
Five Down by Stacia Kane

shan198025's review

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Almost all the Downside shorts.

ac223's review

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This was probably my favorite of the five stories in Five Down because I just love that Chess and Terrible are finally so happy. Without many lucrative cases of her own since the fallout with Elder Griffith, Chess starts investigating the mysterious death of a woman she and Blue witnessed. Since she hasn't been assigned the case she doesn't get all of the information but she does pretty well with what she has. Will is the Inquistitor who is assigned to the case, and he's someone she went to the Church's training program with. Luckily he has the hots for Blue and Chess is able to convince her to get the info she needs. Unfortunately for Chess she agrees but only on the stipulation that Chess stops avoiding Lex. Poor Terrible, everytime Lex's name comes up it's so awkward. Chess didn't see or speak to Lex in Playing With Fire, but that moment is coming and I hope she and Terrible are able to withstand it.

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Unfortunately, it's been a while since the last book was released in the Downside Ghosts series (2012). I thought I would get my fix by reading Five Down, which is five novellas/ short stories. The first story is titled Rick the Brave and it follows an electrician who takes a job in Downside against his better judgment because the pay is really good. While there he meets Chess and Terrible and a few murderous ghosts. Seeing Chess and Terrible from an outsiders perspective was a fun change. The second story is titled Home and it involves a neighbor reporting another neighbor for suspected ghost activity which the homeowner vehemently denies. Seeing as that would be enough for the Church to cut a big check, Chess knows something is up in suburbia. The third story, Close to You involves a seemingly senile old woman who's celebrating the return of her husband, and Christmas which has been banned since Haunted Week when the Church of Truth took over. Keeping it Close is the fourth story in Five Down which was also a new one for me. The Randell's report suspicious activity to the church and Chess is sent out to investigate. The last few months have been difficult for Chess, especially losing Elder Griffith even though the outcome could have been much worse. This case seems open and shut until she finds out what's really going on at the Randell house. Last but not least is Playing With Fire and it's also a new one for me. This was probably my favorite of the five because I just love that Chess and Terrible are finally so happy. Without many lucrative cases of her own since the fallout with Elder Griffith, Chess starts investigating the mysterious death of a woman she and Blue witnessed. Since she hasn't been assigned the case she doesn't get all of the information but she does pretty well with what she has. Will was someone she went to the Church's training program with, and he is assigned to the case. Luckily he has the hots for Blue and Chess is able to convince her to get the info she needs. Unfortunately for Chess she agrees but only on the stipulation that Chess stops avoiding Lex. Poor Terrible, everytime Lex's name comes up it's so awkward. Chess didn't see or speak to Lex in Playing With Fire, but that moment is coming and I hope she and Terrible are able to withstand it.

ezichinny's review

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I'd read most of these already. I didn't know that

leelah's review

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4,5 stars

Nice to have all short stories in one book. :D

5)"Playing With Fire" - I started with this one because it's a new story.
First of all, it's expected you read books #4 and #5 since there are some things mentioned that can be spoilery for major events of those books.
Chess stumbled on another case: women all over town are spontaneously combusting to death and she knows some bad magic is involved. But it's not the Church case- the case belongs to Squad, so she doesn't really have an authority to look into it. In interesting course of events that includes a bit of manipulation and friend who really like her, she gets to work alongside Squad member who's on the case.
This story was a great little addition to series- it's always god seeing Chess doing her job. And it also reminds us just how powerful she is. Will, the Squad guy, is very interesting and I have feeling we will see more of him.
Romance between Chess and Terrible is still going strong and if one thing is making me happy it's the fact that Chess is not hiding anything from him. It's true that lying would be her downfall when it comes to her relationship with Terrible, but it's not hard to imagine her slipping back into her old bad habits. Chess knows what- who- is the most important thing in her life. And that's a huuuuge step forward for addict.
This story is also excellent bridge to next (eagerly awaited) Downside Ghosts novel because it put some events into action that may play a huge role in the future. I am sure Blue's request will bring some complications in Chess' life. ;)

1)"Rick the Brave" - this story was part of [b:Home Improvement: Undead Edition|9450406|Home Improvement Undead Edition|Charlaine Harris||14335169] anthology and with all those big names featured, I still firmly say Kane's story was the best in it.
It was also fun seeing Chess and especially Terrible through eyes of a complete stranger, character who doesn't have anything to do with stretching arc and plot of Downside series.

2&3)"Home" and "Close to You" were both H&H specials. Both stories are sweet and both have a lot of Terrible which is always a plus. In both stories Chess is doing some debunking job, but there is message at the end because case made her realize something important about her relationship with Terrible.

4)"Keeping it Close" - This was (still is?) available through Kane's site.
Again debunking job. This one is Chess doing alone, but it was an easy one- she is experienced debunker by now and she can tell when haunting is tampered with and when people lie. Again the events of case tie in some way to her relationship with Terrible.

littleread1's review

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I've read 4 of the 5 of these stories before, but do you think that stopped me from reading them again? Hell no. They are wonderful the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and I am sure millionth time through. The new story I am sure is setting up a 6th book *fingers crossed* as we get some new characters and the mystery is only partially solved. It was great being back in Downside, as horrible and scary as it can be, I always feel safe with Chess and Terrible by my side. Being with them is like coming home after a long time away, familiar and safe, if not always a bit fucked up. I really need there to be a book 6. Yesterday. I am already withdrawing ...

amym84's review

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I've previously read the 4 other stories in this anthology, and it's nice to have them all in one place, but I basically bought this for the new story, Playing with Fire. As always I love anything Downside. I will read any little short or different POV that Stacia Kane chooses to write. This story is no different. It continues the storyline of the series, but things are not so significant that it will alienate people who don't read this. I love Terrible and Chess. I'm sad that things are still do bad between Chess and Elder Girffin. I'm hoping a resolution between them will occur in the next full-length novel.

What this story mainly does is make me want to go back a re-read the whole series again!

hazel_reads's review

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Rick is an electrician looking for extra work. Unfamiliar with Downside, he reluctantly takes a job there just because the pay is really good. He'll be working for Bump, supervised by Terrible. Just as he gets started, ghosts appear and Chess is called to save the day. This is a cute short. I love this series!