
So Much It Hurts by Melanie Dawn

alisonhori's review against another edition

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I am not really sure how to rate this book cause pretty much all of it made me mad, some purposefully and some that I don't think was supposed to make me mad. Katelyn's mother....what a controlling, moronic, classist ass and how completely horrifically unaware and disinterested in having a real discussion with her daughter...infuriating. And someone still presented as at least a partially acceptable mother or at least acting out of no, love is actually spending a little time listening to your kid. And Katelyn's friends...all of them...not a one who really pays attention? Not a kid concerned about the fact that the star exists surrounded in a climate of fear and threats? And the one? Even one thinks to listen to him and speaking up never really seems an option to him. So frustrating and, honestly, I hope not realistic and and over simplified. Then, as protection? Come up...they were way too old for that by then. Somehow all the characters in this book were just a little too stupid, a little too off...and the moral center of this book just didn't hold for me at all. Katelyn's views on her own virginity...WTF...really? And even the marriage vows....weird and kind of trite and really unfair, IMO, to Chris. Just strange and frustrating book...this was supposed to be fun fluff but it didn't do that for me at all. This is not a book I would be comfortable with my kids reading without our discussing. Too many choices and values that don't hold for me at all. On top of that, overall the characters were not particularly appealing to me and there was not a lot of depth to any of it. Still, as a starting part to discussions on abusive in teen relationships, I can see a lot to start with from this book even if most of it falls in the "dont" catagory.

kstinson279's review against another edition

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Not what I was expecting but loved it all the same! Can't wait to continue the series.

bookaddictbritt's review against another edition

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Three stars. I'm giving them for the first 75% of the book, and the writing and plot line. After that, things just didn't jive for me.

We meet Kaitlyn, a married Mother, who is starting a girl's weekend away. A short flash back to her life with her husband, who seems like a total d-bag and doesn't think she has a right to time away. Back in present time, she bumps into Chris, an old flame from high school.

So in order to understand the relationship of Chris and Kaitlyn we get a Flashback to her junior and senior year of highschool. A good chunk of the book focuses on this time. We see Kaitlyn in an abusive relationship with another d-bag, Trevor, while everyone turns a blind eye. Enter, knight in shining armor, Chris. The author takes you on this journey, makes you fall for the brooding bad boy and then we go back to present time.

Kaitlyn ends up making what she calls a 'mistake' on her getaway, goes home back home and a few weeks later realizes she is pregnant. Is it Chris' or d-bag hubby Michael's? Kaitlyn eventually fesses up to her husband who is upset and disappears for 3 weeks. This is where I start having problems. Michael, had a problem with Kaitlyn's girl weekend away but it's ok for him to disappear for three weeks? What a hypocrite, whether she cheated or not. Kaitlyn sits and mopes waiting for his return. Where's the anger? I'd be p*ssed. Upon his return Michael forgives her and is willing to love and provide for the child whether it is his or not. The author tries to make this guy into a saint and all I've seen is an a-hole the entire book. It's too wish washy for me.

Long story short, Kaitlyn stays with her husband, flash forward 5 years, she bumps into Chris who realizes kid#2 is his. Kaitlyn lives 'HEA' with her husband who she admittedly loves less, and Chris is left in the dust. The end.

WTF. That's all I could think. This went from a 4-5 star book to a 2-3 in the span of about 30 pages and I'm still left reeling over what the #$*! just happened to a book that could have been phenomenal.

Now I know there is a second book with Chris' HEA, but I don't know if I can stomach it. The first book strings you along, with the hero and heroine saying they will love each other forever. It all just seems wrong.

chaotic_ramblings's review against another edition

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This one has been on my TBR for just over three weeks. Normally a book will sit there for a bit, but the cover any synopsis had me wanting to read it soon. So I purchased it from Amazon and started reading as soon as it downloaded!

I can't believe that a story could have me so enraptured that I would read it in literally 4 hours. I haven't been so invested in a book sine Firefly Lane.
Melanie has written a book that encompasses not only first loves, hurt, betrayal and abuse, but one that really grabs at your heart and makes you root for the characters. I cried more in four hours than I have in the last few months.

Some may find the "cheating" off putting, but I think that it added a lot to the story. Not everyone is perfect, and while it isn't something I would personally do; I can understand why it happened.Things did not go as I expected and I was on the edge of my seat when they met again after so many years, and then again towards the end. I of course cried my eyes out at the end, and would love to know what happens afterwards, but at least this way I can give everyone a happy ending in my head.

vickylou's review against another edition

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Just no. Awful awful awful. Read like a teenager who thought they knew everything about life and what they thought would happen wrote it. Honestly. Just awful.

dpd's review against another edition

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I was given an ARC in return for an honest review.

There are so many elements to this story, it's hard to know where to start.

In the beginning Kaitlyn is living an unfulfilled life and feeling taken for granted by her husband. After some persuasion she manages to convince him that she deserves a weekend break with her girlfriends. It is during this weekend that her world is turned upside down. She bumps into Chris King, her first love. Her reaction to seeing him makes her friends curious so she explains who he is, how she knows him and want he means/meant to her. To fully understand this we are taken back to a time to when Kaitlyn was at High School, and deeply in love with her first boyfriend, Trevor. Trevor is charming, handsome and popular. What's more Kaitlyn's parents love him. Perfect really. NOT! Lurking not far beneath the surface is the true face of Trevor. The saying that 'beauty is only skin deep' was made with Trevor in mind. He is controlling and abusive, both mentally and physically.

I would be doing a disservice to [a:Melanie Dawn|6894648|Melanie Dawn|] if I did not say a huge 'Thank You' to how she handled this topic. She described perfectly the hopelessness and the isolation that the abuser makes their victims feel. The slow spiral down into the abyss that, when you are the there, you see no way out, other than believing everything that the abuser says. Melanie got Kaitlyn in that exact place.

Chris King is new to the school and because he is a 'bad boy' everyone warns Kaitlyn to steer clear. Including her parents. However, Kaitlyn is able to see a different side to Chris and he fast becomes her friend and saviour in many ways. Unfortunately, things were not to be and they don't see each other for another 8 years, during which time Kaitlyn got married and had a baby. Which brings us right up to the present day. What happens next is heartbreaking.

justonemorechapter_or2's review against another edition

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I guess I'm in the 5% that didn't like this book. Kaitlyn was stupid, and selfish and just made horrible decisions all around. And if you're ready to yell at me about the side effects of being in an abusive relationship blah blah blah...take a second and calm your tits. I don't need to be told about any of that. Despite those perfectly understandable reasons, her last encounter with her douchebag McBeaterson of a "perfect boyfriend because he's hot and can be sweet sometimes" should have been The. Last. Straw.! I understood where she was coming from with her actions and decisions UNTIL that point. At that point in the book I was done. Done. But because I have to finish books or I will forever wonder how the F does it end, I continued with the story. And I'm sorry I did. It didn't get better. I didn't cry. It didn't shatter my heart into pieces. And I have emotions and a heart, a heart where I get teary eyed in a lot of situations. But I was just angry for a good 80% of this book. And not good angst that everyone seems to love so much. I just wanted to slap Kaitlyn and her judgmental whore of a mother. Sorry if that offends anyone especially the author - I tried. I tried to finish with an open mind but holy balls batman Kaitlyn was not a good character.

karinna's review against another edition

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Talking with Yari about So Much It Hurts by Melanie Dawn

Yari Campos: Ok so in So Much It Hurts...

This Trevor dude is something else!!! How dare he. I have a feeling things are taking a turn for the worst.

Karinna Baez: How far are you?

Yari Campos: 13%

Karinna Baez: He is totally stressing me out!!

Yari Campos: No bueno, AT ALL!!!
It's funny how people can apologize after doing something so badly and expect forgiveness right away.

Karinna Baez: I have a feeling I'm going to want to have a Lorena Bobbitt moment with Trevor lol

Yari Campos: Oh my god, YES!!!

Yari Campos: This sentence gave me chills... "No one knew that under that facade of godliness, he was a monster."

Karinna Baez: I hope someone will see the monster if she can't get away

Yari Campos: For her sake I hope so too.

Yari Campos: Oh no! Why does she have to make stupid decisions after everything that's happened?
So this might be a preference thing, but although I appreciate the flashback to better understand what happened, I can't help feeling like I want the story to go back to the present and get on with it.
I'm sooo torn! As much as I want to feel sorry for her, I can't help but to blame her at the same time!

Karinna Baez: I know right!! I was hoping she would be strong enough to leave him.

And I agree about the past. It kind of felt like I was reading two books in one.

Yari Campos: Yes exactly!
Sooo...even though I understand her mother's motives, it still upsets me that she interfered.

Karinna Baez: Yeah me too!! Are you talking about the letters?

Yari Campos: Yes!!!!

Karinna Baez: So you read the part where I wanted to Lorena Bobbit Trevor!

Yari Campos: Oh my god YES! I was speechless!
But I was mad at her too.

Karinna Baez: For even going?!?

Yari Campos: YEAH!
I hate the cycle. If you know what I mean. I understand that it happens but it still upsets me that they fall so easily for their antics.

Karinna Baez: Yeah I totally agree. Even after everything he put her through she still went back. Also her friends SUCK!!
And I use the word "friend" lightly

Yari Campos: Totally! They were just as bad as her. So blinded.

Karinna Baez: And how sweet is Chris

Yari Campos: My heart hurts for Chris.

Karinna Baez: Teen Chris or adult Chris?

Yari Campos: Both. As a misunderstood teen and adult Chris.

Karinna Baez: I hurt for him as a teen and a little as an adult by my heart goes out to Michel. You know how I alway defend the wounded party

Yari Campos: Yeah yeah.

Karinna Baez: Lol

Yari Campos: I don't know why but there is something about Michael that doesn't sit right with me. Maybe I'm looking too much into his behavior.

Karinna Baez: No I felt the same but he definitely redeems himself and he is such a great guy

Yari Campos: GRRRR! I don't want him to be great. LOL!

Karinna Baez: Lol

Yari Campos: Not the ending I wanted AT ALL!

Karinna Baez: It was a satisfying ending for me

Yari Campos: I had a few issues with the ending. Choices that she made that I don't believe were right.

"A good debut by Melanie Dawn with a little bit of everything I like in a book. I'll definitely keep my eye out for her next book."

inkdrinkerpdx's review against another edition

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This book was ok. I got it when it was free on amazon. My biggest problem with this book was they kept talking about Chris going to Juvi and then would say he was in prison or jail. Those two are completely different from Juvi! I know it might seem inconsequential but this is a detail that jut made me frustrated! I liked how the family stayed together but I still didn't get how Chris and Kaitlyn fell in love. They didnt really have a connection and barely spent any time together. So confusing.

tina_feaster's review against another edition

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I won a copy of this book in a giveaway. I really enjoyed this book and finished it pretty fast! I thought Kaitlyn's struggle was something that many people probably face every day. There always seems to be someone that people want to go back to, no matter the relationship they are in. However, that doesn't always mean that person is the best for them. I thought what Kaitlyn did towards the end of the book is very admirable. She really loves Michael and cares so much for their family. It felt like there was a second story in the pages of this story, even though everything was related to the main story. It was definitely not was I was expecting when I first started this book, but I couldn't put it down! Very good book and I will be telling my sister to read this!!! (: