
The 5 Day Novel by Scott King

rkking's review

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 An intriguing approach to writing a novel.
Personally I'd never want to actually attempt writing a novel in 5 days. My normal writing routines are draining enough. I'd have to discourage others from attempting the same as well. Scott King flat out tells you so in this book, and reveals later on the tolls the approach took on him.
But what one should do is take these tactics and apply them to a broader approach. Perhaps in a month? Or 3? Applying these same methods should work well still, and get you writing multiple books a year.
I'm certainly gonna give it a go.

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efabri123's review

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I guess I expected more than what it was. While Scott King is always filled with great advice, this wasn't anything I'd never heard before, nor was it anything I hadn't learned by writing or participating in something like NaNo. He basically takes NaNo to the extreme in trying to write a book in 5 days (instead of 30). What he accomplished is impressive but not realistic for people with day jobs. Perhaps I was expecting too much from this book. I was anticipating trying to dictate the rough draft of a novel in five days with a full-time day job. It may still be possible as he types things out by hand (I can't believe I'm saying that is the 'old fashioned way') but as someone who is learned to use dictation to write faster, I think I picked the wrong book. He's a good writer, it just wasn't for me.

leksikality's review

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For its type, not bad.

jessschira's review

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Really nicely laid out and it turned into a compelling read. Worth checking out, even if you're not planning on writing a novel in a short time span.