
The Dictionary Of Wimps by Jon Gadsby, Alan Grant, A.K. Grant, David McPhail

octavia_cade's review

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I picked this up for a couple of bucks at a local flea market, hoping for a Barry Crump style of humour, but alas, not everyone can be a Crump. I got a few chuckles out of this dictionary-style book, in which the tongue is stuck firmly in cheek, but not near as many as I'd hoped for. There's a lot of repetition here (I don't like lentils either, but you don't see me banging on forever and a day about it) and much of that is to do with the title subject. You know how if you see a word over and over it begins to lose all meaning? By the time I'd finished with the 'A' entries alone, wimp was looking like an incomprehensible alien thing.

A small idea stretched beyond its capacity to amuse.