
Devilish by Jo Beverley

llamallamacallurmama's review

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**Most of my reviews contain detailed Content Warning/Trigger Warning (CW/TW) sections, which may include spoilers.  I have tried to mark them appropriately, but please use caution.**

Audio (Susan Duerden)

DNF at 4%

Summary: I’m really not sure… Oldest, stuffy/overbearing/reserved but theatrical aristocratic brother in a large family finds love?

Stats: HR-1760s England, M/F, part of a series, better in order.

Notes: This just wasn’t holding my attention at all. Too much going on to jump into so late in the series.

Incomplete, but still spoilery, Content Notes
Historical weapons (swords, etc), dueling, offhand mention of suicide, a bit of blood, murder/death, “madness,” parent with mental illness, child (of side character), death of parents, death of infant sibling, postpartum psychosis(?)

tial6's review

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Never got past page 60. Couldn't get into the book at all.

mltola67's review

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Desde el principio de la serie estaba deseando leer a Bey ;-)

msmiz95's review

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My favorite so far!

hollie's review

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I liked this book on its own, but after reading the others in the series I was slightly disappointed. I wish there was more Bey/Rothgar in it. I wanted to know more about him after reading the the other books, in fact I was dying to know more of him. Maybe I had too high of expectations of his story and that was hard to live up to. I still liked it though and it is worth the read.

karend's review

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More Mallorens. I sped through this but had a couple problems with it. One of the perils and its aftermath just squicked me out, and I have no idea how the hero and heroine ended up together. A whole piece of the hero's internal dialog was either missing or so subtle I missed it, because I didn't understand his transformation.