
Rattlesnake Kisses by Robert Ford, John Boden

michael_benavidez's review

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It's been a long while since I've read a book that's for the pure bat shit insanity that this one is. You don't have to rip it apart to find the subtext that lays beneath. This book sidesteps any of that to give you the most fun it can.
Or at least that's my interpretation.
It's a fun, brutal, not so sweet that's trying to be kinda sweet, foul-mouthed ride that gives no fucks whatsoever about what's going on. It gives the appearance of being smart, of trying to give this other option that the story may go in (a sort of mystery puzzle styled event going on early in the book), but blows its load for the shear brilliance of a big beautiful cock up of violence and some beautiful swears.
I don't mean the rating or even how I'm describing it as an insult. It's thoroughly enjoyable, but a few things rubbed me the wrong way throughout. The main antagonist that pops up, the lack of set-up for any of that, and the outcome and just a lot of things that felt like a drunk driver trying to keep the car on the road but who just can't help but steer into a mailbox and drag that out along with it for a mile or two until it blows its head off.

rock_n_reads's review

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Over the past few months, I've had the pleasure of reading stories from both Bob Ford and John Boden, and both have secured a place on my favorite authors list. I had no doubt that a collaboration between the two would deliver, and it somehow exceeded my already high expectations.

It's my understanding that Rattlesnake Kisses is just the beginning of the tales to come from Boden and Ford's "Knucklebucket Thang" universe, and that thrills me to no end! This is a stellar collaboration, overflowing with all of the writing elements I've come to love from these authors. That includes strong character development, humor, and heart. I was thoroughly entertained by all of the characters, but I especially loved Dallas and the Kid. I loved the relationship between these two characters. The bond that they shared was a perfect example of how family doesn't always mean blood-related, and how we can find our "tribe" in unexpected places. Of course, this story is also packed full of hilarious, laugh-out-loud moments that had me in stitches. It's a page-turner with grit and some rough edges, rounded out by the humor and heartfelt emotion that I've come to love from these two authors.

You know the stories that you greedily devour while also wanting to slow down and savor every moment forever? Rattlesnake Kisses is one of those stories. It was honestly a pleasure to read. I finished it in less than 2 days, and it left me thirsty for not only a drink at the "Knuckle Bucket", but also for what's next from Ford and Boden.

curiosityboughtthebook's review against another edition

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It’s hard to relay how much I loved this book. Robert Ford and John Boden did such an amazing job in creating characters that are both likable and also broken beyond belief. The Kid and Dallas have such a heart wrenching relationship, it almost brought me to tears a few times.

Now, this isn’t a sobby story, don’t get me wrong. It’s an action packed, fast paced horror thriller, that won’t give you a chance to catch your breath. 

The concept of this story alone is amazing. The two authors really know what they’re doing. They figured out how to make you root for the “bad” guys, even though I have yet to find a truly GOOD guy in this book. This book made me feel so many different emotions, even I questioned my goodness in the end.

Superb work to both of them!

ginabaneena's review

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Is there a topic that is off limits to you in a book?

I read RATTLESNAKE KISSES last summer and I’m just now getting around to writing out my thoughts. No fault to the authors. It was such a blast of a story! there was blood, the characters were trashy af and SO much heart in between the lines - I was crying before chapter 1 ended. ⠀

So back to the off limits topic..& spoiler alert:⠀
I lost a loved one to drowning. It was awful and any time I come to it in movies or books, along with a mini panic attack, I can’t see anything but my brothers face. So, I realized quick on page 1 of this book it was going to stretch me. ⠀

Bob Ford & John Boden did an AMAZING collaboration with this and I ugly cried A TON in the beginning & end, but everything in the middle was like you were in a Clint Eastwood film and on the edge of your seat! I still laugh out loud thinking of Dallas & The Kid (they seriously cracked me up) and their friendship in this story will just make your heart burst- id bet you couldn’t read this and not cry! ⠀

“All anybody has is right now. So what’re you gonna do with it?”⠀

“Don’t take your eyes off what’s close to your heart, Kid. Not ever.”⠀

motherhorror's review

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You know what's crazy to me? There are so many terrible books out there that sell millions of copies and millions of readers are spoonfed worthless-garbage-storytelling by traditionally published authors who just phone it in and rely on their popularity and big house publisher to sell their books. BOO. To. THAT!
Meanwhile, over here in the indie, small publisher genre of horror, I'm reading books that I know for a FACT would appeal to a huge number of readers. Example:
Rattlesnake Kisses by Robert Ford and John Boden.
Holy hell this book. First of all, this collaboration is a dream come true. John Boden is one of my all-time favorite voices in indie horror (his novella WALK THE DARKNESS DOWN is a must-read).
And Robert Ford has this seasoned, old-pro author voice that translates to the page with an authoritative, fluid, confident style that readers know and trust. Together, they have created a world I want to live with characters I'm in love with and stories that are original, entertaining, and emotional-- Basically everything I want in my favorite reads.
From page one, I felt my guard go down and my heart easily melted into the story. I became instantly attached to the two main characters, Dallas (a professional hitman) and his sidekick of sorts, The Kid (a young man struggling to find his way in the world, complicated by his abusive caregivers, abandonment issues and Aspergers).
Our authors Boden & Ford develop a relationship between their characters through witty, colorful dialog. This was easily my favorite aspect of this story--the dialog. I was laughing out loud and shaking my head--these two are TV-show-worthy entertainment. I could read their exchanges and banter all day. Of course, I developed a little crush on Dallas too, as all the female characters in this book seemed to do as well. He's just one of those guys that radiate confidence, danger, intelligence and sex appeal in one sentence or even just a look. His care and concern for The Kid showed that he's not all grit and hard edges, he has a soft side too.
As the story intensifies to its brilliant conclusion, I felt a familiar tugging on my heart that I would be wanting more from these two authors--it was a comfort to know that Boden & Ford have collaborated on another book in the same world called, CATTYWAMPUS part of the Knucklebucket Thang series. (But secretly, I need another Dallas book)
It's this reviewer's recommendation that if you're a fan of characters you can fall in love with and invest in, colorful language and witty dialog, an entertaining UNPUTDOWNABLE storyline and an emotional rollercoaster--you're going to want this book.

ginathebibliohoe's review

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Is there a topic that is off limits to you in a book?

I read RATTLESNAKE KISSES last summer and I’m just now getting around to writing out my thoughts. No fault to the authors. It was such a blast of a story! there was blood, the characters were trashy af and SO much heart in between the lines - I was crying before chapter 1 ended. ⠀

So back to the off limits topic..& spoiler alert:⠀
I lost a loved one to drowning. It was awful and any time I come to it in movies or books, along with a mini panic attack, I can’t see anything but my brothers face. So, I realized quick on page 1 of this book it was going to stretch me. ⠀

Bob Ford & John Boden did an AMAZING collaboration with this and I ugly cried A TON in the beginning & end, but everything in the middle was like you were in a Clint Eastwood film and on the edge of your seat! I still laugh out loud thinking of Dallas & The Kid (they seriously cracked me up) and their friendship in this story will just make your heart burst- id bet you couldn’t read this and not cry! ⠀

“All anybody has is right now. So what’re you gonna do with it?”⠀

“Don’t take your eyes off what’s close to your heart, Kid. Not ever.”⠀

charshorrorcorner's review

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4.5/5 stars!

RATTLESNAKE KISSES is a bloody Tarantino-esque type of novella, with portions so poignant you just want to reach out and hug these people.

This is the story of Dallas, The Kid, Wesley the (kind of psycho) cop, and a lovely couple by the last name of Morris. How do these people come together? You'll have to read this to find out!

It's hard to say much without spoiling anything because it's such a short book. RATTLESNAKE KISSES is violent and gory, but it's also funny at times. Everyone in this novella is gray-meaning there's really no black and white characters here; they all have depth, they all have their baggage and they're all just trying to get by. (Well, maybe they're all gray except Mrs. Morris, she didn't have many redeeming qualities at all. Quite frankly, she was just a bitch!)

Dedicated to Dallas Mayr, (aka Jack Ketchum), with bits of song lyrics or references to songs and other cool tidbits, this book is short, fast paced and bloody as hell. I loved it!

Highly recommended!

Now available!!! Get your copy here:

*I received a mobi copy from John Boden in exchange for my honest feedback. This is it.*

teamredmon's review

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Good God that was good. Review to come.