
The Vampire Within by Laura Daleo

bookertsfarm's review

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This book really starts out with the action. Brandon Cass (love that name!) is sitting in class when he suddenly gets a whiff of blood. After following Sam, a long-time crush outside after class, he ends up kissing her only to bite her tongue so he can taste her blood. Now maybe this is normal in a lot of vampire books but Brandon doesn't know that he's a vampire and the change in him happened overnight. Brandon starts on a quest to figure out why he is suddenly craving blood, why it makes him act so abnormal, and how he can return to an average high-schooler again.

I found "The Vampire Within" to be a fun and exciting read. Although the book might easily be interpreted as a romance, it isn't. It's more a book about family and friendship. Brandon, his new tutor, Rick (because who can go to school when you want to drink everyone?) and his sister Lindsey work hard to figure out what is happening to Brandon and more importantly, how to make it stop. I loved the bond between Brandon and his sister Lindsey. Yea, they annoyed the hell out of each other at times, but they also had each other's backs through it all. I also really enjoyed Rick. Rick was disabled when he was a teen for stupid behavior but he has made peace with his condition and really wants to help Brandon move past the trauma he is currently experiencing.

This book has lots of action and there is a ancient vampire component which heavily influences the outcome of the book. If you are looking for an interesting vampire read, minus the romance, then this is definitely worth a consideration.

I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.