
Love, Tink by Elle Strauss

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review

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This was exactly the kind of read I had hoped it would be. Which also means I picked it up at exactly the right time and managed to actually enjoy it, even though there were a few things that could have annoyed me at another moment. But, let's start with all the positive things:

This version of Tinkerbell is just so incredibly cute! She has a temper, of course she has, because that's very Tinkerbell, but she's also very much a teenager who experiences her first love. And it's everything a first love should be: It's big and huge and dramatic and it's worth doing reckless and stupid things for and it's worth breaking rules for. And it's most of all just adorable.

Watching Hook, Peter, Wendy and Tink all in New York, without the fantasy of Neverland and the absurdness of Neverland is also quite refreshing. I understand that for most writers Neverland is their playground, but it was nice to see a different possibility and story and Tink figuring out the New York life style, the slang and customs was just way too amusing.

I have to admit that the writing style at times felt a little simple, although it does fit Tink in a way, and the plot was quite thin. It was very clear that the plot was mostly there to explain how these characters could travel from Neverland to New York and back. The story wasn't about that plot. It was about Tink loving Peter and Peter being with Wendy and Tink being heartbroken by it, but not giving up anyway.

If I'll ever look for another quick, easy and entertaining read I will certainly check out the other stories written by Strauss, because for certain times and certain moods this was the perfect book and I hope her other books are too!

trisha_thomas's review

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it was cute but not great.

gabs_myfullbookshelf's review

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Why did I read this??? WHY?? Oh wait, I convinced myself that because it had to do with Peter Pan, my favorite 'classic' character EVER, it wouldn't be like every other book I've read by this author, whose style I can just not enjoy.
I would not normally be this harsh, but I am mad. This book makes Peter into some New Yorker (noooo) who WANTS TO GROW UP!!! Sacrilege!
Add that with the fact that the characters were completely unlikeable (fairies were selfish, Hook was a stupid version of Hook, and Peter Pan wasn't featured snough for me to even have an opinion of him) and the writing wasn't up to my standards, and I didn't like this book at all. I really am sorry to be harsh, but there's just no sugar coating this one. With some fixing up, I could see this book at a three star level. But the way it is now, that would be impossible.

m3l89's review

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Not usually my kind of thing, but very well written with good characters. I felt there was a lot of character development, mainly of Tinkerbell as the book was written from her point of view.

Overall a very good twist on a children's classic and I will definitely read the rest of the series.

shubba_the_emoreader's review

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I love everything Peter Pan. Short and sweet.

meganmargoking's review

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Maybe I am, for once, too old for a book. After finishing the first 'episode' of this series it is clear that this series is geared toward children in upper elementary school or lower middle school. But then again, there are plenty of elementary school geared books that I do enjoy as an adult. I am just unsure.

The writing style is very simple. Sentences are short, ideas are straightforward. Tink constantly yells "Blink!" like she has toerrettes. The author uses 'blink' as a word to mean curses. Something that bothers me is that the first sentence is written in past tense, while the rest of Love, Tink is in present tense.

Characters are not well developed. We jump into this story with the reader being made to to accept that Tink is madly in love with Peter since the moment she met him, Hook is simply just a bad guy, and Peter is a fifteen year old boy who desperately wants to go home (WHAT!!!???). All of the faeries are interchangeable; I honestly couldn't tell a single one of them apart.

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Nor is the story fleshed out. Things happen for no apparent reason. Why did the Queen of the Faeries leave her husband? What is the green tornado and how did it bring the Lost Boys and the Pirates to Neverland? Why is Tinker instantly in love with Peter? Stuff just happens without so much as an explanation, and the reader is supposes to believed it without a bat of eye.

I love fairy tale retellings and retellings in general. I find that for a successful retelling you need to keep the essential story the same. I have watched mice, dogs, and hot British men versions of Sherlock and all were perfect. But the American show Elementary messed up the formula by trying to tweak with the plot (a buddy-cop show with Watson as a disgraced doctor and Sherlock has friends?). Love, Tink is in the Elementary category. Peter is not a fifteen year old boy who craves to get back home; he's the eternal lost boy. Hook is more than an evil man who keeps faeries as slaves. Tinkerbell is more than a clumsy faerie who shouts 'blink'.

kayleigh_kbooks's review

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Love Tink Review on K-Books

I didn't really know what to expect when I picked up Love, Tink. I had seen it on my good friend Siobhan's Totally Bookalicius' Facebook page and I just thought that they looked really cute and like something I would like. I was so pleasently surprised by Love, Tink and found that I really love this novella. It's short and cute and perfect for people who want a nice light read who don't really have a whole lot of time to sit and read a whole length novel.

Tink is head-over-heels completely in love with Peter. The boy who mysteriously turned up in Neverland two years ago and who leads The Lost Boys. All Tink wants is for them to be together, but Peter is sick of Neverland... he is sick of never growing older. He doesn't want to be a 13-year-old boy forever... he wants to go home and dreams of his New York City. Can Tink betray her Kingdom and help Peter to escape Neverland when she wants to do anything but?

I really enjoyed this. It helps that I am such a huge Tinkerbell fan. I adore her and I own so many damn things with Tinkerbell on. So as soon as I read the title of this series I instantly wanted to read it and I was not disappointed. Tink is so awesome and of course she is my favourite character, I am so rooting for Tink and Peter. The other thing is that I love the other characters just as much. I love Jangle, Tink's fairy friend and I naturally hate Captain Hook. I absolutely adored seeing these classic characters that everybody knows in a different light and following their story not knowing where it's going to go.

Elle's writing style is so fantastic and I will so be buying her other books as I just fell in love with her storytelling. It is so fantastic and Love, Tink is a great start to what is looking to be a great series

izzybookqueen's review

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It was cute and fun and I like the plot and world building but I had major issues with...
1. Tons of details, major and minor, about Neverland, the characters... Were so wrong and ridiculous. For example, fairies rarely fly because its too tiring and heavy for them? But tink was able to lift peter pan to his feet? Not to mention he doesn't fly...and um since when does he have "shaggy, dark curls"???? -SPOILER- since when does he want to leave Neverland!!!! This is not the Peter Pan we know and love.
2. Writing as pretty rough....needed a lot of editing there were so many mistakes and bad grammar...even worse than mine rn.
Sometimes the things the writer says and the way she words it make me sit there thinking um what....
"Peter's lips line up with mine. (Keep in mind this is a fairy and a human we're talking abt here). They're red and full, like fresh melon."
"His eyes grow wide as saucers and his mouth forms a big o"

The ending of the book, however, did make me curious to keep reading and I liked how short the "episodes" are.

bookfever's review

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This book was very cute and oh, so amazing! I found it around the holidays for free on Amazon. Me, the Peter Pan obsessive that I am, was so happy to have gotten this for free. It's no secret that I love everything involving Peter Peter. Books, movies, doesn't matter. I've read the original J.M. Barrie story, Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson and now this! All of them were incredible, as was this one.

I really like Peter Pan stories that are told from Tink's perspective, so I just adored Love, Tink. I could hardly put this little novelette and was finished in no time!
I love how Tink was willing to do everything for Peter even make the ultimate sacrfice!
Oh and Peter! He was so darn cute. Dimples and curly black hair! Adorable!

Overall this novelette is something to really treasure. I know for sure I'm going to keep following it and I can't wait for the second one to come out in this cute, sweet series!