
Resurrecting Phoenix by Isabel Lucero

babblingchatterreads's review

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This is the first book I have read by this author and she went all out on a theme entailing the before, the present, and the overall picture when it comes to losing someone.

Phoenix Nightingale lost her husband while in the line of duty on the night of her wedding anniversary and since that tragic event she pretty much kept to herself. Living in a small town, words tend to travel fast and things were said that makes living hidden from the world her preferred option as much as possible from unexpected times of melting down in public. She keeps to herself and avoids social interaction when she can.

Cue in the newbie in town. Evan Tyler enters a bar where Phoenix was having one of her dark times and after learning briefly about her past through a friend something about her got him wanting to there for her as a friend in hopes that he would be able to help her and get out of the depression that has taken over her life.

"You can figure anything out as long as you keep trying. The only way to hinder yourself in any way is to give up. I believe in you, Phoenix."

Although I was not connecting to the characters that I was hoping I like to be; the author does beautifully write Phoenix and Evan story that will make you look at the bigger picture of living. You cannot help put fall for the gestures that Evan does for her that helps open her eyes to beauty of feeling alive again. However, one reveal can change everything and it is one that will have you feeling that history may repeat itself. Is it ok to live, move on, and be happy? Pick up this read to find out.

nbiblioholic's review

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After reading a couple of this author's darker reads, I was happy to see that I could enjoy her lighter writing as well. This story was about loss and pain, hope and forgiveness, acceptance and second chances. Phoenix lost her husband too early and it broke her. The once happy girl became a damaged woman. Alcohol provided her her only solace and she shunned everyone because they couldn't possibly understand what she was going through. When Evan moves in down the street, an unlikely friendship develops. This man drew her out, showed her understanding, and slowly drew her out of the ashes. I loved Evan so much. He was so sensitive and patient with Phoenix and the perfect hero for her new happily ever after. This story was low on angst, high on feels, and sweetly romantic.