
Far Too Tempting by Lauren Blakely

caseroo7's review

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Far Too Tempting is Lauren Blakely's newest contemporary romance release, and I really enjoyed reading it. This story is one that kept me entertained and I really loved the characters. Each book I read from Lauren Blakely just convinces me more and more of what a fabulous writer she is. Her books are always filled with interesting and deep characters, sweet and steamy storylines and witty banter to keep you laughing. The more I read from her, the more I am a fan. Far Too Tempting definitely delivered on everything I have come to expect from Lauren Blakely. I really loved the twist on the rock star story in that the rock star is actually the heroine instead of the hero. It was refreshing to see something different than the same old thing.

Jane Black has finally found success as a rockstar. After her painful breakup, she wrote an album that just won a Grammy. But now everyone is wondering what is next for her and they are all eager for her to get a new album out as soon as possible. But she has a case of writers block and can't seem to come up with anything that is good enough. Matthew Harrigan is one of the most successful music journalists in the business. When he asks Jane to do a feature article on the process of creating an album and the writing of songs she is hesitant at first but soon agrees. But Jane and Matthew are extremely attracted to each other and the more they talk and spend time together, the more they want to be more than just professional with each other. Soon Jane is wondering if maybe it is only possible to write great music with a broken heart. Everything is going wonderful between Jane and Matthew, but Jane begins to wonder if maybe she needs to end things in order to have material to inspire her. But Matthew isn't willing to let Jane go so easily and is determined to show her that they can have a relationship and she can have her music too.

I loved Matthew. I thought that he was a great guy! Gorgeous and sexy, he is from England and has an accent. Who wouldn't love a sexy Brit? He is nice and charming, witty and sweet. He is definitely one of my favorite heroes I have read recently, and he was just one of those genuinely good guys. I loved how he was with Jane and even though he tried to keep things professional it was so great to see how much he wanted Jane. I also loved that he didn't want her because she was a rock star, but because of who she was as a person. I really liked Jane. She is strong and determined. I thought that she was a great person and loved that she was able to go from the Grammy's to being just a regular mom who helped her son with homework. She was a great friend and sister. Her relationship with her brother was something that I also really enjoyed. It was nice to see such a strong brother sister bond and it was just a really special relationship. Jane and Matthew were so great together. They had all the attraction and chemistry that makes a great couple, but they were also really sweet together and had an ease to their relationship that seemed very natural. I loved reading their emails back and forth, and the witty banter was so much fun. These two just seemed perfect for each other, and I loved that there wasn't a ton of angst and drama as they got to know each other better.

Overall I really liked this book. Jane and Matthew were great and I loved watching them fall in love. I also really enjoyed the other characters and thought that they were interesting as well. My one criticism about this book, and the reason for my rating is that although I enjoyed this story, I was hoping for more of the romance between Jane and Matthew. Much of this story focused on Jane's inability to write music and how her past relationship and heartbreak left her feeling less than confident. While the story was inspiring and uplifting it was more a story to me of overcoming painful events and the journey of healing and discovering yourself than the romance and connection between Jane and Matthew. I think that there are many people who will love and enjoy this book, and that won't be a problem for them. It was just that I personally was hoping for more of the love and relationship than what this book had. This book is a great read though and I really did enjoy the story and the characters. Lauren Blakely definitely has written another winner with Far Too Tempting, and I will continue to read anything by her that I come across. She is a wonderful writer and her books are always guaranteed to entertain. If you love contemporary romances, this story is absolutely one that you should check it. It is worth the read for Matthew alone!

**ARC provided by Sizzling PR**

jennifergallo's review

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All of my kindle highlights from 'The Break-Up Album' are showing up under this book

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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Lauren Blakely is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. I love her writing style and her characters, both main and secondary, are top notch.
We're always reading about the male rock star protag but this time we finally get a female rock star lead. A scorned one at that!
I lurve me some Matthew. I mean come on he's British for God's sake. Add in his dark hair and blue eyes and his hotness level blows the roof off the meter!
I will admit that through most of the story I was suspicious of his actual intentions and couldn't fully commit to adoring him but I held out hope throughout. Clearly I was not disappointed.
I love that Lauren writes some pretty hot sex scenes without giving every last detail. Sometimes a little really is a lot. I also love that none of the books I've read of hers are too angsty. She's writes just the perfect amount of drama. It's nice sometimes to read about characters who are scarred but not completely broken or who have slept with the greater metropolis of wherevertown.

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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Far Too Tempting is a fast paced, witty contemporary love story. At twenty-eight, Jane Black has written her first hit album, Crushed after her husband walked out on her. She was in so much pain she didn’t know what else to do and that pain became a hit. She has been a struggling Indie rock singer-songwriter for years and now her band is famous. Her husband, Aidan married her and seven years later, left.

Matthew Harrington is a music critic and wrote a glowing review on Crushed in Beat magazine. He can make or break a musician and he’s also a very eligible bachelor in New York City. Matthew is sexy, funny and has a wonderful British accent. He is a smart, ethical reporter and he wants to interview Jane, but she is nervous because she doesn’t trust reporters.

Jane is struggling with her newfound success. She is trying to figure out how to deal with it and where to find inspiration for her next album. She is also trying to figure out how to move forward after her heartbreak. She would like to fall in love again, but she is afraid of having her heart broken. She has always found Matthew attractive, but doesn’t have the confidence to think he would be interested in her. Jane’s family, friends and eight year old son, Ethan keep her feet planted on the ground. They don’t allow her to let her celebrity status go to her head.

Lauren Blakely has written an engaging story about heartbreak, moving on and the music industry. Is it possible to have all your dreams come true?

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

cnapierkowski's review

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I really enjoyed this! Hoping there's a follow up book that includes some of the secondary characters.

ama_reads's review

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I liked Jane a lot. She seems like she would be fun to hang out with. Matthew seems great as well. I’d love to sit and talk about music (and, with Matthew, books)! Matthew does seem a little too perfect at times, but that’s the norm with so many romance novels. Overall, I like their dynamic, though, and would enjoy reading more about them.

weecha22's review

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99 cents right now!! That's $3 off normal price! Grab it now while you can!


Hope you guys love it as much as I do. Make sure you have Lauren Blakely's next book on your to-read shelf!




aboutthatstory's review

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I was immediately pulled into Jane’s story and liked her instantly. I liked that she was tough yet cautious. I really liked Matthew too, he’s British, extremely sweet, totally swoon worthy and definitely has a way with words. I loved that he was such an up front kind of guy. Together Jane and Matthew have great chemistry and really connected well. Their conversations are so easy and playful. I thought they were super sweet together.

There were emotional parts throughout the story, the recounting of Jane’s breakup was extremely heartfelt. There’s a bit towards the end too when she really has an ah-ha moment and I felt extremely connected and was caught up in the scene. I have to say, I loved Jane! I love that she was strong and really figured her stuff out by the end. It was a heartfelt, emotional story about moving on, accepting, trusting again, and falling in love.

And may I just say – holy hell with the hotness! Lots of hotness. *whew* Lauren Blakely knows how to write the best steamy scenes. Wow… just saying… WOW.

I thought the story moved along at a good pace. At about the 60% mark I was ready for a bit more drama. When the drama did come back around it was just the right amount. I enjoyed the story line and there was a nice build up throughout.

I am so glad Jane found the closure she needed as well as inner strength to move on. She's a tough chic. Matthew was so sexy and heartfelt, add another British boyfriend to the list! Great love story!

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

bookaddictreviews's review

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I absolutely loved reading Jane and Matthew's story! Reading about Jane's struggles and how she found her path again was amazing and inspiring. Sure, not everyone deals with losing a husband like she did, but everyone experiences heartbreak like that and turns to music to help them heal. But like Jane everyone also finds love again and can also turn to music. It was a sweet and fun story to read and I wish we could have more of Jane and Matthew!

Now where I can I buy Jane's albums?!?

lovehollyxx's review

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****ARC received in exchange for an honest review****

★★★★☆ 4.5 Stars

When I first read the synopsis for Far Too Tempting by Lauren Blakely I instantly wanted to read it. I can't resist a rock star book anyway but the fact that it's the female main character who is actually the rock star was such a novel concept that I couldn't wait to get stuck into it and when I did, the world around me ceased to exist as I got lost in Lauren's latest offering of literary fabulousness!

The premise that had me so desperate to read this book was really not a let down. Each of the characters - both main and secondary - were brought to life in a way that made them seem real to the reader and the fact that Jane (the female main character) was a single mom made it really easy to relate to her.

The "unconventional abandonment" of Jane's husband was something I've not seen in books before but does happen in real life so I'm so glad that it was highlighted in Far Too Tempting. It had a great shock factor to it and the scene where Jane describes how it happened had tears pouring from my eyes! It was executed so brilliantly it made the reader feel all the pain and heartache thst Jane felt.

And then we have Matthew Harrigan. Who can resist a British guy? Well being a Brit myself, usually I can but evenI was a swooning, giggling mess over all of Matthew’s British charm. What a character! He's smooth, sexy, charming and will have women's ovaries exploding all over the world. You need to meet this delicious piece of man candy.

The book on a whole was absolutely fantastic but one of my favourite parts was the email exchanges between Jane and Matthew. They were fun and flirty and filled me with a giddiness that I could have sat and read nothing but their messages to one another and be perfectly happy.

Far Too Tempting is a fantastic story of second chance love and Lauren Blakely is fast becoming one of my favourite authors. I cannot wait to see what she has for next and I would honestly recommend anything she writes. 4.5 stars.