psychprofreads's review

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Look at the man stocking shelves in your local grocery store. Really, REALLY look at him. Do you feel superior to him? So superior that you pass him by as though he is invisible? Or do you feel entitled to yell at him or berate him? Be honest -- if only with yourself for a moment. Paul Tanner's pointing a finger at you and at me (often the middle one) and calling to our attention our hypocrisies and our shame. Reading this now, particularly in the time of a global pandemic, where health care workers are lauded with parades and Facebook posts of gratitude while grocery store employees are not only exposing themselves to our germs but our vitriol on top of that, is eye-opening and necessary.
My full review to come as I am slowly making my way through each poem and graphic in this collection to thoroughly subject myself to the shit Paul has thrown at him on the daily and to take it on as my own.