
The Big Brush-off by Michael Murphy

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“The Big Brush Off” By Michael Murphy 

Michael Murphy has carved out a nice historical mystery series featuring former Pinkerton detective, turned hard-boiled crime novelist, Jake Donovan, and his wife, Laura, a famous actress.
Set during the depression era, Jake is reaping the rewards of his success with the Blackie Doyle series, and Laura has achieved stardom, working with Joan Crawford, and possibly even with Clark Gable!  
However, fame and money has taken the edge off Jake’s hardboiled crime series, and his publishers are none too happy with his latest effort. Threatened with the termination of his contract, Jake will have to find a way to channel the Blackie Doyle of old.
In the meantime, a cold case Jake worked years ago, as a Pinkerton detective, comes back to haunt him, as the murder victim’s mother is dying and wants Jake to find her daughter’s killer so she can see justice served before she dies. Jake and Laura travel to the Midwest town of Hanover, so Jake can focus on his novel and poke around in the old murder case. His snooping is making someone a little nervous, but also has Jake feverishly writing as his inspiration seems to have returned with relish on top.
Since the setting is in the Midwest, as opposed to New York or Hollywood, the pacing in this one is a little slower, meanders at times, and the hardboiled tone is not as prominent. However, the witty and humorous dialogue is as sharp and zany as ever. 
The cold case is personal for Jake, adding an emotional element to the story, giving it a greater depth than in previous installments. I love the banter between Jake and Laura which makes them a delightful detective team, ala Nick and Nora.
This is a solid, entertaining addition to the series, and I am really enjoying it so far. Compared to the work of Christopher Fowler and Dorothy Cannell, this series is a must for historical mystery fans. 4 stars.

Reviewed by Julie Whiteley for Suspense Magazine