
Live Free Or Die: America (and the World) on the Brink by Sean Hannity

ruthie_wk's review against another edition

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This would have gotten a two star if some of the information used to slam the other side was at least objective

books10's review against another edition

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If you watch Hannity’s show or listen to his radio program, you have probably heard most of what he says in this book. It would be great if those who don’t watch or listen to to hear what he has to say!

jameshendrickson's review against another edition

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I am clearly not the audience for this book, but the summary looked interesting and Mr. Hannity has a large audience and I think it is important to develop empathy for a variety of views.

There are a lot of concerning things in this book that I will discuss below but here is a summary:
1. No thesis for this long book
2. Lots of naming calling of Mr. Hannity’s enemies. The name calling seems to be an attempt to dehumanize his political opponents and to build a stereotype of their views. This is unnecessary at best and extremely dangerous at worst
3. Socialism - There is a long rant about how socialism is terrible and will destroy America but Mr. Hannity doesn’t clearly address that there are degrees of a socialist society. He focuses on Marxism which somehow he feels that he needs to systematically discredit while tying American Democrats to it. Nothing in the Democratic position papers or in the majority of democratic American’s are indicating that we need to wage class warfare and put all industry in the hands of the state.
A. There is a lot of discussion of failed Marxist states but nothing about successful social democracies like France, UK, the Nordics. Americans want something more like those societies.
B. As an aside: American’s are saying that the way things are now is not working well enough and it could be better like: There is an unnecessary healthcare burden on our citizens and our businesses that could be better serviced centrally. We need to be more environmentally responsible than we are now. We need to offer social safety nets without moral strings attached. We need to provide better educational opportunities at the university level and at the vocational level.
4. Russia Probe - There are pages and pages rehashing this all to say that the whole thing was a waste of time and money but this is what happens in a democracy. When our leaders potentially break the law we investigate, sometimes impeach and then we move on. Outside of Mr. Hannity’s audience, I have yet to have a conversation about Trump and Russia or Ukraine since the end of the impeachment. It’s over. Whether we agree with the result it is over. Why are we continuing to rehash it? America really doesn’t care about Russia, Ukraine, the Steele dossier, or any of it. We know it is all a mess and we just want someone to fix it.
5. The Media - How does Mr. Hannity spend so much time attacking the media, of which he is a part, without acknowledging his role in the media (he does occasionally mention this but for the most part he just goes on about the liberal media). Why is FoxNews a special snowflake? No one thinks the other news programs are objective...everyone has a bias...yet Fox spends so much time talking about the liberal media. I don’t see CBS or the Wall Street Journal or NPR attacking the conservative media constantly and complaining about how they don’t get fair treatment.
6. Trumps Successes - “The left hates us because we empowered Trump, and they hate Trump because he disempowered them.” This is not why we hate Trump (although I don’t care at all about Trump, I hate the way he acts, and most of his policies but I don’t know him), we “hate” Trump because he doesn’t represent us and because he is not how we want to be seen as Americans.
A. Regarding his successes there are some positives but then we get to Mr. Hannity’s view of Mr. Trump’s handling of COVID-19 the wheels fall off of the bus. This was too public and too recent to spin positively. Everything about COVID-19 has been a disaster. Mr. Trump refused to overreach when he should have (masks, social distancing, unity) claiming states rights but then feels comfortable overreaching with Federal power when sending in the national guard.

There is so much throughout this about the media hating Trump...which is probably true...because they reflect the views of most Americans. Many Americans find Trump to be distasteful and in no way an accurate representation of the America we live in or want to live in. We are indifferent about him as a human being but we absolutely don’t want him as our global representative.

This book reads like a Fox News extended rant, which I guess it is. There is no clear thesis, and the book as a whole is messy, unfocused, poorly researched, and terribly executed. There are long chapters defending President Trump’s record on Russia and subsequent impeachment and on Mr. Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Russia section takes forever and it appears that Mr. Hannity has somehow written this without actually reading the Mueller report. I wasn’t aware that this was still an open issue that we needed to rehash after the impeachment trial. I really don’t know why Mr. Hannity brought this back up and I have no idea how it relates to defending our freedom and liberty.

I believe the premise of this book, based on the title, is that America is under attack by someone or something and that unless we do something we will die. Mr. Hannity is not clear on what the attack is, who is doing the attacking, what we need to do to defend ourselves, or even who will die. I can’t tell if we will personally die or if America will die.

If you want to understand the American conservative view point this book will not help you...I have been actively reading on this subject and I am really struggling on what you should read to understand it but it is not this. George F. Will’s “The Conservative Sensibility” is better but it doesn’t provide any answers just retrospective nostalgia as policy. Dinesh D’Souza’s “United States of Socialism” is a better choice for understanding socialism from a conservative point of view. Don’t read this book if you want to learn something and certainly not if you care about the future of America because you will not find answers in these pages.

reliablepat's review against another edition

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I'd give it 100 stars if I could. It's an accurate and scary portrayal of the socialist blue monster trying to destroy the heart and fabric of the United States of America. Thank you Sean for laying out it so clearly so all true patriots can easily understand what we're up against.