
Struck by Jennifer Bosworth

rikerandom's review against another edition

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Dieses Buch bekommt so ungefähr 2,5 Sterne, denke ich. Ich weiß es nicht genau, weil mich die Lektüre dieses Buches doch sehr zwiegespalten zurück gelassen hat.

Das eine Element, dass dieses Buch so besonders macht, war gleichzeitig auch das Element, was mich am meisten gestört hat: Mias Fähigkeit Blitze anzuziehen. Einerseits ist dieses Konzept wirklich faszinierend und genau das, was dieses Buch von so vielen anderen Jugendbüchern im Dystopie-Bereich abhebt, andererseits wurde die Idee für meinen Geschmack einfach nicht genug ausgearbeitet und blieb wahnsinnig oberflächlich.

Dazu kam der starke religiöse Kontext. Einerseits war der ausgesprochen gut ausgearbeitet, denn hier zeigt sich sehr gut, wie aus einer ehemals anscheinend klaren Trennung zwischen schwarz und weiß plötzlich ein allgemeines dunkelgraues Mischmasch werden kann. Andererseits finde ich starke religiöse Aspekte einfach nervig, eine meiner persönlichen Abneigungen, was Thematiken in phantastischen Jugendbüchern angeht.

Außerdem waren viele der Charaktere einfach dumm. 90% der Handlung bauen auf offensichtlich idiotischen Entscheidungen der Protagonistin und anderer Charaktere auf und die Dialoge… Naja, die entbehrten so ziemlich jedes Sinns und waren herrlich unerfrischend und einfallslos. Bis auf einige wenige Highlights war das Buch in dieser Hinsicht ziemlich mau.

Und auch sonst war das Buch an vielen Stellen eher mau als sonst irgendwas und für meinen Geschmack einfach zu unausgereift, trotz der teilweise wirklich guten Ideen.

audreychamaine's review against another edition

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Struck surpassed my expectations of what this book would be. Instead of merely being yet another YA paranormal romance, I found myself pleasantly intrigued by the lightning addiction, post-mega natural disaster Los Angeles, and the cult theme. Plus, Bosworth has given us another strong female character who takes control of her situation instead of acting passively. Combined with fast-paced storytelling and the high stakes of needing to save the world, this adds up to a really strong debut novel.

I used to live in Los Angeles. I love L.A., as the song goes. And so I was delighted to see Los Angeles presented in the aftermath of a giant destructive earthquake. Californians are always expecting the “big one,” and Struck takes place after such an earthquake has hit. The details of how L.A.’s destruction has affected everyday life, and how people are struggling to continue with life even though aid is slow coming was touching and seemed truthful.

Mia is a pretty rad main character. She has Lichtenberg figures decorating most of her body: branch-like darkening of her skin where lightning has struck and spread. Google it. Mia attracts lightning, but also craves it. Lightning has burned her clothes off, and has made her heart stop on multiple occasions. While this makes her totally cool, it also sets her apart from those around her.

The villain of the story is a cult leader named The Prophet. He interprets the disaster as a precursor to the Second Coming, and uses a television show to gain support. In fact, his numbers have swelled because he was able to predict the time of the earthquake, causing many to believe that he is the real deal. I love books with cults, so the inclusion of this made me really happy.

The only downside for me in Struck is that it has yet another insta-romance, which I’m pretty much over. However, that wasn’t the central point of the story, and there was enough going on that I didn’t actually mind too much. I think Struck was one of the stronger YA paranormal books of the year I’ve read so far, and definitely fun enough to garner a read by somebody who is casually interested.

katie_esh's review against another edition

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This book felt really drawn out

christajls's review against another edition

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This review originally posted at Hooked on Books

I was a religious studies major in university and one of my focuses was cults. As a result I was really fascinated by Struck in ways that I hadn't expected to be. In a time of crisis (multiple earthquakes and freak lightning storms) the people of this novel grasp for something that makes them feel “safe” and that something is Prophet and his followers. I was fascinated at how Jennifer Bosworth depicted the cult dynamics and the hold they can have over otherwise rational people. I was also really interested in Mia's lightning addiction. It made me want to seek out more information. I couldn't really find anything but I still love when a book inspires me to do further research. It keeps the experience of that novel going, even after I've finished reading.

Despite my interest in the story, I was a little put off by the love interest – Jeremy. I found him really creepy and untrustworthy. The whole thing just screamed “unhealthy!!” at me and since their relationship really starts to take over the story it only gets worse and worse. For the most part Mia was a pretty strong female character but she seem to lose all her good sense around Jeremy (a guy who watched her sleep while holding a knife!). I hate when that happens in YA novels and don't like the example it sets.

The writing also felt a little choppy. It would quickly jump from one scene to another. I would have liked a little more description added in but thankfully years of reading have left me with a pretty strong imagination. Despite all the parts I found really fascinating I personally think more could have been done with this story. Overall however it was a good debut and I will probably read the next book in the series.

Final recommendation: An action packed adventure, with some really neat twists and unique ideas. May not appeal to everyone but recommended for those who are interested.

mfumarolo's review against another edition

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Meet Mia Price: lightning addict. She's a human lightning rod who has been struck more times than she can count, and her affliction is the whole reason she, her mom, and her brother moved to Los Angeles in the first place - it barely rains there. But then the earthquake happened not so long ago, leaving the entire city in devastation. Rance Ridely Prophet, a televangelist with a large cult called the Followers, has announced the world will end in three days. There's also the Seekers, a group of people who want to take down Prophet and the Followers at any cost. Both sides have prophecies indicating that Mia is a central player in all of it. It doesn't seem to matter to anyone that she wants nothing to do with any of them - all she wants is to keep her family alive - but she also desperately wants to trust Jeremy, a stranger who says he wants to protect her. When the end of the world is on the line, Mia must risk everything to try to save what she loves.

Not since Katniss Everdeen have I come across such a strong protagonist. Mia is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her mother (who is suffering from PTSD) and her brother safe. She has an incredible ability that she'd rather not use because she hates bringing pain to others. She is incredibly complex and a survivor in every sense of the word.

Bosworth's world building here is also impecable. I've only been to LA once, but I have very little doubt that this is what the end of the world would look like there. The situations that arise and the fears that consume people within these pages are all incredibly realistic, as are the wide range of reactions.

Readers will be kept on their toes as they make their way through this story. Primary and secondary characters are all fully flushed out, and Bosworth does an especially good job with Jeremy in my opinion. All in all, this book has action, big questions, big emotions, and the fate of the world is on the line. I was blown away by this novel, and I cannot wait to see what Bosworth comes up with next.

postitsandpens's review against another edition

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3.5/5 stars.

Struck was an interesting read for me; I'm sort of over the whole dystopian thing, but the "it's the end of the world as we know it"-type books where time is ticking away toward a huge apocalypse hold quite a bit of interest for me. I was also intrigued by the idea of a girl who longs to be struck by lightning, and has already been struck several times. Add to that the religious intrigue - it's the end of the world so OF COURSE we have a crazy cult proselytizing to everyone and telling them they have to join them if they want to be saved - plus quite a lot of personal family drama surrounding our main character, and you wind up with a book that was pretty engaging from start to finish.

I thoroughly enjoyed the author's way with words, and the way she built suspense; each of the book parts was labeled according to the days left until this supposed "end of the world" storm hits, which helped you keep track of what was happening and when. Jeremy, the main male character and romantic interest, also has the ability to see things that are going to happen, which also helps keep the reader interested. Or at least it kept ME interested, because I wanted to know if he was right or wrong. There's a paranormal aspect with this book as well, in terms of the characters' abilities, and I enjoyed the whole concept behind the abilities and how said abilities came about. I also want to give props for the author's world-building; the descriptions used to describe a ravaged Los Angeles, and the people's attitudes was absolutely first-rate, and that also goes for the backstories of the characters and how they came to be the way they are.

My one problem was that it took Mia a very long time - like 300 pages - to figure out what was going on, when I was fairly certain what was going on just a few chapters into the book. Nonetheless, there was enough drama going on elsewhere in the book that it continued to hold my attention. And the part of me that grew up reading cheap romance novels just wants to mention that the kissing scenes between Mia and Jeremy -
Spoiler aside from the whole "blacking out and falling into a vision" thing
- were exceptionally well written and, quite frankly, very hot, which is always a plus in my book!

While not being the best book in the world, Struck was an entertaining read that kept me thoroughly interested in what was happening in its pages. Mia is a strong, stubborn girl who tries to do what's best for those she loves, and makes a lot of mistakes along the way. I appreciated the thought put in to the author's world-building and the interesting look at the fanaticism of religion in a very dark time. If you're looking for a well-developed book about the impending apocalypse, I'd definitely recommend this one!

_camk_'s review against another edition

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Firstly, I want to say that I love the cover of Struck. I think it is ever so beautiful. The lightning on the book is so addictive to look at like it is for Mia to be struck by.

Mia is not an average teenager, the Lichtenberg figures that are all over body will show you. Mia, for me, was an impressive character. Although, she may not have any real friends, she should. She is sweet and compassionate and a little bit serious. She is also very mature, taking care of her disturbed mother and brother. They are put before anything else and play an interesting role in the novel.

Struck was definitely not what I expected. The blurb talks a lot about the lightning and storm which I believed would be the core of the story but it was not. Oh, it definitely was a main aspect of the story but other aspect is not in the blurb and that is what? Religion. Now, I do not want to scare anyone with using the word religion, I know it can be strenuousness reading book based around religion but do not fret, Struck is different. Bosworth's has created an interesting religious sect and a not so religious sect both vying attention. But Mia? She is vying for the gorgeous Jeremy's attention.

Bosworth's imagery throughout was beautiful and vivid. She has created a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles that is both so interesting and terrifying. Terrifying because it makes me think, will the world turn like that is Global Warming continues?

Final Thought.
Struck is a completely unique novel that does not really fall under any genre that I advise you read.

bookishvice's review against another edition

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A massive earthquake and lightning storm has destroyed most of Los Angeles. People are struggling to survive and return to some semblance of normality, but opposing cults are battling it out because they know another storm is coming. Prophet and his Followers have the masses brainwashed and have declared the world will end in three days. The Seekers are looking for the one who could save them all, the one whose Spark is strongest. Mia Price is doing her best to help her family survive. With her Mom still traumatized from the earthquake that left her trapped for days under a building, and her brother's naïve wish to help every single Displaced, Mia is having a hard time keeping it together. Especially when the lightning she carries inside threatens to burst when her emotions run high. More troubles arise she goes back to school, because both the Followers and the Seekers want her to join their cults, and a mysterious boy appears warning her to join neither.

Jennifer Bosworth has created a truly fascinating and frightening L.A., where sections of the land have risen ten feet, holes without end have opened up the streets, cults are controlling the masses, and only one tower remains. In this post-apocalyptic setting, there were a couple of minor details that didn't add up for me, like the fact that schools were open just four weeks after the massive devastation, and that cars seemed to have full tanks of gasoline (Wouldn't this have run out?). But this minor things were quickly forgotten as I got to know more about Mia Price.

Mia was such a strong heroine, and so interesting to read. She does whatever she has to do to keep her family safe, even if it means getting in harm's way. While she is strong and courageous, she's afraid of her power because she knows that, like lightning, it can be unpredictable. It can heal or it can kill. She's ubber conscious of her body, but not for any vain reason. You see, her body is covered in lightning scars, a fact that she hides by dressing in black from head to toe. Always tense and always worried, it was nice when the mystery boy appeared. When she meets Jeremy, she is as attracted to him as she is drawn to lightning. And really, who wouldn't be with a hunky piece of guy like him. When she touches him Mia can literally feel the spark coursing through her body. And when he touches her, Mia is thrown into one of his visions. Oh yes, Jeremy has his own wicked powers. Together they'll fight their way to change those visions, because they all show the same thing…the end of the world.

The visions keep you updated about what's going to happen, and still the ending was fast paced, and full of twists and turns I so didn't see coming. While I did enjoy the story, unique world building, and the cult battle, there was just too much religion involved for me to really like the book. But the Epilogue leaves off with questions that I want answers to, so I'll be looking forward to book 2.

*I received this book via Netgalley from the publisher in exchange for my honest review*

homicideunicorn's review against another edition

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It was amazing, i read it in like a week, which isnt normal for me.

literaryanna's review against another edition

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More of my reviews can be found on my blog: Literary Exploration

I was immediately drawn to the cover of Struck; it's absolutely gorgeous in a dangerous and alluring kind of way. The girl is covered in red scars and the world is in tragic disarray. When I read the synopsis I knew that this book was going to be high on my wish list and I literally did a dance of joy when it showed up on my porch. Struck is the electrifying debut from Jennifer Bosworth that examines human's reactions in the wake of a natural disaster. There are a lot of religious elements, but I found them intriguing and enjoyable to read about. Overall, I really enjoyed Struck and I can't wait to see what Bosworth comes up with next!!!

The characters in Struck are all really well written. I feel so bad for Mia because of everything she's had to go through due to her addiction to lightning. I do wish that her past experiences with lightning (how it all started, what it's caused by, all that jazz) were examined a bit more, because I think it would shed a lot of light on her as a character. Despite the ragged scars covering her body, she's not that different from any other teenage girl which makes her incredibly easy to relate to. I'm not a lightning addict, but of course there are parts of my body that I am embarrassed about and that I wish to hide, and I can definitely relate to Mia on that level. Jeremy is definitely the tall, dark and mysterious type that we love in YA romance so much. His relationship with Mia is an interesting one, but I like the way that Bosworth develops it. Many of the supporting characters are also really intriguing, and I'd like to read some spin-off novels about some of them, especially Katrina!

For being a debut author, Bosworth's writing is incredibly elegant and because it's written from Mia's point of view we definitely see the way she's been unhinged due to, not only her addiction, but the earthquake that's shattered her family as well. I will say this, there are a lot of religious elements within this book, but not in a preachy or uncomfortable way. I am a huge fan of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code and the rest of the books in that series, and I always enjoy reading a new take on a biblical story. I think that Bosworth's incorporation of the apocalypse and the religious cults that have been at odds for years is very well done. Considering how many speculations are going around about the end of the world in 2012, these aspects are perfectly appropriate. I can see how someone might be put off by the fire and brimstone, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Overall, I really enjoyed the originality that Struck brought to the table. Mia Price is not only a lightning addict, but perhaps the remaining catalyst that will either save or destroy humanity. Her strong-willed attitude and ability to care for her family in the aftermath of a horrible earthquake that's destroyed her mother's sanity pushed me to connect with Mia on a very emotional level. The romance is just enough to satisfy a romance junkie like me, and the mystery and intrigue surrounding the biblical elements gave me goosebumps. I would definitely recommend Struck to fans of Dan Brown, apocalyptic books, action, and adventure.