
Sentient by Kenechi Udogu

sleepygirlreads_'s review against another edition

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I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. (We <3 YA)

This book was way better then book one, in my opinion. The writing was stronger and the story was well developed. Though one thing I'm noticing about the story and writing is that nothing gets explained until the last 30 or so pages. Until then the reader is left confused and frustrated.
The characters were a lot more mature in this book. Gemma and Russ weren't so annoying. Laura was awesome, and the characters that were introduced and weren't present a lot were well done.
One thing I didn't really like was the fact that when Gemma and Russ touched, she could pass off the events of what happened so she didn't have to verbally explain anything. To me, it seemed like an easy way out of having Gemma explain things.
But after all of that, I still couldn't really get into it like I can with other books. It seemed to drag for me and that's why I can't give this more than 3 stars.
Not sure if I'll read book 3 when it comes out.

pipss's review against another edition

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This book, in comparison with Aversion, has a better developed story. Yet, I felt that most of the questions weren’t really answered as more were raised. I liked the development that some characters went through and the increasing intensity that was felt during the reading.
Russ’s intuition amazed me! He always seemed to know the right thing to do!
Sentient promises new challenges to Gemma and Russ’s relationship, as they struggle to understand Gemma’s powers and the deep connection they share. New enemies appear to watch from every corner, ready to attack and strange alliances are about to be forged.

shealwaysreads's review

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I didn’t think that this could get any better, but it has. This is just a remarkable book that is flying under the radar. I guarantee that once you pick it up that you will be like me and be unable to put this down.

The story picks up with Gemma rejoining Russ and learning to intermingle with his friends, training her powers and finding a new possible alliances and enemies all while trying to maintain a normalcy of a teenager girl. Talk about having your plate full.

The juggling of supernatural versus realism is fantastically drawn that you can appreciate Gemma in both forms. Her relationships and her growths are strongly exhibited within the storyline which solidifies my unity with her.

As I thought the book was going to suffer from second book syndrome, (which tends to happen especially in trilogies) I found that Sentient had so much more wonder trapped within its binding. The plot thickens, the hero’s work, the villains came out with claws. But who is to come on top was left a mystery and hopefully all will be revealed in the final installment (Keepers) which I hurriedly jumped too.

As things began to smooth out for Gemma, Udogu added new characters to stir the pot once more. The character development was spot on, the personalities remarkable, but the underlying question still lingered “Who should Gemma trust?” Allegiance were formed and broken and formed again, and they will not disappoint. The return of past characters added the and extra sweet treat with the methodical twist that just left my jaw to the floor.

Kenechi Udogu writing style is superbly written and will leave you beyond flabbergasted with the story that you just read.

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shirleycuypers's review against another edition

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Original review

This book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Kenechi Udogu!

is the sequel to Aversion and continues the story of Gemma and Russ. Gemma finally discovered that she’s a Progressive Empath and is now trying to figure out how to work with her new abilities. She doesn’t really know what to think of her and Russ’ Sentient link and she’s also plagued with nightmares…

Sentient is an amazing sequel and I couldn’t wish for a better sequel. Sentient starts were Aversion left off and it’s easy to follow. You get immediately sucked into Gemma’s world and her problems. Sentient, like Aversion, is a fast-paced book with an interesting theme.

I really liked that there was some good character development. Gemma was really unsure of her abilities and her Sentient link with Russ, but at the end of the book she was more confident and trusted her Sentient link more than in the beginning. Russ has always been good to Gemma and has always been there for her. I think it would be so frustrating for Russ to be in love with Gemma and he’s not allowed to touch her. But, like the good friend he is, he gives Gemma her space. I really like Gemma and Russ’ relationship and I cannot wait to read more about the two of them.

Sentient was such a good book and I cannot wait to read the third book, Keepers!

farahhananii's review against another edition

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Review on blog: Tumbling in Books

Let me start off with this: This book is EASILY better than the first one! I definitely loved it more! I'll admit though, the beginning was a little slow for me but when the plot thickens, it's just like, BAM! Action!

I think I should list down the pros and cons.

-Slow beginning but the introduction is definitely needed.
-I kinda feel like Gemma is more uptight in Sentient than in Aversion?

-Character growth. Gemma's uptightness? It didn't last long.
-Russ. Definitely Russ.
-And new fun character! I LOVE LAURA!!!

Sentient has everything! It keeps you guessing with suspense, the tension between Russ and Gemma keeps you at the edge of your seat and that small plot twist in the end like, WHAT?! Also, I am giving credit to Kenechi Udogu for not making Sentient into a cliffhanger. Like, if she did, I will DIE. Second book syndrome is a bitch. Cliffhanger or no cliffhanger, I am EXCITED to see what she has for Keeper.

PS: I am LOVING that cover! If I ever see this book on Malaysia's shelf, I will buy it without a second thought :D

nchinnici's review against another edition

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Sentient began to flesh out some of the ideas from Aversion that I wanted to know more about, which both pleased me and gave me more hope for the rest of the series. I also found the writing to be stronger in this book, with the characters being more developed than they were in the first. And the ending to this installment was much more satisfying than the first, making me more keen to continue on.

hannaws's review against another edition

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“What was the point of being so special if all it had brought me was separation from my father and hounding by strangers who thought they knew what was best for me?”

This is the second book in The Mentalist series and we continue to follow the lives of Gemma, Ross and Gemma’s father. At the end of Aversion, Gemma went back to Sandes with Ross and her father continued staying hidden and try to gather information about Sentient Twins and Progressive Empath’s.
In Sentient we kind of continue where we left off. Gemma lives in Sandes at Mrs Burlington’s house, claiming to be her ward, and of course Ross is there too. Their lives go on as normal as it can for a Progressive Empath until one day a mysterious woman appears at Mrs Burlington’s house, claiming to be sent by Gemma’s father. Not soon after the appearance of Laura, they also cross paths with other Progressive Empaths and one hybrid too. From there, Gemma’s life begins to get a bit harder than it already is and she needs to try and master her skills as soon as possible.

In Aversion I was left to hope for more explanations about all this Aversion thing going on. In this book, a lot of those thing are explained a bit more and we get some new information about all of it. There is also some surprising twists and turns in this one too but still it was kind of boring to read. Even though Aversion wasn’t fast paced, it still feels that it had more important thing going on. Sentient ain’t any more fast paced than Aversion and it kind of lack action. I mean with all the new thing happening, all the new people getting in to the story, you’d think that something would really happen. When all we get is one get-together with them all and that’s it.

For me Sentient was truly what the name suggests already, about the Sentient Twins, Gemma and Ross. At least the first half of the book was about these two going on and off with each others. Being jealous about other boys and girls but still not getting together because reasons. It started to get really frustrating and annoying with all this drama between them, no not exactly drama but all the back and forth between them. One day Gemma was kind of giving the cold shoulder and did not allow Ross to touch her but still she was being jealous about Hayley, then the next day they were kissing, touching etc.

All in all my rating for Sentient is 3.5 stars. I know it’s only half stars fewer than what I gave for Aversion but even though I did grew a bit bored and annoyed with all the relationship drama, there were still good and exciting parts in this book also! And the ending was so happy and sweet and ahh ♥ I do hope that the third book contains a little more action and a little less relationships.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

helensbookshelf's review

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I enjoyed this sequel to Aversion, though I don't think it's perfect. It has the same flaw as the first book in that the story is told in a stream of consciousness from Gemma. It reads like a diary entry, and I found it hard to get a picture of what Gemma's world is like.

Though saying that, this second book in the series does flesh out a lot of the details around Aversion and the Avertor's community and politics. In terms of world-building, it is an improvement on the first book, which felt a bit like it was happening in an isolated bubble.

We get some really interesting new characters, and I think where this series really excels is in its character creation and development. Russ and Gemma are both great characters. They are genuine and realistic and they are very sweet together! I like the introduction of Laura and I'd love to see her get more page time in the next book.

Gemma is running the risk becoming a bit of a special snowflake. She has powers that no one has heard of before, and they keep appearing from nowhere with no precedents. It could have been interesting to see how she deals with them but most of the book is about Gemma thinking about her new powers and worrying about them. Her internal narration comes across as genuine and self-deprecating though, and that stops things from getting irritating.

Even with the diary style narration I still found this book easy to get into and enjoyable to read. Just a bit less thinking and a bit more plot next time, please!

I received a free copy from the author in return for an honest review.

larondaflyingpaperbacks's review

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Soooooo... I put this book down and just cannot pick this back up.

books_and_cake's review

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***I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.***

Sentient was definitely better than what I expected. I felt that in the first book, Aversion, everything was a bit rushed because of the fact that it was a novella. There were too many co-incidences for my liking. But in Sentient, everything comes crashing together (in a good way).

In Aversion, we learn that Gemma Colt was believed to be an Averter, but is actually a Progressive Empath. Gemma really faced a lot of troubles in this book. There was a lot of character development in this book.

I really liked the plot and the execution also reached upto my expectations. There were no plot holes. Everything was done perfectly. And when I initially said character development, I really mean it. Russ is one of the characters who has grown on me. In the first book, I actually didn't care much for him, but in this book, he is definitely much better. So was the character of Laura. I was very wary of her in the beginning, but I grew to like her towards the end.

Overall, this book definitely is much better than Aversion. I definitely will read Keepers to know how everything ends!