
Shredding the Evidence by Daryl Wood Gerber

theavidreaderandbibliophile's review

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Shredding the Evidence by Daryl Wood Gerber has Jenna Hart preparing the shop for Food Bowl Week in Crystal Cove, California. Local restaurants are offering their best and most creative dishes including Intine, Rhett’s new French bistro. Kylie O, the food critic for the Crystal Cove Courier, is determined to cover all the Food Bowl events on her own much to Tito Martinez’s frustration. When Kylie is found dead on a Pilates machine, Tito ends up the prime suspect. Bailey needs Jenna prove Tito’s innocence before her husband ends up a cook at the local prison. Shredding the Evidence is the ninth A Cookbook Nook Mystery. It can be read as a standalone, but I do recommend each book in this charming series. I always enjoy visiting Crystal Cove with its darling shops and friendly (well, most of them of are) residents. I have liked watching Jenna, Cary Hart, Aunt Vera, Bailey and the other develop as characters. It is lovely to see Aunt Vera in a romance, Bailey enjoying her new baby girl, Jenna and Rhett planning their wedding and Cinnamon expecting a baby. The annual Food Bowl Week means an influx of tourists to sample the delectable food and purchase gifts which includes cookbooks plus related items from the Cookbook Nook. Kylie Obendorfer (you can see why she preferred Kylie O) is murdered and there are a variety of people who would have liked to see her dead. As a food critic, Kylie did not hold back. She was equally as rude in her private life. Unfortunately, Tito had a public argument with Kylie the day before her death. Bailey has no intention of letting her husband linger on Cinnamon’s suspect list. I liked the misdirection as well as the method of murder. I was caught by surprise when Cinnamon did something completely unexpected that left Jenna equally flabbergasted (for a moment). There were a couple of side storylines in Shredding the Evidence. Aunt Vera’s romance has upset her romantic partners children, Eugene Tinsdale is thinking of selling the Crystal Cove Courier, Rhett is overwhelmed at his new restaurant, redecorating is happening at Jenna and Rhett’s new home plus they are planning their wedding. I just love Tigger, Jenn’s cat, and his adorable antics. I like how the shredding theme was incorporated into the book in clever ways. The food descriptions will have your mouth watering and, luckily, there are recipes at the end of the book for some of the food dishes mentioned. Shredding the Evidence is a fun cozy mystery with delectable delights, a cute cat, wedding woes, a horrifying homicide, a beloved baby, relationship tribulations, and throngs of tourists.

kimdavishb's review

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SHREDDING THE EVIDENCE, the ninth book in the Cookbook Nook Mystery series by Daryl Wood Gerber, is another terrific addition to a well-loved series! The protagonist, Jenna Hart, is preparing for their town’s week-long Food Bowl event, where local chefs create imaginative bite-sized delicacies. I adore the clever event themes Ms. Gerber bases each murder mystery around in her books. It adds to the reader becoming immersed in the setting and provides the opportunity to experience it with all the senses. She also creates entertaining, witty names for the businesses in town which showcases the author’s humor. Jenna is a very likeable character and I appreciate how the author has continued to find avenues of growth and change for her along with the other central characters. It makes them seem all the more relatable. Jenna is a true friend to her employees and treats her many customers with respect. It’s no wonder her shop, the Cookbook Nook Bookstore and Nook Café, which she co-owns with her Aunt Vera, is so successful. I would love to spend my free time in the Cookbook Nook browsing the many veritable, specialty cookbooks that Jenna sells. Instead I do the next best thing and search for those that catch my eye on Amazon to add to my own collection.

The local food reporter turned murder victim didn’t come as a surprise. She was a mean-spirited woman and there were many, many people who had reasons to hate her, including Jenna’s best friend’s husband. In keeping with her character, Jenna jumps in to support her friend no matter the cost and prove his innocence. Ms. Gerber writes a tightly plotted mystery with the clues twisting and turning to keep the reader on their toes. With the murder happening in a “locked-room” situation, the reveal was quite stunning on how it was pulled off with an edge-of-your seat conclusion. The author does an admirable job wrapping up each strand of the story creating a highly satisfying read!

With Food Bowl week happening and the Nook Café serving up all sorts of delightful goodies, the reader will be hungry as they turn the pages. You can always count on Ms. Gerber’s books containing many delectable recipes at the back of the book and as usual, I want to try them all! As a bonus, many of them have been adapted for those who need to eat gluten-free as well.

I was provided with an advance copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

thisandthatwithkaren's review

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“Shredding the Evidence” by Daryl Wood Gerber the 9th instalment in the Cookbook Nook Mystery series. I had forgotten how much I enjoy this series. This is only the 3rd book I have read in the series and it will not be my last. I hope to read the earlier instalments one day soon, I have slowly been buying them. One thing I do like is the list of characters listed in the beginning as a quick reference.

I like Jenna as the protagonist she is realistic, relatable and I love Tigger the marmalade cat. The authors descriptions of the Food Bowl and Crystal Cove had me picturing myself walking down the streets enjoying all the aromas and appetizers. I have an uncle who was editor for a small town newspaper so understood Eugenes struggle with keeping the Crystal Cove newspaper going in today’s digital world.

As for the mystery it was full of twists, and a few turns which kept me guessing. Overall this was a very enjoyable read, especially if you’re a foodie.

I requested and received an Advanced Readers Copy from Beyond the Page Publishing and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

peggyemi's review

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I enjoy visiting with Jenna, her Aunt Vera, and the rest of the residents of Crystal Cove in the Cookbook Nook Mystery series. What I find enjoyable able this series, aside from the characters, is how each one has a town festival or event attached to the mystery. I think it adds to the overall vibe of the story and helps carry the plot along while providing a way for Jenna to uncover clues. The author has a terrific descriptive writing style that helps pull the reader into each new book and keep them engaged. This time around, Jenna has to help clear her friend Bailey's husband from being a murder suspect. There were a lot of viable suspects with great motives which makes the reader really pay attention to each new clue that Jenna is able to uncover. The mystery is wrapped up in a climactic conclusion and once again all is right in Crystal Cove. I can wait to attend the next festival or event in Crystal Cove to see what new mystery confronts Jenna.

morticia32's review

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Book 9 in the series.

I wanted to like it. I've enjoyed previous books in the series. But this one was boring. The quirky characters I liked were just blah. And it felt a little mean. Like, fat shaming mean. I finally gave up on it and put it down 2/3 of the way through.

*I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided to me by the publisher, via NetGalley*

bookwormbunny's review

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Shredding the Evidence is a cozy mystery by Daryl Wood Gerber that will hook you from the beginning with descriptions of tasty mouth-watering treats and a who-done-it murder that will keep you page-turning to the very end as the author expertly shrouds the killer in mystery until the surprising twist of a reveal. The author creates a backdrop in Crystal Cove where the citizens are getting ready for Food Bowl Week, and man do I wish I could have been there myself. People are excited about the festivities and food, but there is trouble brewing with a foodie reporter/reviewer is making waves and causing problems, but apparently she’s about to push one button too many and her troubles are coming home to roost.
Shredding the Evidence is the ninth book in Daryl Wood Gerber’s “Cookbook Nook” series, but trust me when I say…this book can be read as a stand-alone. The author provides readers with a cast of characters in the front of the book so that you know who exactly to expect and who’s who. This is the first book that I have read by this author and I’ll admit…I skipped the character index. Haha! I like to learn the characters as I go, and I really just wanted to get to the story and see if it could be read as a stand-alone. The characters, while their relationships are well established easily engaged me and pulled me into the story. Now, I have to say this – when I read the story was set in Crystal Cove my first thought was…well, where’s Scooby and the gang? I couldn’t resist since I’ve watched almost everything Scooby-Doo.
The author does an excellent job of pulling the reader into the story before the murder even happens. You feel like you could cross paths with the characters at any moment with this book. The author sets the stage piece by piece before dropping the murder on you and then it’s not just the murder that you get to watch be dealt with. The author also throws in personal drama with each of the characters that help to move the story along. Jenna is such an engaging character and she captures my attention the most as she runs a business, manages her love life with her fiancée, and works hard to solve a murder and help her friends. I pride myself on figuring out who committed the crime before the big reveal, but the author, I have to say, is a master of misdirection and keeps me in the dark until the end. I loved it.
My only gripe about this book would be Bailey. The author paints her as a “force of nature” but my goodness! She is a freight-train of nature! When she’s determined to grill someone she GRILLS someone! I couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed in Jenna for not standing up to her when she becomes more than a “little” overzealous in her efforts to clear her husband. I wasn’t too keen on how she bulldogged people for answers and skirted the line if not crossing it by even a hair. I think I’d have felt a bit better if she had at least apologized later.
Honestly though… at the end of the day, I loved this book. There is so much to like about it. The characters are engaging, the storyline is easy to follow, the mystery hooks you, and the suspense keeps you coming back until the big reveal. If you love a good cozy mystery with lots of tasty treats then this is the book to pick up. If you have read the previous books in this series and enjoyed them then don’t hesitate and grab this book ASAP! I can’t wait to go back and read the other books by this author. I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars. Job well done to the author! You’ve got yourself a new fan!

dollycas's review

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Dollycas’s Thoughts

It’s Food Bowl Week in Crystal Cove and Jenna Hart is excited to not only try the chef’s creations but knows the event will bring plenty of customers to her Cookbook Nook. Chef Katie also has plans of her own for the food at the Nook Cafe too including a special guest. Jenna’s finance Rhett’s new bistro, Intime has a very special dinner planned as well. Kylie O., the Crystal Cove Courier food critic is determined to cover all the events by herself even though reporter Tito Martinez has offered to help. Bailey’s husband, Tito has wanted to take on more stories and he and Kylie have a very public argument over it. So when Kylie O. is found dead in a local gym, a gym where both Tito and Bailey work out, he becomes the prime suspect in her murder.

Truthfully, Kylie O. was a pretty aggressive reporter and dished out some caustic reviews so she left behind a wide variety of suspects. Jenna knows Tito is innocent so she just has to clear his name by finding the actual killer. Easier said than done because the clues point to several individuals. When Jenna starts to hone in on the killer she finds the killer is already homing in on her. Can Jenna corner the killer or will she be the next victim?

It is always fun to catch up with these characters because there never seems to be a dull moment in Crystal Cove. In addition to the town events, Jenna and Rhett are starting to plan their wedding, Aunt Vera is dating, everyone is swooning over Bailey’s baby girl and another core character is expecting a baby. With everything going on Jenna still finds time to investigate the murder and this makes for one very unhappy Cinnamon. As always the characters are cleverly written and they all continue to develop in realistic ways.

The theme of this story is Shredding and it is not just the evidence that is shredded. Food is shredded in amazing ways. The descriptions had my tummy rumbling and I really appreciated the recipes the author provides at the end of the book. She is a true foodie and her passion reigns within the pages of her stories. The Cookbook Nook theme of the series is just perfect for her.

The mystery was very well-plotted with some red herrings to divert everyone’s thinking. Bailey really pushes Jenna along in her quest to prove her husband is not a murderer. Twist after twist start to pull the killer into focus but I was really off on this one. I really came to dislike the deceased more than I usually do when reading cozy mysteries and I think that clouded my thinking. The author has a real strength of pulling her readers into the story and she really did that for me this time.

Shredding the Evidence was A Perfect Escape. I was entertained from the beginning to the end and look forward to reading Wining and Dying soon.

ssminski's review

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2.5 raised to 3 because I usually like the series. The amount of fat shaming in this one was shameful. The main character is downright rude, it ruins everything else.

Update: Full review posted at Sam's Beach Reads.

What I Enjoyed:

Crystal Cove. One thing that I love about the Cookbook Nook series is that Crystal Cove is so delightful. I love the beautiful seaside setting with adorable restaurants and shops, with fun festivals that everyone in town chips into. In Shredding the Evidence, the festival was all about food with Food Bowl Week – how can you beat canapes and wine? Gerber describes food with delectable accuracy, and when paired with the ocean scenes, it makes for an idyllic setting, and very easy to picture.

The Mystery. This is pretty shocking, since I really didn’t like this installation, but the mystery was solidly written. Kylie the food reporter has her fair share of enemies, and the killer does a good job of scattering genuinely plausible red herrings throughout. I discovered who the killer is around the same time as Jenna, so it was fun to go to the “big reveal” scene armed with the knowledge.

The Cookbooks. Despite my current disdain for the series, Geber always sprinkles each book with cookbooks she names by name that I regularly look up and save for future use. Her cookbook game is on point.

What Didn’t Work for Me:

The Fat Shaming.Okay, so this may be a person pet peeve. However, almost every word out of Jenna’s mouth or in her internal monologue in Shredding the Evidence was a put down of other women who are remotely heavier than her, including her postpartum best friend, Bailey. One of the victim’s potential love interests is a larger woman who used to work out, and who had to stop because of heel spurs and bad self esteem. That didn’t stop Jenna from tearing into her and making fun of her behind her back. This is all after Jenna brags about having the ideal body:

"I was one of those rare birds who’d never fought my weight. My height had something to do with it. My metabolism, as well. Plus, I exercised daily. Not heavy aerobics but I walked, ran, and rode. Dad had drilled into me that I had one body in this life, and I was in charge of making it work.”

So not only is she preachy, but she is also self righteous.

Jenna and Rhett. I am going to get some flak for this, and probably rightly so. Rhett and Jenna are not as cutesy as many cozy mystery couples, which is normally appealing. However, Rhett’s new restaurant, them wedding planning (all white, Jenna? really?), Rhett missing all events from being too busy, and them essentially living two completely separate lives was disheartening and mostly unrealistic. Jenna is seemingly mostly okay with how everything is going despite Rhett missing wedding planning appointments (also, who the hell is paying for their wedding planner?!) and restaurant dates with a reservation. She even goes as far as regularly referring to their new home as “her house” and being fine with Rhett keeping his old home because “he needs a quiet retreat.” Retreat from what, an engagement that seems based on a pile of sticks?

Bailey. Jenna’s best friend Bailey is on a tear in Shredding the Evidence, and despite being postpartum, it is not a good look for her. When Bailey’s husband Tito is accused of murder, Bailey makes it her mission to prove him innocent, but instead of doing this the honest way, she develops vendettas against every other potential suspect and goes way above and beyond the boundaries of appropriate behavior to do so. She even checks up on one of the suspect’s children at her school and interviews the principal about the child’s mental health. Beyond how unbelievable that is, it is also supported by Jenna, who goes along with Bailey’s hairbrained schemes even when she is uncomfortable. Bailey has gone from being one of the most likable characters to the least, and that is saying something next to the fat shaming Jenna. They are a pair of Mean Girls.

annarella's review

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I love this series and I think this was an excellent addition.
It was great to meet again the likeable cast of characters, they are well written and interesting.
The mystery is solid and it kept me guessing.
I can't wait for the next instalment.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.