narflet's review

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I wasn't sure how readable the Civil War II tie-in issues would be, but from this first issue it doesn't look like it'll be a problem. Very interested to see where the story with Kamal's great-grandparents will go. Don't think I didn't notice the bracelet...

ayyymonie's review

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I am more than excited for how all of this is going to play out. Give me all the tension between Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel. Like I need it!

anthroxagorus's review

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Oh my god, it's happening. We're getting into the nitty gritty. I hope this sets up tension between Ms. Marvel and Capt. Marvel. *heavy breathing*

This is making me think about the philosophy classes I took on the nature of evil and moral responsibility.

Yas, Marvel, yas. Ya'll on to something.

frustratedangel's review

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Again, I really don't have any knowledge on the marvel universe and I feel like I would appreciate this so much more if I had some background BUT what I do like is I still enjoyed this very much even though I had that limitation.

daisymoon's review

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Ugh. That's not going to end well...

sweetesteph's review

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So morally ambiguous...

ohthathayley's review

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Really enjoyed this!