
A Duel for Christmas by Rosanne E. Lortz

rosannelortz's review

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I don't know if it's fair for an author to have favorites, but I will admit that this is my favorite Pevensey mystery so far. Thanks so much to all my readers for your support! I hope you enjoy this book.

themaritimereader14's review

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Well, this is a genre that I absolutely love and had not previously read - historical romantic suspense! It was a lot of fun! These characters are so easy to root for and this was not highly suspenseful or difficult to read but it was fun to see how it all worked out. I can't wait to read more in this series because I'm curious to see where things go with a few of the characters. As always, I love reading books in this time period and this was no exception though I always find it difficult to read about women's rights (or lack thereof) at that time. Lady Wotherington was fortunate to have two very special men in her corner while she went through some of the events in this book.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced review copy of this book. I'm so glad there are other books to read in this series.

longtimereader's review

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This book was exactly what I needed right now. I fell into this regency book and soon, all my hesitations about this story were whisked away. I have a new author to follow. This book has a mystery, romance and time-gone-by setting that is perfectly blended with Christmas, complete with dances and gowns. I liked all the characters in one way or another, even the villains were interesting and complex enough to thrill me. I have missed books of this caliber. I have to have the rest of the books in this series.

My copy came from Celebrate Lit. My review is my own, left of my own choosing.

vesper1931's review

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Lady Maud Worlington has returned after the death of her husband to the family home in London. But she is hounded there by a her step-son who seems to have a hold over her. She is surprised to find that her younger brother, the heir, is to shortly marry. But what secrets have been hidden and will all be discovered when Jacob Pevensey, a Bow Street Runner starts to investigate.
Although this is the third in the Jake Prevensy series it can easily be read as a standalone story as I did.
An enjoyable Regency romance mystery, well-written with the right mix of characters.
A NetGalley Book

chautona's review

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What I loved:
One of the best things about this book is how the author took actual events from the medieval era and rewrote them in Regency times. She created interesting characters—ones who you really can’t help but loving. I found myself especially drawn to some of the minor characters, and I hope to see more of Ralph and Pevensey soon.

I also loved the author’s occasional turn of phrase. Seriously, she knew how and when to write a phenomenal line or two that really packed a punch. Two of those I interrupted my friend while she worked and made her listen to them. My friend enjoyed them too.

What I hated:
At first, I would have said the dialogue tags. The book opened with sentence after sentence ending in, “he said,” and “she said.” That said, that went away rather quickly. It isn’t that the author stopped using them, but she used them in a much less obtrusive way and I found myself not noticing unless I looked. I also didn’t like what felt like “tacked on” Christianity in spots. A convenient call to prayer and then nothing. Repeat a time or two. However, it really is just a personal thing and I doubt most people would notice.

Additionally, some may find a couple of passionate kisses and/or the subject matter at times to be a bit “much.” While I don’t care to read kisses, etc., I did think the author did a fabulous job at showing the danger of careless passion and the consequences without dragging us through much too intimate of scenes.

What made me laugh:
Not much that should. I found myself laughing at attitudes that confound and frustrate me—and my overtly-American responses to them. It’s really a good thing that time travel isn’t a thing. If I got stuck there, I’d be run out of the country on a rail… or in a boat. Preferably one with a hole in the bottom, or so I expect they’d think.

What made me cry:
Well, I’m not a crier, but my heart wept for those whose lives were ruined through no choice of their own because of those same attitudes that confounded and frustrated me. I wish I didn’t still see some at times.

Who do I recommend A Duel for Christmas for?
I'm really glad I requested a review copy of this book and recommend it to any Regency or historical fiction lover. Those who love a bit of suspense and/or mystery. I even learned a thing or two when I looked up a couple of things I thought might be anachronisms. They were not. The only error that really jumped out at me was a slight twist on a well-known word. I can’t decide if it was deliberate or not.

I really did like the book, much to my delight. An easy four Amazon stars. Here, it should be more like 3.5 but I won't downgrade it because I did like it a lot and I will be reading the others and future books in the series. :)