
Haven by Katherine Bogle

shadowrealmreader's review

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For the first 50 pages I was curious where this was going, but from there it went down hill.

We learn that Haven is immortal, but she doesn't know why and her parents and her other siblings aren't. In fact, her parents and other siblings are dead. Unfortunately, this fact is mentioned like it is no big deal. We hear about it somewhere in the beginning of the book and that's that. It is thrown in matter-of-factly and I didn't feel Haven's sadness at all.

There is little to no world building in this book, time moves quickly which makes you unaware of how far away the other kingdoms are. In no time the other kingdoms are taken by the evil Queen Kadia and even though there is peace throughout the kingdoms no one seems to want to help one another.

I felt that in this book there was next to no action. There is some but it is so short that I didn't feel the urgency or feared for the safety of the characters, and when someone dies it again feels like no big deal. It could've easily not happened at all.

Kadia should be all evil and she does terrible things, but because these scenes are over in the blink of an eye I couldn't care less about them.

And somewhere in between all this Haven suddenly mentions she has a sister who has disappeared. Where did she come from and why is no one looking for her? Why isn't Haven more worried about her? This whole book was confusing and inconsistent and I couldn't care less about any of the characters.

And because it is a YA novel some romance had to be put in which felt very off.

What I liked was that because Haven knows she is immortal she is willing to fight for her people. She doesn't sit on her throne all day, giving out orders and watch them dying and her kingdom being destroyed. Then there are her guards, which are all female (which I liked) but they are all fussing over Haven being safe, when in fact she cannot die. It annoyed me that Haven had to remind them of this fact every time something happened. Thankfully Haven didn't let herself be pushed aside.

All in all, I'm sorry to say I wouldn't recommend this book.

100pagesaday's review

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Queen Haven of Rythern never thought that she would have to fulfill her duties as Queen. However, when both of her parents and two older brothers die gruesomely from the incoming war, Haven must step up. Born with the gift of being able to heal from any injury, she is dubbed The Immortal Queen. With war on her doorstep, Haven must quickly step into her new role. The insane Queen Kadia has been quickly taking over each of the six Kingdoms of Warshard. Using her black magic, Kadia seems impossible to defeat and Haven is hesitant about sending her kingdom into war. Haven’s gift, with the help of another, might be exactly what is needed to defeat Queen Kadia.
Haven jumped right into the action with an assassination attempt and warfare. It was nice that Haven’s abilities were brought right out into the open and no one was afraid of her. Haven’s abilities reminded me of a kinder, gentler Deadpool. Haven also continuously put herself in harm’s way to the benefit of her kingdom. Queen Kadia was a very interesting character and I do wish that I could have seen more into her motivations and history, there were some glimmers of what might be driving her, but nothing concrete. The second half of the book moved very quickly as the suspense picked up with Haven’s meeting of Kadia and a larger battle. I do wish that there was more description of the Kingdoms and especially the tunnel path to Seaburn, there was a lot of hype over this mysterious tunnel, but I felt that when they passed through, a lot was glossed over. I had a good general understanding of each Kingdom, but I just wanted a little more. Hopefully, more will be explained in the next installment, which I will be interested in reading.

This book was provided for free in return for an honest review.

angelicasreads's review

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I am not going to lie, I went into this with fairly low expectations. Then again, I have been going into all the book I read lately with pretty low expectations. This book, though, surprised me and was better than I thought. It just wasn't good enough.

The plot follows Heaven, a girl blessed, or possibly cursed, with immortality. Although she ages just as a normal person would, she cannot be killed. So after the brutal murder of her family, she is the only one left to sit upon the throne. All this while an evil sorcerer queen is invading all the surrounding kingdoms. Now, the royals must band together to get rid of this threat.

So, to the review. The main idea of this book is actually very interesting. This book could have been truly amazing. Sadly, it just fell flat. This was in the most part due to the very flat characters. It's like none of them were really there when everything was happening.

We get Haven, a character who despite seeming deep came across as a bit shallow. It's like there was nothing to her, no fire inside. Then we have all of her servants/bodyguards whose only job is to obsess over Haven's safety, despite the fact that everyone knows she can't be killed. They are always running around worried that something might happen to poor Haven, even though they know that someone could shoot an arrow in her heart and she will just bounce back a few seconds later. In fact, that exact thing happens in the first few pages and the guards were freaking out.

Then there were things that just didn't add up. Kingdoms aren't run so nonchalantly. One does not simply give one's army away. One also does not arrange a secret meeting for kings and expect everyone to arrive within hours. These are kingdoms, vast and grand, not next door towns. Also. how did Haven's overprotective guard not notice that she was gone? There were also a lot of things that did not make sense, or that simply wouldn't happen in real life.

Aside from the stalling plot and little character development, the thing that bothered me most, and the thing that made it go down from three to two stars, was the number of grammar mistakes. As and English major, whenever I see an obvious grammar mistake part of me dies a little. This happens a lot when I tutor 9th graders in writing. But, when I am dealing with high school freshmen it's a little more understandable that grammar and spelling mistakes will happen than when I am reading a published novel. Maybe the problem is that a new editor is needed. Or just an editor to begin with.

It's a real shame about this book. I really wanted to like it and I always feel bad giving two-star reviews. Sadly, this book was simply not one I liked very much. It had serious potential, it just failed in its execution.


anabbesteves's review

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Review: Haven (Chronicles of Warshard #1) by Katherine Bogle

*The publisher provided this book in exchange for an honest review through NetGalley.*
Princess Haven never expected to be Queen. She had an entire family, parents, brothers, a sister, but now only her and her younger sister are alive. Her immortality has been seen by others as a blessing but to her, it is a curse: she has to live with the pain of knowing everyone around her will die and yet she will remain as she is. She has to rise to the occasion and be the best queen she can, in order to keep her kingdom going.
Unfortunately, the mad queen Kadia trying to conquer all the kingdoms of Warshard she not only has to be a Queen but she also has to be a fighter and a strategist. She has to be capable of making connections with the other rulers - all older than her - and keep going without showing fear.
Assassins are sent to kill her and she doesn't know who is her friend anymore... Will she be able to distinguish friend from foe? Will she be able to escape the mad Queen with her mind intact? Will she be able to keep her people alive?
Reading the synopsis to this story - plus the beautiful and amazing cover - made me very curious to know what could happen to a young Queen that cannot die. Never have I ever read another story that combines magic with pain in quite such a unique way. I believe that strong female characters that do not need a "knight in a shining armour" figure to save the are essential in order for women to feel empowered.
Haven is a complex character, surrounded by astoundingly painful circumstances and yet she remains strong. Obviously, she has flaws and needs guidance, just as every person in the world. That aspect makes her character believable and less distant from the reader.
The whole cast of characters is diverse and very different senses of humour and personalities. That brings a touch of life in everything they do. Even if the overall writing could be improved I believe that the "uniqueness" of the story make it rather remarkable.
If you want to read about fearless yet flawed characters in an epic adventure here is your chance. Even if you do not you could give it a try.

Review: Haven (Chronicles of Warshard #1) by Katherine Bogle

megansendlessreads's review

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Haven is literally amazing.

So as a reader you are kind of thrown into this book not really knowing what to expect (especially if it's been a while since you read the blurb). All you know going in that this book involves a girl becoming queen and her country on the brink of war and I'm like: THIS BOOK SOUNDS AMAZING! And expectations were met for sure!

The great thing about this book is the main character; Haven. She is a little of unsure of her place in the world and doesn't really know what to do with this country she just inherited after her family is killed, but she's determined to do the right thing no matter what it costs her. And this determination leads her to a band of royals, a crazy evil queen, and a country about to be taken over at any moment. It's a little much for any young woman to handle, no? And yet she freakin' kicks butt! For me, a main character can't just be put in charge for the book to be good, she has to work at it and be willing to better herself to save those who are put in her care and man does Haven pull though.

There are a lot of interesting characters in this book that really make it so amazing. I have a special place in my heart for Corrin and Nina. When first introduced to Corrin within the novel, I was not to keen... let's just keep it at that. But I also was more interested in him then the other guy that was mentioned several times as a possible love interest. The thing that helped me choose Corrin was his repeated dedication to both his country and Haven... *swoons*. Nina was also someone that I grew to really appreciate even though she wasn't revealed until the last half of the book. I can definitely see potential of Nina being the lead character or even a perspective for chapters in other books with this series.

Overall this book was so amazing! I loved the characters and their own inner battles which were often paralleled in their lives. Every character was tested to stay true to themselves and yet their flaws were perfectly written to be supportive of Haven. Even Insane Queen Kadia was the perfect character that really allowed Haven to shine. Definitely a 5 star read!

ladymoneypenny's review

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It took me a while to get into this book. Probably up until 60% in I found myself feeling frustrated with the lack of world building, and character development. Haven was the only character that was almost fully fleshed out, but even aspects of her character were flat and left me wanting more.

Now, the whole immortality thing. Why is Haven immortal? No one else is. There is no magic (well, aside from Kadia's shadow soldiers). I don't know, it just didn't make sense. But lets assume we find out why she is in a later book (I really hope we do!) why doesn't Haven question it herself more?

And her guards constantly surrounding her and treating her like some delicate, breakable object. Um, hello? She is immortal. She can't die. Teach the girl some skills and stop babying her already!
Spoiler Thankfully she does learn to fight, and actually becomes quite a badass in the end

The romance was flat and felt forced. It probably didn't need to be included really.

Around the 60% mark, the action started to pick up and I found I started to enjoy the story a lot more. This story was concluded nicely (no nasty cliffhangers) but has left the door open for a sequel nicely.

I will most likely read the next book - hopefully it will be an improvement on this one.

Overall, it was a light, easy read. Mostly enjoyable, and some intense moments towards the end.

becsa's review

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Haven Fyre has no desire to be Queen but when her family is killed she has no choice but to rule Rythern. Unfortunately this is not an easy time to rule as her kingdom and all of the surrounding ones are threatened by Queen Kadia of Dagan.

As Haven tries to figure out her alliances and keep her kingdom safe she will due whatever it takes to protect her people. Unfortunately Haven may be the ultimate prize for Kadia when Kadia hears whisperings of Haven's immortality.

Will Haven figure out how to keep everyone safe and when it is clear that two men and vying for her hand will she allow herself to be happy or will the curse of immortality prevent her from allowing herself to love?

I enjoyed this book although it started off a bit slow with getting myself hooked. There was lots of action but I hadn't gotten invested into the characters at that point. As the book went on I found myself very intrigued and wanted to see where everything went.

I loved the idea of Haven's most trusted soldiers being women and I wish there was an explanation if that was her choice or if they were the soldiers put in place by her family. The bond between all the women was so strong and I loved the lengths they would go to protect one another.

Kadia was a mystery to me and I'm still not 100% on sure on Izenfir and if that is a place. She was definitely evil and had some dark magic/power surrounding her.

I couldn't believe the things that Haven had to endure with Kadia and I am glad that she kept motivating herself to survive.

This was the first book I have read by this author and I look forward to reading more.

gothicvamperstein's review

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Hennes udødelighet har reddet henne utallige ganger, men etter det siste dødsfallet i familien, er det hun som skal regjere i et land på randen av krig. Uten noe formell opplæring i hvordan være dronning, får Haven hjelp av vennene sine, samt den personlige vakten hennes.

Kadia, den onde tyrannen som er grunnen til krigen, har blitt noe fiksert på Haven, og etter hvert som nabolandene faller i krigen, er det fri bane til Haven, som må bestemme seg for å bli, eller rømme sjøveien til en fremmed republikk i håp om redning. Problemet er at begge planene kan gå galt.

Selv likte jeg godt boka med alle nyansene og undertemaene, enten det var usikkerheten til Haven, action, menneskerettigheter, kjærlighet, eller andre elementer. Og på grunn av alle elementene, kan boka passe for mange, men spesielt de som liker fantasy.

emmywritess's review

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I went into this with low expectations. I have never really read books about with royalty aspects but I am so glad I chose to pick this book up!

*i received this book through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.*

What I liked.
- Haven was an awesome character. She was headstrong but we also got to see her vulnerable side too. I loved the way she was determined to protect her friends even if it was at a cost to her.
- Every single character was so well thought out and complex. Probably some of the best character development I've seen in quite a while.
- There was no messing about and the story took off right away. It gripped me from the very first page.
- The world building was fantastic and it honestly felt like I was right there, fighting the war with them.
- I loved the spirit of this book. I could feel the determination of Haven and her people. I felt like this book definetly showed off the strength of women.
- Kadia was an awesome villain! I really liked how she was so unpredictable and seemed to have a spilt personality. I loved the originality of Kadia, she was different to other villains and she was quite likeable in her own way!

What I didn't like.
- It did seem a bit predictable at times.
- Sometimes it felt like there was an awful lot going on which made it a little hard to follow at times.
- The love triangle. It wasn't made into a massive deal though as I thought it would be towards the beginning.

I don't really have that much criticism for this book. I really loved it and I'm so excited to read the next instalments, it just sucks that I have to wait haha! I actually just went onto Goodreads and I cannot believe that this is the authors debut novel! Loved it!!

theestherhadassah's review

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DISCLAIMER: I received a copy of this book in exchange for honest review, as part of this tour.

If you like strong, female characters who are (not quite) born to be leaders, than this is the book for you. Haven is a young queen, recently crowned. She has no remaining family; her parents and her brothers have passed on. Murdered. She also has Supernatural abilities that have begun to manifest. The Six Kingdoms have been overthrown by war and Rythern is the last kingdom still standing, but not for long.

The book has a slow pick up, nothing major really happens until about 50%-way of the book. There is an attack at the beginning, which gives us the initial idea that there are things to be feared outside the supposed-safety of the kingdom. Once the story starts to pick up, it gets better.

4.5 Stars.
Aug. 30th