
Before Watchmen: Rorschach #3 by John Higgins, Brian Azzarello, Lee Bermejo

reliablepat's review

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The henchmen attack Rorschach. He drops a smoke canister and jumps through the window and onto the fire escape. He hides and when one of the bad guys peeks out the window, he kicks him in the face. Nice!

Rorschach jumps in a cab and gets out of there. The cabby is cool and says Rorschach is tough and he's doing a good thing.

Rorschach goes back to the diner and asks out the waitress after telling her his name is Walter. Says he wants to thank her for bringing him to the hospital. She agrees to get dessert with him after her shift is over at 11 pm.

Serial killer The Bard is on a killing spree. We keep seeing the dead bodies of his victims throughout the series. Who is he?

Rawhead tells his guys to hunt down Rorschach and kill him. Otherwise, they'll get picked off one by one. Rawhead tries to lure him out but Rorschach doesn't take the bait. Instead, he goes in the back way and lets Rawhead's tiger loose, and opens the door. The tiger attacks Rawhead's guys and all hell breaks loose.

With everyone distracted, Rorschach sneaks up from behind and takes a hostage. And then he starts to fight Rawhead.

The scene ends and flashes to Rorschach's date. She is waiting for him when someone she knows sees her and offers to walk her home. It's obviously The Bard, but we won't find out for sure until the final issue in the series.