
Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens

steph01924's review

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This book was not what I was expecting. Judging purely by the cover (which, admittedly, isn't the smartest thing to do) I expected the characters to be older, mid to late twenties, not a 17-year-old and a 21-year-old. I expected the daughter of a famous person, who needed extra protection, not a teenager who is being, frankly, abused by her father's smothering protectiveness. I expected there to be a love-hate relationship between the two main characters, and some snappy dialogue with lots of sexual tension. Instead, I got murky plot points and a lot of obsessive inner-monologue about how dreamy Colin's hair, eyes, lips, shoulders, etc. were.

There was just a lot wrong with the plot. It could've been a better, more interesting book. If the back-story of Ashlyn's childhood kidnapping experience was better explained. If her dad was maybe a little more menacing. If Colin had more personality and there was a genuine reason for her to hate him. If Ashlyn had ran away by herself instead of gaining the tepid freedom she actually had by the end.

I read the book pretty quickly, but that was mainly because it was a pretty quick read, not because I had a burning desire to know what happened at the end. I already knew what was going to happen, because the hints were not very subtle.

charms1976's review

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After eager anticipation, Jennifer Laurens has brought to us another fabulous book about teen angst, love and determination. I am a HUGE fan of this author after reading her other books. She never disappoints me in her writing and creativity.

In Overprotected, we are introduced to the Adair family. Ashlyn is 17 years old and rarely gets a taste of freedom. If she wants to step outside her Security Box that her Father has constructed in the form of a personal bodyguard, she has to sneak away to do it. The outside world is merely a glance outside her home windows. When she gets her latest bodyguard fired, Ashlyn thinks that maybe her father will let her be an adult and have some freedom. Unfortunately, her Father is not willing to give up his control. He hires Colin. Colin is an old childhood friend from when they all lived in California. After Ashlyn was kidnapped in California, the family relocated to New York. Colin is going to school in New York and is hired as a protective companion for Ashlyn. At first, Ashlyn is not very friendly to Colin. Colin used to torment her as a child and she can't stand to even be around him. They quickly work past their history, and eventually find that they truly care for each other.

Some people might think Ashlyn is a bit of a snob in the book. At first, I though she was just going to be another rich girl who is a spoiled brat. After reading the first couple of chapters though, I quickly realized that Ashlyn is not the snob I thought she was. She has had such a protective and controlled life that she barely can even eat in privacy. I can see where the frustration comes from and how freedom would be so sought after. The only relationship with a boy she has ever had has been from reading her romance novels that her friends and previous bodyguards have sneaked in for her. She is a great pianist and has a future at Julliard to look forward to, but all she craves is love and freedom.

Colin is very professional with his new job. While he is attracted to Ashlyn and very caring towards her, he is constantly fighting the urge to be more than just a bodyguard to her. Colin was sweet and protective, yet professional and calm. I love how he is always put into the awkward moments with Ashlyn's Mother and friends. He is always relieved when Ashlyn rescues him from the attention.

When Ashlyn's ex-bodyguard keeps making sneaky reappearances in her life, she is naturally scared and suspicious. When Ashlyn is kidnapped again, you can't help but cheer her on at kicking some butt! What floored me the most was the extremes her Father has gone to though when Ashlyn is rescued. What he did was over the line and he deserved what Ashlyn does to him.

Another wonderful read by an outstanding author. Each book she writes just keeps on getting better. Overprotected was wonderful and I can't wait what to see what the author will bring to us next!

haleyelisereads's review

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“Everything you need to know about love is already inside of you...”

Overprotect: to overly defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss, annoyance, insult; cover or shield from injury or danger.

When I picked up Overprotected I expected to read a nice easy fluffy read, but what I got was thrown onto a roller coaster of emotions, suspense, and of course romance. .and I loved every minute of the ride!

Overprotected is about a girl Ashlyn, all she wants is to be a normal teenager. But Ashlyn does not have a normal teenage life, actually it’s anything, but normal. She has a body guard everywhere she goes, she can’t hang out at friend houses, and if that wasn’t if she couldn’t already hate her life enough..daddy just happened to hire a new bodyguard for her, and he’s not just any bodyguard, he is Colin, her childhood bully. As Ashlyn’s family starts to fall apart more and more by every passing day, she finds comfort in the very guy she thought she hated, Colin, but Ashlyn doesn’t know..Colin isn’t the only one watching her..

I really did not expect to enjoy Overprotected as much as I did, this was my first novel I have read of Jennifer’s and I can safely say that I am now a forever fan! I have been so sucked into paranormal books lately it was such a relief to read a contemporary romance with an awesome thrill ride along with it!

Jennifer Laurens put together a great story, along with that great story she also put together some amazing characters! Ashlyn I could not help, but feel so sorry. I could never imagine having such a protective father who never lets her do anything, she is almost an adult and he protectors her as if she is still an infant!

Colin…well he is just hot! I adored him and I believe any girl in her right mind will enjoy him too, I mean come one, some hot strong guy, who wants to be an FBI agent when he gets older? He is also Ashlyns body guard? If that doesn’t scream hot I don’t know what does! Along with a pretty face though, Colin is a protective caring guy who is all around admirable inside and out!

Ashlyn’s mother I also felt sorry for..sometimes I dis liked her, but by the end of the story I grew such a soft spot for her. I know she was supposed to be kinda evil in the beginning, but at the end all I could think was how depressed she seemed..and how desperate she was just to be showed some love that no one was showing her..ya she had fancy nice things, but this story really teaches you money can’t buy happiness.

Ashlyn’s father was the only character I could not stand at all. He was great for the story and the story would not had been a story if he was gone, but lets just say if he were a real person I would probably punch him in the face. He was cold hearted, and I feel his power and money was what got to his head and honestly made him go crazy. I am just glad that his crazy-ness did not affect Ashlyn and Ashlyn was able to stay such a strong character threw everything he caused.

All in all if you’re looking for a story of romance, suspense, and maybe even a story that teaches you a few life lessons then Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens is a book you need to go pick up now.

dakili's review

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Almost a year after I had ditched this book I decided to finish it because I prefer to finish what I've started. This book is quite likely one of the worst books ever written. I mean, HOW IS THIS EVEN A BOOK? HOW DID IT GET PUBLISHED? Thank God I got it on Amazon for FREE because otherwise I would want to jump off a cliff for spending money on this shit. A PLOT. CHARACTER DEPTH. CHARACTER GROWTH. BELIEVABLE STORY. BELIEVABLE DIALOGUES. AND WHATNOT. EVER HEARD OF IT, JENNIFER LAURENS?!?

_camk_'s review

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I'm not sure why I read this book. I think I expected it to be a funny, entertaining light read but it wasn't. It wasn't funny nor was it that entertaining and now that I think of it, it wasn't too light either.
It's unrealistic and repetitive also.

kaitrosereads's review

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Overprotected is my first Jennifer Laurens book and after that thrill ride I am definitely planning to read her other books. Overprotected drew me in and I fell in love with the characters and their stories. This is a great YA romance with some twists.

Ashlyn is not your typical teenager. She would like to be but with her fathers worries over her protection, she never will be. When her father fires her bodyguard Ashlyn believes that maybe she can talk him out of hiring someone else but things don't go as planned. Instead, her dad hires her childhood enemy as her new bodyguard. Ashlyn is immediately drawn to the man that Colin has become but will she ever be more than a job to him?

Oh my gosh! So cute! I adored Ashlyn and Colin. Their relationship was not the usual one and I loved reading about them. Ashlyn was naive and innocent but it was refreshing. Colin was a bit mysterious and very protective. Watching their relationship grow was the best part of the book but I did love the crazy family dynamics too. You don't see a lot of that in YA today.

I expected just another YA romance but Overprotected was so much more than that. There was a bit of suspense toward the end and I was on the edge of my seat. I kind of expected what happened but I was still shocked, if that makes any sense.

Overall, Jennifer Laurens has written a wonderful book. I definitely recommend this for all you romance lovers! =)

joyousreads132's review

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Overprotected is a story about a suffocating love and unreasonable paranoia. Ashlyn's entire life has been a cycle of bodyguards and chaperones. A kidnapping incident during her childhood forced her father Charles to hire an endless stream of bodyguards that left her feeling pretty much imprisoned for the majority of her blossoming adult life. Charles' paranoia was borderline extreme, in my opinion. The story goes that Ashlyn's former nanny fell in love with Charles then use her for ransom in exchange for his heart. But the entire ordeal wasn't really that traumatic for Ashlyn, as the nanny treated her nicely while she was being held against her will. I guess it was traumatic enough for Charles that he didn't want to take any chances. Let me put my mother hat here and be completely honest and admit that I'd probably do the same thing, if I had the resources. The thing is, Charles need to protect his daughter was a bit severe and unrealistic. I found myself waffling on whether or not Charles' fear was unfounded. Perhaps if his position in the society and his job were a bit more on the dangerous side then it would be understandable. If he was say, the DA or a Supreme Court Judge where he could easily put his family's life in jeopardy. But I just couldn't justify it. I also questioned his sanity when he hired an acquaintance instead of hiring a retired Secret Service Agent or something. At least, someone with more creds than Colin. He didn't even have any experience. I am more convinced that Charles' fear over Ashlyn's safety was just contrived.

I can't tell you how many times I cringed when Ashlyn, a grown up woman, would call her father daddy. The princess thing is cute, but the daddy thing? Er, not so much. And what is up with her mother hitting on Colin? Anyway, let's just say both her parents were on the side of crazies.

This story had the makings of a stirring romance what with the bad history between the main characters but unfortunately, it didn't really do much for me. I think with a few more tales of Colin's bullying and mistreatments of Ashlyn when they were kids would've helped tremendously. If you were to convince me that your fear of this boy is just, then a couple of childhood memories which include stringing popcorn and the boy chasing you with a crab (both unrelated) ain't gonna cut it. The more I think of it, the more I see Ashlyn as an overdramatic heiress.

I don't know, I've read a couple of Jennifer Laurens' books and it just feels like her fantastic story lines end up as a series of unrealized potentials. The short blurbs has this ability to charm me into buying. Take this book, for example, the synopsis alone made me buy the paperback copy instead of buying the much cheaper e-copy. But I'm just a little bit disappointed that again, it didn't live up to my expectations. I think my main problem with Jennifer's books are the characters. I'm afraid that they lack the same charming ability that initially draws me to her books. She has a way of writing too simplistic characters. They lack the depth needed to parallel the actual person she's written. A great example is Ashlyn. She's pretty much alone in her head most of the time because she's never really gotten used to her bodyguards so you'd think that this girl would have a lot more layers - a bit more philosophical about her need for freedom. Sadly, Ashlyn just wasn't really that developed.

But I'm not quitting on Jennifer just yet. She's got a several stories that I haven't read and I want to keep reading them until I can say, wow, Jennifer, this was a fantastic read!

maddycat8's review

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** Rating is 3.5 stars

haley_j_casey's review

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2.5 stars

I was debating between a 2-star or 3-star rating, because while it was't as bad as some of the books I've rated 2, it's worse than a lot of the books I rated 3. So, for now, 2.5.

This book is not one of my favorites. It was free so I got it, and it sounded like a cute, predictable romance. But it didn't live up to my hope for it. it thought there would be more tension between Colin and Ashlyn, that since she seemed to hate him at the beginning, that feeling wouldn't go away until he had done something worthy of being seen in a different light. That didn't happen. He was just kind of there and hot and not rude, so her feelings went from childhood hate to admiration within a couple pages. No tension.

Scenes that could have had a lot of tension, emotion, keep-the-reader-on-the-edge-of-their-seat vibe were lacking and over a little too quickly. And the main characters didn't have as much depth as I'd hoped. Ashlyn was almost eighteen, but she acted and reacted like a child for most of the book, and Colin, while nice enough and easy-going, was never as filled out as he could have been.

I flew through the book, but it's not one that will stay with me, and it isn't one I got attached to.

tjasap's review

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Another great book from this author...