
Arranged by Catherine McKenzie

mellabella's review

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Arranged is a cute read. I guess it's "chick lit". But, also a little more. It's easy to get involved with, and like the characters. Anne has been cheated on by her live in boyfriend of 3 years. Her best friend announces she is getting married and her brother is having his 4th child. It's not one of those books where the main character is a total mess and then rises from the ashes like a Phoenix. She has a successful writing career and publishes a book. Her problem is she is always attracted to a certain (very handsome) type of man. So she calls what she thinks is a dating service only to find out they arrange marriages. She goes through with the whole thing. Spending $10,000 and going through a battery of tests. She falls in love with her arranged marriage husband Jack. He betrays her. Although the betrayal preceded the marriage, if that makes sense. Of course they wind up together in the end. But, not in a neat and tidy way.

jbarr5's review

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Sounded like an interesting subject: like mail order brides but more up to date.
Ann knows she needs to get on with her life-after she's left her boyfriend who she found cheating on her, for many years. She finds a card on the ground for a dating service and contacts them.
It's not a dating one but a marriage service. It costs many thousands of dollars and she's able to finance it with the book she has just written. Many tests and therapy sessions later we find her on her way to Mexico with others to get married.
She meets up with Jack and they become acquainted and they do agree to marry and spend more time living together to learn more about one another.
Water sports and trips to the ruins and pyramids was added travel I hadn't though of to hear about. Hot steamy sex scenes.
They start to fall in love and then she reads the project he's working on, about getting married....she wonders if she's just a project....
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

kdurham2's review against another edition

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Chick lit with an incredible twist. I was on a journey with Anne Blythe as she tries to figure out how she always ends up in bad relationships with great looking men. With a little help from fate, she ends up calling what she thinks to be a dating service, but ends up being an arranged marriage company.

The characters, the every city location, and the concept all kept me hooked in this story. I read it in 24 hours, I couldn't put it down for one moment! From the first sentence, I wanted to know where Anne Blythe was going to end up. Maybe I missed it, but I liked that I couldn't quite place where this book took place, it felt like it could have happened down the street or across the country. The concept was not absolutely original, but with the twist that I can't divulge it took the story to the next level.

What I loved about this book is I thought I was headed down a certain path and then all of the sudden she flips a switch and the story goes down an even better road! Even a reader who may not read most chick lit, should pick this one up immediately.

mfumarolo's review against another edition

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Anne Shirley Blythe hasn't had much luck when it comes to love, so when her best friend gets engaged and she finds a card for a dating service on the sidewalk, she takes it as a sign to leave love up to the professionals. Only it turns out that it's not a dating service - it's an arranged marriage service. Can the girl who dreams of a happily ever after be content with a 'marriage built on friendship' with Jack, a virtual stranger she only met the day before they said "I do"?

I flew through this book in two days and thought it was very cute. It's been a while since I've read chick lit and while I don't see myself re-reading this one, I liked the author's voice and style. It was a nice little escape and I loved the various Anne of Green Gables references.

machadofam8's review

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Well, I was really pleasantly surprised by this. Not at all by-the-numbers rom-com. I'm glad I kept with it - it got a little drawn out in the middle but really great by the end.

quitecarefully's review against another edition

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The strength of this book is in the unconventional plot line, but I found the chemistry between the characters a little unbelievable. Overall I'd recommend it.

j_elphaba's review against another edition

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Opinião completa em:

Das histórias mais simples, com enredos mais previsíveis e personagens mais comuns podem, por vezes, florescer as obras mais encantadoras e Amor Por Encomenda é o espelho disso mesmo.
Catherine McKenzie pegou numa temática secular e conferiu-lhe contornos actuais que dão efectivamente que pensar enquanto, com uma boa dose de humor, explora relações afectivas e personalidades empáticas em que o leitor se irá rever.

Na sociedade ocidental actual o amor vem, ou deveria vir, sempre antes do casamento que, por sua vez, pode ser encarado como a celebração desse mesmo amor. Certo? Errado! Este enredo reverte a ordem desta tradição e serve-se desta premissa para nos contar a história de Anne, uma jovem mulher que acredita ser ela própria a razão do fracasso das suas relações afectivas resolvendo, assim, inscrever-se numa agência de casamentos que, por meio de probabilidades, lá lhe encontra o par ideal.
Uma comédia romântica diferente, quase em jeito de paródia, onde a irresistível Anne nos mostra os conflitos pessoais e emocionais que muitas vezes se apoderam de nós na busca pela felicidade.


keico's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. It was a good light hearted romance that left my heart feeling happy at the end. I'm putting Catherine Mckenzie on my "read more books by this author" list.

imworthyandenough's review against another edition

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Omg I LOVED this book. Beginning to end.

It could compare to a Hallmark movie...a bit predictable, but I love ‘em regardless! Actually now that I’m thinking about it, this would be a great hallmark movie!!

I will definitely be reading more of her books!

grojasmartinez415's review

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I'm not sure. I'm torn... I like the writing, the book is written very well and the storyline is great. It's the end that I'm not sure about... You have to read it for yourself. I do highly recommend it. I may have to re-read it to get over my indecisiveness.