
We Bleed Orange & Black: 31 Fun-sized Tales for Halloween by Jeff C. Carter

sweetpea77's review

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Perfect read for the holiday!! It’s a collection of short spooky stories that fit perfectly for Halloween! Each tale is something different for everyone and a variety of tales for the whole family a little something for everyone. I enjoyed each one and think the author did a lovely job of creating spooky, creepy stories for Halloween. It was my first by the author and I enjoyed it.

jyan's review

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3.5. They don't all hit, but it ends up with a pretty high average, storywise, which is impressive considering the number of stories. Some great spooky vibes that are perfect for the season, and for the reasonable price of "free", how could you go wrong?

dustin_frueh7921's review

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First and foremost, thank you, Mallory Hawes, who singlehandedly helped persuade my decision to read Jeff C. Carter’s “fun-sized” collection. The download was free of change, after all, and who am I to balk at free books? Its price wasn’t the only factor, though. I’d also been wanting to welcome the Halloween spirit with open arms, so this was rather ideal.

As the author wrote in his forward:

This book is my love letter to Halloween. It channels my yearning, nostalgia and obsession with the greatest festival of all. It is not only a harvest of childhood hopes and fears, but a time for both teenage hedonism and somber adult reflection. It is a twilight mixture of summer glow and winter darkness, when the veil between worlds grows thin.

The forward also contained a parental guide, which came across as authentic, passionate, and certainly not something usually found in the confines of the genre, regardless of theme. For discerning parents of potentially curious children, I don’t doubt they’ll appreciate the time and consideration put into it. But even if you don’t have children, it’s nice to get an idea of what you’re getting yourself into.

For this review, instead of reviewing each story individually (which I’ve done in the past,) I thought I’d cover my Top Five. They are as follows, in no particular order:

Eye Witness

What did I just read? It rendered me unable to fully process what exactly transpired in just a few pages. They were easily some of the trippiest moments I’ve had the pleasure of reading, before or since then. Largely because of this, but also simply because it left such an impression, I had to reread it. Doing so clarified things, and I’m very thankful for having revisited it. Even now, months later, Eye Witness possesses the unique ability to leave me kind of speechless. I’d read this mind-bending tale again. 4 stars

Red Snow

Wow. Brutal, atmospheric, fully engaging, and a testament of mankind’s will to survive, this one chilled me to the core, both skin and bone deep. The end result was haunting, stunning, and horrific. 5 stars

All Gallow’s Eve revolved intimately around Tom, the local hangman, and the town’s disturbing traditions as they celebrated the titular holiday. Its tone, mood, and even the writing style itself were distinctly different than anything else in the collection, and that alone should be recognized. Most impressive of all were the character developments, both Tom and the worldbuilding. They were exquisite. And while it wasn’t a place I’d fancy visiting myself, I felt like I was there physically. I felt what Tom and the townsfolk felt. With a work as complex and well-executed as this, it almost slipped my mind that categorically, it was a brilliant mixture of western, horror, and grimdark fantasy, with healthy splashes of the historic thrown in. 5 stars

How To Preserve Your Pumpkin

A lot of people, kids especially, yearn for and thrive on Halloween; a time unsurpassed by nothing throughout the year. Then, fall harvest wraps up the all too brief season, which---some might feel—is spoiled by the harshness of winter. Our protagonist, known simply as Ben, surely would agree. But what can you do when your façade is socially acceptable just one night a year? Or when the most meaningful and lasting friendship you have is a symbiotic one? Can anyone imagine the desperation necessary to finally escape the loneliness inherent to that kind of life? An existence which is, sadly, far too common. What would you do to change your circumstances? How far would you be willing to go?

Clearly coming-of-age, How To Preserve Your Pumpkin was much more than that, or anything I’ve said here. My hope is that it haunts me for years to come. 5 stars

Nearby Incidents

Karen swam through the river of news, complaints, questions and gossip that surged endlessly through her computer screen..

A series of unusual murders. An amateur investigator with dreams of grandeur. A world obsessed with information, technology, and slander. And yet, there are much darker things—horrific entities out there, vying for our attention. 4 stars

Determining my Top Five was not at all easy. In some ways, doing so was daunting. Due to that, I thought I’d also share a few honorable mentions:

Haunted House—1 Star

Anonymous I.R.L,
if only because it served as a follow-up to Nearby Incidents

Copper Nails, The Dog Walker, and among others, The Low Dark Place.

Overall, Jeff C. Carter’s We Bleed Orange & Black was an impressive offering. A collection which, despite its Halloween motif, far surpassed my expectations. Some took place on or around the pagan holiday, but don’t let that deter you. Of the many that bore no mention of October 31st, there were subtle (or not so subtle,) nods toward the season, be they by various moods and/or tones, ominous weather patterns, lunar phases, or with sinister impressions. At the same time, the author explored a myriad of themes and concepts. Most prominent among them concerned isolation and loneliness, mental illness, the value of friendship and family, the masks we wear metaphorically, and on the heels of that, personal identity.

As remarkable as it felt to me, the whole could have benefitted from an editor. Which is not to imply that the prose was egregious or even poor. Quite the opposite, really. There were many passages highlighted--almost dutifully because I was so taken by them-- on the Kindle. Rather, I can’t help but wonder how much better and more impactful it could’ve been. For instance, the characters would be more rounded, the world(s) richly built; some of the themes and ideas would be fully realized, the tales increasingly pronounced, with less abrupt endings. I guess what I’m saying is I recognize the potential for greatness.

I remember, growing up in New England, how the October wind would shake the tired trees and fill the air with orange and red leaves. I dashed after them, flailing my arms to capture every little piece of fall (sometimes I still do this.) It was delightful, in part, because it was impossible. Autumn never lasts. The wind that strips the trees also brings winter. Yet even winter thaws. Don’t forget that Halloween waits on the other side of summer, just beyond the veil.

There were, however, a few stories that, in all seriousness, felt almost like filler. “The Great American Scare-Off,” “The ABCs Of A Healthy Halloween,” and “Top Ten Tips To Get Your Body Ready” would be some of those. Yes, they might have been intentionally less serious and more just for fun, and I appreciate any artist who’s unafraid to take risks (I respect that, in fact,) but again I ask: how much more improved might they have been? Of the three listed, “The Great American Scare-Off” had the most promise.

*3.5/5 stars

I’m eagerly awaiting the next story, Jeff.

biancarosesmith's review

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This little collection of “bite sized” Halloween tales took me by surprise. If you’re looking for a fun collection of stories to get you in the mood for Halloween look no further!
This collection covers a range of spooky themes such as witches, vampires, haunted houses and werewolves. This collection of stories felt like my own special bag of Halloween treats to devour and I could really feel the author’s love and nostalgia for Halloween woven throughout the collection.

Although overall I enjoyed most of the stories my personal stand outs were:

kkehoe's review

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A fun collection of Halloween tales ranging from humorous to truly creepy.

doomkittiekhan's review

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Author Jeff C. Carter saw the writing on the walls in early 2020 and knew that Halloween would look very different this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 'We Bleed Orange & Black' is Carter's call to arms to lend a little Halloween magic to those whose holiday season begins with a banshee wail of a bang in October.

Each story in this collection averages about 2000 words and is formatted in such a way as to suggest reading one story each night leading up to Halloween. A Ghoultide devotional, if you will. There is a range of ratings for these stories with some being scarier than others, but the author has provided a helpful guide at the beginning of the book for parents who may read these aloud. The quality of the stories varies wildly but I found that these were my favorites. These stories are singled out for providing more atmosphere, exhibiting superior writing, were delightfully creative, or struck a nostalgic chord.

Haunted House - 1 Star
Trunk or Treat
The ABCs of a Healthy Halloween
Halloween on Mars
The Tale of the Burning Midnight
How to Preserve Your Pumpkin

'We Bleed Orange & Black' is going to become a permanent part of our Halloween bookshelf and I'll look forward to rereading some of these stories in the future. 'How to Preserve Your Pumpkin' was especially therapeutic for those post-Halloween blues.

And just look at the sick cover?!

Thank you, Jeff C. Carter, for reaching out and asking me to check out your book. I so appreciate you bringing us all a little spooky cheer.