
Shine Light by Marianne de Pierres

shelleyrae's review

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In the stunning conclusion to Marianne de Pierres Night Creatures trilogy, Shine Light reveals the secrets of Ixion when Naif returns to the pleasure island to lead a revolution. Having learned the horrific fate of those withdrawn from Ixion and discovered the conspiracy between Grave and the Ripers, Naif now must solve the mystery of Ixion's eternal night to save her friends before their time runs out.

Fast paced and action packed, Shine Light races towards the shocking climax that sees the teens in a pitched battle against the night creatures. de Pierres brings together the characters we have met over the preceding installments of the series, Rollo, Suki, Markes, Ruzalia, Dark Eve and Lenoir to name just a few and all play a part in this finale. With the Ripers split and the night creatures restless, danger is ever present for Naif and the rebels as they search for the answers they need. What they discover is the origins of the island chains that are trapped in darkness, and a way to shine a light on the truth.

Naif is almost unrecognizable from the timid baby bat that came to Ixion in search of her brother in [b:Burn Bright|9433912|Burn Bright (Night Creatures, #1)|Marianne de Pierres||14318452]. In Shine Light she comes into her own, loyal, determined and fearless she refuses to give up even if the cost is her own life. Naif also has to deal with her relationship with Lenoir, the Riper to whom she is bonded, and the way in which her actions will affect him.
Several of the other characters readers are familiar with also have to make sacrifices in the story. Liam is forever changed, Kero has to confront his grief and the rebel gangs have to put aside their rivalries to create a united front.

While Shine Light deftly concludes the trilogy, tying up loose ends and revealing Ixion's secrets, it seems to me that the author has left a thread that could be picked up again in the future. The Night Creatures has proved to be an exciting and creative series blending fantasy and science fiction. I am sure fans of the series will be satisfied with the climax and will no doubt hope de Pierres shines on.

aira_reads's review

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When I first purchased Burn Bright, it was sort of a hit or miss. After three successful books later, I'm happy to say it was a successful hit. Shine Light is the exciting conclusion of the world that has intrigued us and I'm happy(ish but more on this later) for the ending. The Burn Bright series is one of the few books that's managed to thoroughly grasp my attention span with its tentacles. And I have a rather short attention span.

Let's discuss the cover first. Seriously all three books have such an amazing, unique cover. Well done team! What is happening with this one? Is she drowning or is someone pulling her or is she reaching out towards something? Granted, much of it does not make sense but it is still beautiful. Almost tragic. Like the cover, half the time when I was reading the novel I was confused (HELLO WHUH ARH MUH MAPS? but I was willing to read for the writings were beautiful.

The writings, well Marianne deserves four stars for that alone (the fifth is due to the cover. Oh don't look at me like that, you've judged a book cover before) The writing is beautiful. It's not overly cliched ([b:Delirium|11614718|Delirium (Delirium, #1)|Lauren Oliver||10342808]) or overly purpled prose like Nicholas Sparks. And since we're in Ixion, it's dark and ominous, always a plus in my book.

The writings is so good that you are able to overlook things which other books have failed to quench the anger. Naif and Lenoir's relationship is something out of a psychology textbook under the chapter involving Stockholm Syndrome. I kid you not. Girl almost got murdered. Guy saves her. Guy REALLY SAVES HER BUT BY DOING SOMETHING, UNLOCKING SOMETHING (minor spoiler if you haven't read the previous books) GUY AND GIRL FALLS IN LOVE BUT THEY CANNOT, I REPEAT CANNOT BE TOGETHER BECAUSE PEOPLE GET ALL PISSY PANTS. In another book (do I seriously need to add The Book here? But SOMEHOW the descriptions managed to make it not seem like a repulsive read. You root for both Naif and Lenoir.

HOWEVER, the ending, the real ENDING of Naif and Lenoir...I cannot fathom the idea of the ending being just like that.

Fans of [b:Masque of the Red Death|12924275|Masque of the Red Death (Masque of the Red Death, #1)|Bethany Griffin||15605716] will enjoy the setting on this one.

akramer's review

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Would have greatly benefitted from a few additional pages, or chapters.

ordinarilybi's review

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Die deutsche Rezension findet ihr hier.

The review contains spoilers about the other books.


Naif and her friends learned terrible things, and now their aim is clear: they need to get back to Ixion to fight against the Ripers in order to save everybody who is and was on Ixion. With Ruzalia’s help they get back to the island, but nothing has been won yet. First, they have to get to know what they can actually do against the Ripers, and for that they need every help they can get. Meanwhile, Naif is still attracted by Lenoir even though he is a Riper just like any other else.

My first thought after finishing “Shine Bright” was “meh”. Actually, there is not much more to say about it, but I will try to elaborate that thought further.

Generally, you can say that the world building and the explanations offered are very vague or even non-existent. That is kind of telling for the whole series if you ask me. I was not impressed by the first book – though many loved it – and the second one only frustrated me. The plot was unnecessarily stretched and even back then there was that nasty thought that it might have been better to combine book 2 and 3 because the content is not enough for two books. Unfortunately, that nasty thought is simply the truth.
The third book is not as frustrating as its predecessor, but there is not much happening as well. It is only not that prominent because “Shine Light” generally has fewer pages. Besides that it is plain boring.

You might expect some difficulties in a final instalment to increase the suspense. However, Marianne de Pierres seemed to think that her characters had to go through enough trouble and should be left alone. As a result, they start their business and before you know where you are, they are finished.
Absolutely nothing goes wrong. Naif has an idea and promptly they find out everything they need to know. Never mind others have tried similar things before – for a much longer time at that! – and never accomplished anything. It is not surprising then that the final hurdle is taken nearly trouble-free, is it?
Reading any of this was no fun at all. The plot may not have been predictable, but there were no highlights either – why you have to publish something like this instead of leaving it to be a daydream, I cannot understand.

To be honest, I do not know what else could be said about this book. What is left? The style is nice, but that can be said about many books. The characters did make some development, but is that enough? I have to admit that in “Shine Light” they were less annoying than in “Angel Arias”, but that is not really an achievement.

The third book in the “Night Creature” series is less frustrating than its predecessor but incredibly boring. It is not as if nothing is happening – the book uses the space it has well, and nothing has been stretched to fill some more pages –, there are just no problems. Everything works perfectly well for the characters, and you cannot possibly hope to create suspense with that. If the last two books would be only one, it might still be okay, but it does not deserve a recommendation the way it is.

navsy's review

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After my fascination with Burn Bright and disappointment with Angel Arias, I didn’t know what to expect from Shine Light. My major problem with Angel Arias was lack of answers. However, Shine Light delivers what it promised and that makes up for the lack of excitement this book had to offer.

Even though Shine Light begins straight from where the last book left off, the sense of urgency that should have gripped me was lacking and I found myself vaguely interested to find out how things would turn out. The initial chapters were like the initial warmth that a building fire gives you. I was hoping to be scorched by that blaze, but, the story didn’t quite reach that point. There were some revelations in the book that felt comical at best and hurriedly met out on a whole. I won’t say that it wasn’t a satisfying ending to the trilogy; however, I won’t say it was quite pleasing either.

To begin with, I felt that everything was rushed. Starting from Naif’s plans to get to the bottom of Ixion’s history to rescuing the young ones, it felt like being put on a fast-paced boat ride in one of the amusement parks where you don’t know which way to turn your head, knowing that you might miss out on certain things for sure. The other problem I had was the ease with which Naif’s plans turned to fruition. I kept hoping for something drastic to happen, something that would change the course of the story, and yeah, at one point
Spoilerwhen Brand kidnaps all League members
it felt like my hopes wouldn’t drown after all..but of course that didn’t last for long. I got answers alright, but my expectations crashed and burned with how Naif got them.

Moving on, if you read the book, I’m sure you might agree on how convenient everything was for Naif. Don’t agree? Here, I have a list:

1) She got everything she wanted in books present in Ixion, which let me remind you, had been speculated to hold the answers to their problems.

2) She, conveniently, was missing
when the evil Riper, Brand raided the League’s “secretive” lair.

3) She had Lenoir answer all her questions without even having to bat her eyelashes at him. Wasn’t so hard to know all Riper secrets, now was it?

4) The ease with which she had Rollo and Kero convinced, along with more than half of Ixion’s population had me suspecting Naif’s involvement in witchy tricks. Oh don’t give me the excuse of Rollo having a crush on her and don’t even remind me of that Jacob-Bella moment they had on that..errr…ship.

5) Lastly, let’s not forget how easy it was for Naif to find the Uther queen and convince the Uther population to do her bidding, or how every time she escaped getting mortally injured. The last scene doesn’t count, okay?

This almost brings me to the end of my review. If for a moment, I forget the lack of action or suspense or dread that this book had to offer, I really can’t ignore the anti-climactic ending. Remember how I talked about the start being a kindling fire? Well, by the time I finished this book, I realized that the fire had been doused even before it could reach its full potential. *sigh*

All in all, I truly believe this book could have been much better; be it in terms of writing style, plot execution, or as a fitting end to a trilogy. Also, certain things have been left for reader’s speculation in the end and I haven’t made up my mind on how I feel about it.. yet.
I think this book manages to get a 2.5 from me. Barely.

One thing that I still can’t wrap my head around:

And be warned, it is a major spoiler, so don’t peek.

SpoilerOMG! RIPERS CRASH LANDED INSIDE A GIANT FISH! AHAHAHAHAHA!! Can you imagine traveling across the universe inside the body of a giant animal? When I read about it, the first thing that came to my head was, “Pierres must’ve been watching a Disney movie when she wrote that!” *continues laughing hysterically*

thiefofcamorr's review

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Katharine is a judge for the Sara Douglass 'Book Series' Award. This entry is the personal opinion of Katharine herself, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of any judging panel, the judging coordinator or the Aurealis Awards management team.

I won't be recording my thoughts (if I choose to) here until after the AA are over.

stephreads44's review

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Very slow read, the ending was very inconclusive. Over all, a disappointing finished to what had appeared to be a promising story.

rebecca_3's review

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I was a bit disappointed by this. I really enjoyed the unique world, but mostly I kept coming back to this series because of Lenoir and I wanted to know what happened with the love triangle.

SpoilerIn the end Naif tells Markes to choose Emilia. Which I was happy about because I thought that meant that Naif was choosing Lenoir and giving Markes permission to move on. Maybe Naif was choosing Lenoir, but that didn't mean that he would choose her back. After quietly telling Markes to move on, she went in search of Lenoir and gave him some of her lifeforce to strengthen him. But the moment she turns her back, he disappears. The last lines in the book are:

"She turned back to Lenoir, a smile blossoming on her face.
But the Riper's bed was empty. Lenoir had gone."

What does that mean? Did he reject her after obsessing over her for so long? Was he trying to protect her? Would he be back? Its very frustrating.

rebeccajane's review

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Honestly I was kind of disappointed with this book. It took way too long for me to get interested and, when it was kind of getting better it ended. There wasn't enough time put into the stuff that was going on in the book and the ending was too quick and anticlimactic.

ninni1821's review

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Asjhkkhgg! What the fross??? Where did Lenoir go? Jfc. Can I just have one fucking ship with a good endgame?! Oh my fuck. There has got to be more. Has to be.