
Rest in Agony by Paul W. Fairman, Ivar Jorgensen

lodke's review

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Picked up a lot of vintage paperbacks back in the day, so this summer I'm reading them all, for better or worse. I wouldn't call this one necessarily the Worst, but it is hard to read it without hearing the Victoria Winter's Dark Shadows voiceover voice in your head. The language is the kind of prim, well-enunciated and strictly edited language found in many black and white movies from the late 60s, and it reminds me of the tone employed by Shirley Jackson. There is absolutely nothing scary or gross in the book at all (or "at awl" with that psuedo-UK stage accent). Why, it's almost as if the book were a fine, velvet coat on which the most minor sulfuric charring had occurred. Lovely and dark, but most certainly not improper.