picture since Grey was five years old. So here is where I got confused (and maybe I missed the explanation somewhere, but I tried to go back and look and never found anything) If Adam is older than Grey and his mom is Grey's stepmom, does that mean that Adam and Grey's dad cheated on Adam's mom with Grey's mother? If not, how does that all work out? If Adam is older than Grey but they still have the same dad, it doesn't make sense to me at all without cheating being the case especially saying that Grey didn't come into her life until he was five and was taken from his mother to live with them. There should have been more drama there in any case, which made the whole situation just weird to me and it didn't work.

The other thing that really bothered me was how everyone in this story kept referring to Grey as a kid. It was multiple people and multiple times, yet Grey was only 3 years younger than most of the characters in this book! He made mistakes, but he wasn't overly immature and the whole kid crap came off as completely condescending. I didn't get it and frankly it made me dislike pretty much everyone in this story. I really wanted to like this book, unfortunately it wasn't for me. Grey was the one bright spot in the entire thing, and even he couldn't save this one for me. I gave it 2 stars for him and the fact that I did actually finish the book.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

beastreader's review against another edition

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I have read every book in this series. While this series is a good example of the new genre that is picking up steam "New Adult", I have to say that my favorite book and still is book one, Boomerang. There were many moments in the first book that had me laughing besides the characters were awesome. In the latest book Skyler and Grey make a cute couple. However I did not feel the heat steaming off the pages. Like I said cute. Nothing too exciting but a fun, quick read. I did miss the humor that I loved form the first book. I should clarify that you don't need to have read book one or two prior to reading book three. Each book does feature different characters. Although, I found this book just alright, I can not wait to see what the team of Noelle August comes out with next.

norwayellesea's review against another edition

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The Boomerang series finishes on a high as Bounce is definitely my favourite book of this fun and entertaining series.

Grey Blackwood moved to California to live with his brother when his life fell apart on the East Coast, shunning his father and stepmother out of his life. He's looking for direction in his life and finds it in music. Now he's a lead singer in a band but somehow still manages to land himself in trouble. Big brother Adam barged in and turns him into a gopher on his latest film project in an exercise to instill some responsibility into his young mind. Surprisingly, Grey accepts the new challenge.

Skyler Canby is living on the breadline as she's struggling to meet her own loving expenses and support her family back in Kentucky. Her friend Beth pursued her to have a makeover and go to along with her for an audition as an extra in a film. Skyler can't believe her luck when she lands the leading role after an off-the chart hot kiss with a gorgeous stand-in at the audition.

Grey is portrayed as young and impetuous, but masks the real reason for turning his back on his parents and his deep rooted insecurities. Once in California he finds his niche in music but still manages to get himself in to trouble. I'm impressed how Adam deals with his wayward little brother and sets him on the straight and narrow in an attempt to make him accountable for his actions.
Meeting Skyler, a musician at the audition is a distraction he needs and gives him the impetus to change. Skyler is dealing with her own insecurities and problems, overwhelmed with supporting her family whilst her wayward musician father tours around with his band. Her judgement is clouded so she turns to Brooks, a more mature guy to confide in. But Grey is the one to cause the sparks to fly. Only she has to believe that he is mature enough to give her what she desires.

The writing style is light and humorous and well written. The “feel” of Bounce is slightly different from the previous two books; due to the protagonists being a few years younger than the rest of the Boomerang gang! The film set back drop is fun however I missed the quirkiness of Boomerang and the crew.

Overall a fitting conclusion to the Boomerang Trilogy and I'll definitely look out for more from the writer collaboration that is Noelle August.

4.5 stars

***arc generously received courtesy of publisher William Morrow via Edelweiss***

fictionalkate's review against another edition

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Noelle August delivers another entertaining story about life, love and all the complications that both bring in Bounce.
I liked the main characters and loved that the main female character was older than her leading male counterpart. It makes a nice change from the older male with everything mostly worked out.
It had been a while since I read the first two books in this series and I couldn't remember and of the characters I think I was supposed to be familiar with but that didn't detract from Skye's story.
Everything tied up a little too neatly for my liking at the end but it was an enjoyable journey and losing myself in Bounce was a nice way to spend an afternoon.

michellesantiago's review against another edition

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I read the first two books in this companion series--I enjoyed Boomerang (my review), but Rebound was just okay and didn't really keep my interest. I almost passed on Bounce, but the cover really drew me in and I'm glad I ended up picking it up.

I think Bounce has the best cover out of the three books. It's cute and the yellow dress adds a nice pop of bright color. I have lukewarm feelings towards this series as a whole, but the cover convinced me to pick up this novel. Overall, I enjoyed it but I did have issues with it.

The book started out strong. The scene when Skyler and Grey first met was great. I loved the next scene when Skyler auditioned and had to read with Grey and they ended up sharing a hot kiss. But then, once we get to the middle the story lost its momentum (this was a problem I had with Rebound too) and it got too busy. Then, when we get to the latter third it got good again.

I really like Grey's character. He's the younger brother of Adam, the hero in Rebound. It was hinted there that he had a falling out with his stepmom (Adam's mom), but he was portrayed as one of those aimless 19-year-olds with no true direction so he was just meh to me then. But, surprisingly, Grey ended up being one of my favorite character in Bounce. He had face his family and deal with his issues with them. He also had to make up for his screw-up by working for Adam on the set of the movie he was producing. Then, he had his music and his band was on the verge of being discovered. He had a lot going on, but I really enjoyed his chapters. He grew up a lot throughout the story and I enjoyed seeing his growth from an aimless young man in Rebound to someone who's headed in the right direction in life.

Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy Skyler's character as much as I did Grey's. While Grey was heading in the right direction and taking responsibility, she was so indecisive and wishy washy. Since her absent, irresponsible father was a musician, she kept pushing Grey away because he's also a musician and could not be trusted just like her father. Urgh, seriously? Then, there was everything else going on with her: supporting her needy, being chosen to play the leading role in a movie and had to deal with some image issues and losing weight (which she did by dramatically reducing how much she ate and taking questionable pills), she felt guilty about getting chosen for the lead role which was supposed to be her best friend's big break, and then there's the love triangle between her, Grey and the director of the movie Brooks. That's a lot and her chapters felt very busy.

I thought the love triangle was completely unnecessary and it just added to Skyler's indecisiveness. It didn't add anything to move or contribute to the plot. After the really great scene between Skyler and Grey at the auditions when they kissed, Brooks (the movie's director and Adam's friend) kind of took over and they went on dates, rode on his motorcycle, he took her to San Francisco... With Brooks taking up half Skyler's time and with her doing the movie and Grey's band, there wasn't enough time for them to really develop their relationship. They had some really nice moments, but I didn't really feel as strong a connection between them as I did with Mia and Ethan in Boomerang, and even Ali and Adam in Rebound. I wasn't quite convinced of their strong feelings and that they were in love by the end of the story.

While I didn't love Bounce, I thought it was still an entertaining read. There was a lot going on so you're never bored. If you're thinking of picking up this series, I do recommend you start with Boomerang or at least on Rebound, so you'll have some background on Grey and his family already. All three books in the series can be read as a standalone, but the main characters kind of build on each other and previous characters become important secondary characters in the next book so it's more enjoyable if you read the series chronologically. You might enjoy Bounce and the other two Boomerang books if you're more into the fluffier, lighter kind of new adult.

bokbubblan's review against another edition

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Lighthearted and charming. With Hollywood and actor life in mind. A book version of the current TV series Famous.

alexperc_92's review

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I really, really loved the third book! Not only did it show the struggle in showbiz but also highlighted a relationship between a Sky and Gray, Sky being older than him.

There were many funny moments, especially with the male actor, but mostly there was struggle between the main couple. Would they be right for each other? Was Gray too impulsive for Sky?

But despite all that, Gray was the one who discovered Sky's problem and hepled her in the end. A lovely read and I hope to read more for this amazing duo of authors!

jocelynlindsay's review against another edition

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Disclaimer, I know both of the authors personally and I received a sneak peek galley of the book pre-publication. With that said, this is still a great read.

Bounce is the final book in the Boomerang trilogy. The two point of view narrators are Skyler and Grey. They’re both related in various ways to the characters in the other two books, but you don’t have to have read either. The trilogy is categorized as New Adult which is one step up from Young Adult but characters deal with the more mature, or adult, issues we all face once we’re out of high school and starting to figure out how we fit in the world. And Oh Wow are the characters in Bounce trying to figure out how they fit.

Grey is a wanna-be musician struggling to make music his life. Skyler is a musician trying to pay the bills with an acting gig. They meet on a movie set. She needs money to keep her life held together and he’s working off debt to his brother. When they meet, sparks fly, but enter personal issues stage left.

Both characters are juggling serious familial issues, sometimes comedic and sometimes heartbreaking. Grey’s family has lots of money, but he has relationship problems with his mother that bleed into everything he does, including his romance with Skyler. He’s a whole lot of cute boy mess. But he’s not alone with his issues. Skyler's struggles with money and parental pressures keep her unbalanced and constantly trying to find equilibrium. Combine all that with new professional stressed that have her questioning her very self.

The romance between the two characters is sweet. It’s a touching mix of friendship, attraction, and growth. They’re both messes, but they have a Thing going on between them, and it’s fun to watch them work to overcome each other and themselves to figure out how to deal with it. Their witty banter and inner dialogues sparked on the pages. Their awkward interactions could be any of us in our twenties. These two voices felt like real people saying real things, dealing with real issues, and having real feelings.

One of the things I really appreciated was the fully developed sense of their friendship. Grey and Skylar aren’t just attracted to each other, they like each other. And that’s where the chemistry comes from. That often gets missed in romance stories. A lot of romances I’ve read give no sense that the characters would actually enjoy each other’s company without the constant distracting of rabid lust.

“I think life’s tough,” she says. “Everyone needs help along the way. But when you let someone lift you up, it can be a beautiful thing.”

Ultimately, this is a book about two people lifting each other up. It’s honest and heartwarming. A great feel-good end of summer read.