
The Last War by Ana Menéndez

nancykorb's review

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Not worth the read or money spent on it. "Our life together was defined by writing, food, and travel, and so was the end of that life."

in_and_out_of_the_stash's review

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At first I really enjoyed this book. The writing was sparse but meaningful and then the main character turned into a self-absorbed, woeful, poor little me, female. I had no sympathy for her and really didn't care what happened to her.

marthagal's review

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Usually when I finish a book, I think about whether I liked the plot or the characters or what not. This was one time where what really stood out was the writing. I thought that this book was beautifully written.

The main character, Flash, is a photographer who makes her living covering wars with her journalist husband, Brando. The novel in set in 2003, and Brando is in Iraq. Meanwhile, Flash is in Istanbul ostensibly waiting for her papers to come through so she can join him. Other than a mysterious letter arriving, not much happens in the novel except Flash living in Istanbul and considering her marriage.

I love introspective stuff like this. I love being a voyeur in someone's inner life.

Anyway. Some minor things I didn't like:
1) I thought the phrase "I poured myself a glass of wine" was way overused. And that's taking into account the fact that a) I get the wine-drinking was a key characterization thing and b) I love wine.
2) I didn't like all the nicknames. Flash, Tunes, Wonderboy. Eh. Something about them just rubbed me the wrong way.
3) I found the flashbacks to Afghanistan confusing and sort of annoying. Also, I didn't believe that Flash would really do a thing that I will not name for fear of spoiling the plot.

sarah25samir's review

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انتهيت من قرائتها حالا ... لا اعلم كيف اصفها ... هل هى جيده ام سئيه .. هل هى ممله ام مشوقه ... كل ما اعلمه انى تعلمت منها درس واحد فقط .. انه عندما تتاح لنا الفرصه لنعبر لمن نحبهم عن حبنا الا نضيعها لانه ربما لن تأتى تلك الفرصه مره اخرى .. عندما تأتى امامنا فرصه ان نضحى بشئ من اجل من نحب او نترك شئ نحبه من اجل التواجد معهم لا نضيعها ابدا ... نهايه مؤلمه كثيرا ولا اعلم كيف بكل قوة تحملتها البطله التى فى ظنى هى ذات قلب قاس .. وفعلا لم تبال بأنه يحبها او لم تفهم جيدا هذا الحب كل ما كانت تنظر اليه هو نفسها فقط وليس احدا اخر كل ما كان يهمها اين هى فى الحياه وماذا تفعل تريد ان تكون تحت الاضواء دائما .. لا اعلم ولكن لا اتمنى من نفسى او من اى احد ان يصبح هكذا حتى لا تكون نهايته مثل نهايتها