
Under The Blue Moon by Cath Crowley

carolinelarev's review against another edition

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I loved this book! I fell in love with these characters and their witty personalities.

nathalyalvarez's review against another edition

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Pensando que en algún lugar de la oscuridad cristalina, él esta ahí afuera. Pulverizando color. Pulverizando pájaros y cielo azul en la noche

Estando en su último día del Curso 12, Lucy sale a celebrar con sus amigas pero también a buscar a Shadow aunque termina con Ed, el chico con el que tuvo una horrible primera cita. Pero él podría ser el único que la ayudara a encontrar Shadow, un artista callejero, del que ella piensa podría enamorarse.

Este libro es como que muy predecible porque básicamente en la sinopsis te dicen la idea principal. El asunto es que tu sabes que va a pasar pero no sabes como va a pasar ni que en circunstancias.

Me gusto como el libro estuvo lleno de relatos que hacían que la historia principal fuera cobrando vida poco a poco y llenándose de misterio. Y como a través de los acontecimientos que narran Ed y Lucy puedes ir conociendo un pedazo de la personalidad de cada uno de los personajes y llegaron a ser quienes son y que cosas los marcaron. También estuvieron los poemas que fueron añadidos entre capítulos para completar, algo que hace que este libro sea todavía mas especial.

Todos los personajes de este libro son definitivamente especiales. Son adolescentes, son confusos e inseguros pero están tratando de averiguar quienes son. Y todos y cada uno de ellos tuvieron oportunidades para que sus historias fueran contadas. Eso me hizo sentirme mas atada a los personajes.

tzd's review against another edition

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Lucy and her friends, a jam packed 24hrs of adventure. 
She wants to meet mysterious graffiti artist Shadow. Punches poor Ed in the face lol. 
This was quite funny and lyrical with the poetry interspersed. 
It was a short teen/YA read. 

- 'You're talking to me about books? When I'm bleeding all over the road? Shit. Shit.' 
- Remember Love 
Lays its fingers on your heart And holds it 
Under water
- 'I don't know about souls but a person should live good. No point living if you don't live good.'

pqtrick's review against another edition

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I probably wasn't the target audience for this book, but the switching perspective between chapters did make it interesting enough to finish.

joshish's review against another edition

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All takes place over the course of a day which is so so cool. Enjoyed this book so much.

sam_hartwig's review against another edition

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Does it have to end?! This is another Australian book that has completely blown me away! Cath Crowley knows how to write about a character and make them feel so real. The book is told from Lucy & Ed's point of views, it goes back and forwards between them and every now and again there will be a poem from "Poet" (which also tells another side to the story).

I had heard many good things about this book, so I thought it's definitely time to give it a go. I am so glad I finally did because it was amazing and inspiring! In such a short amount of time I was drawn into the story and managed to fall head over heels in love with these weird band of characters. They had me swooning, laughing out loud and heartwarming me all over.

This is one of those extraordianry books that is all about the characters and you feel like the story is weaved in amoung them. I love it when a character can jump off the page and that's how I felt about each and every one of them. What I also noticed was not only did the characters bring this book to life, but the art seemed to bring colour and life to it also. So many of the characters get their inspiration for their art from life experiences and at times the art almost felt like it's own character.

It all seemed to zoom by and I almost feel like I have to read it again to really take everything in.
This is my first Cath Crowley book and after reading this I plan to read as many of her other books that I can find. I recommend everyone read this book!

Also on my blog

stuckinafictionaluniverse's review against another edition

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I like that about art, that what you see is sometimes more about who you are than what’s on the wall.

This would make a great indie movie.
It’s one of those dreamy contemporary stories, almost ridiculously unrealistic but heartwarming all the same.

This wasn’t what I expected. I foresaw a trip through Australia; a hunt for someone who didn’t turn out to be who she thought and plenty of sad moments.
Instead, our main characters meet in the first few chapters. They hate each other’s guts after one unfortunate meeting years ago. Dreamy Lucy doesn’t know Shadow is the boy she’s admired and wanted for so long, and dismisses him as a jerk.
Shadow the artist isn't aware of Lucy's love for him, and is still upset over what happened that night.
When Lucy asks him and his friends to help her find Shadow, he accepts and wonders how long he can hide his secret.
What follows is a long night of adventure, bicycle rides and different types of confrontation.

Despite how much I enjoyed this, there is something lacking for me. Although I liked the characters and related to them, I didn’t deeply care or love any of these people.
The plot didn’t hook me for some reason, and I kept waiting for it to get better. This could've been a five-star read.
What Graffiti Moon needs is more. More witty and bold dialogue; more of a glue that holds the story together; characters that are more fleshed-out and get the spotlight they deserve.

The family relationships had so much potential which they failed to live up to. There’s Lucy’s father, who lives in their backyard shed and is a magician-comedian, her novelist mother who insist on the pair not getting a divorce because it’s just a phase, Leo’s grandmother who we only get a glimpse of but is lovable and caring, and Shadow’s mother who takes care of her son’s best friend as if he were her own.

Now it sounds like I didn't enjoy the book, but I truly did. It simply didn't live up to my expectations, but I would love to read more from Cath Crowley. The humor is light, the dialogue believable and snarky.
This flashback to Lucy's first date was hilarious!
’’You shouldn’t have grabbed my arse. You don’t do that on a first date. Atticus Finch would never have done that.’'
’’You’re out with me and you have a boyfriend?’’ he yelled.
’’Then who the fuck is Atticus Finch?
’’He’s in the book we’re reading at school.’'
’’You’re talking to me about books? When I’m bleeding all over the road? Shit. Shit.’’

And then there are passages where my heart aches and I envy Crowley's writing. My feelings about this are extremely mixed. In the end, I wanted to like it more than I did.

Final verdict:
A solid contemporary. If you want a bittersweet adventure with likable characters and pretty writing, pick this up. If you’re looking for something more memorable and thought-provoking, you’ll be disappointed.

We sat on a hill near her house and I was quiet and she didn’t break any part of me. We rode our bikes through a sea of sky where all the shitty factories were stars and the world was a place we could swim right through.

roglows's review against another edition

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Words do not describe how fantastic this book is,maybe because the worDs Cath Crowley uses in her prose are all so fantastic on their own. I can't recommend this book enough. Reads like an indie movie, natural, unpretentious, vivid.

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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Zo heel af en toe, als ik me verveel en moe ben en me nergens toe gezet krijg, scroll ik door de boeken op boekenkraam. En heel soms zie ik dan een boek dat ik persé moet hebben, maar "moet" ik dat aanvullen met andere boeken om van de aanbieding gebruik te kunnen maken. Graffiti Moon was zo'n aanvulling, een boek dat me aansprak, maar wat ik anders nooit gekocht had.

Maar ik ben wel blij dat het toch in mijn winkelmandje is beland. Het plot is niet ingewikkeld of groots. Het is eigenlijk vrij simpel: Lucy is zelf kunstenares en is verliefd op de onbekend jongen die zichzelf Shadow noemt en wil naar hem op zoek. Ed wordt door zijn vrienden over gehaald haar te helpen, wat betekent dat hij haar helpt om hem te zoeken. Maar wat gaandeweg gebeurt, is dat twee karakters, die dachten niks voor elkaar te kunnen betekenen langzaamaan elkaar vinden.

De metaforen van de kunst, zowel die van Lucy, als die van Ed, als die van de grote meesters, loopt als een hele mooie rode draad door het verhaal. De schrijfster voelt nergens de behoefte dit uit te leggen, wat het des te mooier en des te indrukwekkender maakt omdat het echt de kans krijgt voor zichzelf te spreken.

Combineer dat met twee karakters die ons mee laten kijken in het diepste van hun ziel en je krijgt een heel puur, mooi en eerlijk verhaal. Dit alles is opgeschreven in prachtige zinnen die goed bij de personages passen, alhoewel het verschil tussen hun manier van praten wat mij betreft wel wat groter gemogen had.

Al met al een verhaal waarbij kunst mensen samenbrengt en één iemand die in je gelooft genoeg kan zijn om de toekomst te veranderen.

abaugher's review against another edition

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beautiful story! set in australia, narrators--three of them--have lovely accents. all the action takes place over the course of one memorable night, with lots of flashbacks for depth. beautiful, just beautiful. can't describe it, just read it!