
Unraveled by Mia Kayla

caseroo7's review

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Unraveled is the first book in Mia Kayla's Ryder Boys series, and while there things that I liked about this story, ultimately I had mixed feelings about it. I think that there are a lot of moments here that were great, and readers will enjoy them. But I also felt like there were several things keeping me from loving this story and it was just okay for me in the end.

Angelica thought that she had her life planned out and knew exactly what would happen for her future. But when she realizes that the man she thought she would spend her life with is already married to his work, she knows that she needs to end things. Cade Ryder is everything that she shouldn't want, yet the more she is around him the harder it becomes to resist.

I liked Angelica and Cade for each other. I thought that they had chemistry and were good for one another. They had a connection that was obvious right away. If I am honest though, I had a bit of an issue with Angelica. I felt like her moving on from her ex to Cade in such a short amount of time was a little unbelievable. For her feelings to suddenly be as strong as they supposedly were just didn't feel right when her relationship with her ex was so long and as serious as it had been. (They lived together) I also really had a hard time with how Angelica let her ex and her mother get away with all they did without her standing up for herself. There was one moment that really bothered me, and honestly if I was Cade I don't know that I would have been able to get over it.

I did really love the relationships that both Angelica and Cade had with their siblings though. Angelica and her sister were supportive and great, and I loved seeing that bond. Same goes for Cade and his brothers Jordan and Wyatt. It was even more special for them as they weren't blood siblings. But those moments were really great and made this a fun read at times. While I liked them and Cade and Angelica together, I wish that Angelica had put her mother and ex in their place earlier and not let things get in the way of her relationship with Cade as much. I also wish that there would have been more of a natural progression for her relationship with Cade. It felt a bit rushed, when she was just coming out of the relationship that she had been in for so long. I do think that a lot of readers will enjoy this one and Mia Kayla is an author that I have come to enjoy. This one was good and it won't be the last I read from her.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

scvallese1's review

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I had previously read Mia Kayla's Torn duet, so I knew I liked her writing style. And she has a way of telling a story so that you truly care about these flawed characters. That was most certainly the case with Unraveled, as well.

Angie had been with her boyfriend, Roland, since they were sixteen years old, but there was something missing in their relationship now. Priorities had shifted, and she was no longer happy with the status quo. So she ends things with Roland, who has a difficult time accepting this new reality. Enter Cade- holy hotness and sweetness!- who sparks something in Angie that has been missing. But then add in a meddling mother, a difficult upbringing, a persistent ex- things just get complicated.

I really liked that Angie was so flawed. Some may feel that she is wishy-washy or has no backbone, but I felt that it truly made her who she was; she wants to make everyone happy, even if it keeps her unhappy. Cade is one hot man! I loved that he was so committed right from the beginning, and endured Angie's back and forth, while exuding his own strength. I loved his family and his devotion to them! One last thing that I really liked was that it was Angie who messed things up; so often, it is the guy who messes things up and the girl who has to learn to forgive. One thing that I wish was different was that the ending just seemed a little rushed for me. I wish that their separation had lasted a little longer. But I loved the HEA!

Mia Kayla writes some wonderful, imperfect, and real characters. I can't wait to see what's next for the Ryder Boys!

reading_with_2_book_lovers's review

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Mia kayla has done it again, I loved this book so hard that I read it in a day.
such an amazing read.
I volunteered to read a copy of this book

jenn703's review against another edition

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This is told in Angie's POV and can be read as a standalone, but I was happy to hear we will get more from the Ryder brothers.

Angie was stuck in a relationship that had been over for years but was already planned out by their parents. After her father gets ill, things change for her and her sister. Being blown off, yet again, Angie goes out with her sister and is introduced to the tattooed bad boy that is Cade Ryder. There is an instant attraction between the two but so much more to Cade than what meets the eye. I loved the chemistry between and leaning more about Cade and all he has been through.

babblingchatterreads's review against another edition

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What a great start to a series! The intense moments had me on edge with the feels of wanting more for Cage and Angelica. Two people from different worlds growing up with a lifestyle that made them who they are today. The need to please others to protect the ones they love whether if it was for their own good or not. Although it felt slightly fast paced the reasoning behind the timeline made it work in its favor. The author also made the mixes of cliches written in the book her own in a way that was challenging to put down while on I was on a trip. Needless to say I snuck a read every chance I got. šŸ¤“ ~ ā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøā­ļøšŸ’« ~4.5 stars

reading_with_2_book_lovers's review against another edition

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Mia kayla has done it again, I loved this book so hard that I read it in a day.
such an amazing read.
I volunteered to read a copy of this book

bookbruin's review against another edition

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Get ready to meet the Ryder boys! Unraveled is the first book in this new series of interconnected standalones.

This book elicited such strong emotions from me. There was quite a bit of angst and drama not only between Angie and Cade, but also Angie, her family, and her ex-boyfriend, Roland. I loved Angie's devotion to her family, but her indecision and inability to stand up for herself were frustrating at times. It did allow her character to really grow through the course of the book though, and I liked the progression as she really came into her own. It also helped show how perfectly imperfect she was and how unraveled her life had become. Cade also had his own flaws and emotional baggage to carry and it only endeared me to him more knowing everything that he had gone through. He really was so gentle, sweet, and vulnerable underneath the cocky exterior (and tattoos). He had infinite amounts of patience and understanding for his Angel and I couldn't help but root for them to find their HEA.

Though we only briefly met Cade's brothers, Jordan and Wyatt, my interest is definitely piqued and I'm excited to learn more about them as the series continues. I can't wait for Jordan's story next!

*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book*

allyssascott's review against another edition

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Unraveled was an amazing way to introduce us to a whole new series! You canā€™t help but be completely consumed by this book from the very beginning. I find with Mia Kaylaā€™s books I always need to read them twice because 1. I read them way too fast because I want to know what happens and 2. Because one time is just not enough of Cade Ryder.
Angie and Cade.. where to even begin! Angie is such a great character. Is she perfect? Absolutely not! At times she drove me crazy but thatā€™s what I ended up loving about her. Sheā€™s a well rounded, flawed character that I think a lot of readers will easily relate too. Then thereā€™s Cade. Iā€™m not sure I can even begin to put into words how much I love this character. Heā€™s everything you want in a book boyfriend. Heā€™s edgy with his tattoos and cocky demeanor. Then you see him with his family and you see the strong and sensitive side. Prepare for Cade to just melt your heart.
I think I say this in every review of Mia Kaylaā€™s books but it holds true in Unraveled. I couldnā€™t help but become completely obsessed with some of the secondary characters! Mia Kayla has such a talent for building a cast of characters that you just canā€™t get enough of! The relationship Angie has with her family is so interesting and Iā€™m really hoping to see more of them in future books! And the Ryder Boysā€¦that scene with their mother was just heart wrenching and I canā€™t wait to see more of these men!

lindas_bookstoread's review against another edition

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I am volunteering to leave a review for an ARC of this book. I absolutely fell in love with Cade. Angie, not so much. Yes, she cares about everyone else, but hurts Cade while doing so. It is a battle to keep Cade in her life. You will want to read this very well written book to be with Cade and Angel through their ups and downs.

meganlowe87's review against another edition

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I was genuinely liking this book until the end. While I found Angie to be an okay character, at the last dinner that was when all was lost for me. She was so unbelievably weak. I know some people could say she was self sacrificing but ugh, she was a coward and it seriously pissed me off. It took a bit for me to want to keep reading because seriously? So yeah, this book went from good to just okay. I canā€™t deal with women who donā€™t stand up for what they want and Angie is one of those women, sorry.