
The Prey by Andrew Fukuda

sk24's review against another edition

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I liked this book about as much as The Hunt. This second book lived up to the expectations set forth by the first. Like the first, this one had a unique storyline.

I still wish the vampires (called “Duskers” in this book) would be explained more. I’m so curious about them. I want to know why they can’t swim. This seems like something that should have been explained by now. I mean, what? They’re just completely incapable of learning how to deal with water? The smallest bit of water (it doesn’t even seem to have to be very deep) just causes them to drown? What? Explanation please!

Also, I came across this thought of Gene’s when he was trying to blend in with the Duskers and found myself confused:

I almost lost control over my bladder and that would surely have meant my demise.
So, do the Duskers not urinate either? What happens to the things they eat/drink?

My only other complaint is that I just wasn’t able to become completely enveloped in the story. It was a good story and it’s written well, but it just failed to completely grab hold of me.

wanderingchick's review against another edition

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I have to say I think I liked this book better than The Hunt (the first one).
Not as many vampires as the first, but the story line is so interesting and different. The story line is a nice change of pace from other books.
I could not put it down, and the ending...loved it!

I say READ IT! Totes looking forward to the next one!

tstreet's review against another edition

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I liked this book pretty well. I like how Sissy trusts Gene even more now, and how they become closer to each other. I like how Gene is smart and knows how to escape. I like how they get to the one place. I hate how Sissy is tortured and branded. I like how they escape and how Sissy and Gene come closer together.

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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"Blessed are the young feet of those who come bearing the Origin."

This series is like a drug. I love it. The adventure and thrill, the plot that just seems to run along and the characters that seem to drive it so well. It's just sucked me in and I love every minute of it!

Gene is off again, running along now with Sissy and the whole gang. They've made it out and are off to try to find The Promise Land. Epap, Jacob and Ben all bring along their own strengths and struggles. They aren't sure where they are headed and Gene is still plagued with guilt about Ashley June.

And, must like the scavenger hunt games Gene played as a kid, many of the clues and mysteries in this story are only hinted at in this second installment. Although some are answered, many are left us still wanting to know more!

"The answer is right in front of you. Right under your nose."

It kept me guessing up until the last page and when a few of the reveals happened - I totally had the "ah ha!" moment! I can't believe I didn't see it sooner!

Just awesome.

I can't wait to read book 3!!

willie_g's review against another edition

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Ooh, so good. I enjoyed reading this one more than "The Hunt". I want more! At least the ending gave you some answers and didn't leave a big hole. This book was pretty intense for the last 60 or so pages. There was no putting it down. Only one more month to wait for the conclusion. (twiddling thumbs)

jennifervu's review against another edition

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I loved, loved, loved this and all of the plot twists. Especially that ending, holy cow. And one aspect of this book that I really enjoyed was that the romance was honestly in the background and all of the action was predominant, as it honestly should be.

raeanne's review against another edition

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I won a copy of both books, The Hunt and The Prey through a giveaway on The Reading Date.

CW: Rape, Abuse

Sadly, this book did not live up to The Hunt. It wasn't horrific, suspenseful, or tense. It wasn't unique and fell back on the standard world building. The characters are now so-so at best. It sunk to bringing another insta-love romance was forced and created a love triangle to exceed the YA trope and trends quota. What really dragged the book down and made these factors worse was just how long they spend in The Refuge. It's pointless. Cutting it short would've solved or at least helped rather than making it feel stretched so far it broke with a contrived plot and stupid characters running around like headless chickens.

I'll be continuing to finish the series off but man, this book really suffers from the latest YA schticks and suffers from middle book syndrome. I'm hopeful but resigned to The Trap. **Crosses fingers**

-Sissy is ridiculously good with the daggers. Like unbelievably, Mary Sue-ish.
Spoiler Her 180 about leaving? Pissed me off when it happened. Should've just caught them while in The Village or when they didn't have a chance but to go back so they didn't have to have that stupid moment. Same with Gene. Felt like it had to happen to force the bond between the two and make the surprise appearances shocking.

-Gene...**sigh** Did you have to go all brooding emo romance interest? I liked you better has a fake vamp. And your brain worked better then too. At least you have Sissy to save the day for you.

-The Boys: Dear fucking god, what is wrong with you? How do you just brush off all your life experiences and act so dumb? Okay, Ben is young and did stupid shit before, he's exempt. The rest of the lot? Meh. And it's so convenient how shit like Ben's little legs only come up to amp the tension. At one point they're literally dead weight. They feel more like plot devices than people. Oh, and the message about tribalism, and never leaving someone behind.

-Vamps: Still liking them. Their resourceful and a real threat; Their contraptions are pretty cool. I'm wondering what's going on back in their metropolis. Not their fault it was obvious
Spoilerthe main human cast was making it out by the skin of their teeth and being melodramatic. But what is with Ashley June into a vamp? That better have a fucking purpose and not more stupid, useless teen drama. Again, showing up earlier would've helped.

-There wasn't as much tension and suspense as The Hunt. The kids were slow to pick up obvious signs and clues, and it was just a bunch of useless running around. The Village could've been cut short for a tighter, more reasonable book. Staying that long makes it very grating and obvious as an M. Night Shyamalan movie.

-I asked for world building and I got it. Can't say much and it's hard to judge since other issues brought it down. If it just rolled through instead of dragging it out like it was the biggest surprising twist every that the kids are understandably not getting...I mean it's not the worst or stupid. It's just not that...unique or special. Building it up to be something it's not, just makes it come off worse.

-Didn't like the budding new romance. It felt forced with no spark. They're better off friends or siblings. Plus the love triangle. Oh god, come the fuck on! Useless stupid uncompelling shit. And both boys don't fucking get it...
Spoiler One of them “avails themselves to the girls” in the village. These girls are branded prisoners in a breeder farm. They are brainwashed, unable to say no and rewarded for being pregnant. Sounds like fucking rape. Or at the very least, really fucking creepy and skeevy. But the guys argue over it as a jealous act harming their girl, Sissy and don't think the implications through. (pg. 144 and 183 respectively)

Plus, Ashley fucking June!

amylittleford's review

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OMG THIS IS AN AMAZING BOOK! Omg Omg Omg! Loved it sooooo much! Genes story gets so exciting I nearly fainted out of excitement! This book made me laugh and cry but the ending made me want the next book so much more! Hurry up and write it quicker :P I'm so glad that the Scientist didn't really commit suicide because we haven't even met him properly yet. I want Gene and him to be reunited in the next book and can't wait! Genesis! The Origin! Such a good twist... I did not even guess which is brilliant! Ashley June hopefully can now be saved! And sadly Jacob was stupid for killing himself because a few hours later Gene worked it out :/ His death made me cry so much... Unless falling into the water didn't kill him but it probably did sooo... Hope they find Ben and Clair again. Anyway this book is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOOOOODDDD! Thank you Andrew Fukuda for making my life so much better by creating a beautiful story :D You would be crazy not to read this! The Hunt ( the first one) is great to! So read that if you haven't yet!Or the Duskers will get you...

Amy x

valeriew's review against another edition

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I really like this series. It's pretty intense. It is pretty wordy though

bxermom's review against another edition

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Seems most people didn't like this book but I am loving it. Keep telling my son it's a vampire hunger games type book. A must read!