masterfozual's review against another edition

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Following up the unexpected events of New 52's Green Lantern, this is a thrilling, engaging step in a new direction.

ferrisscottr's review against another edition

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Pleasantly surprised with this one.

Admittedly I've never read Green Lantern before but with Marvel putting out such crap these days I thought I'd give it a chance.

This is the first volume of Hal Jordan and the Corps after DC's Rebirth.
A nice long story about the return of the Green Lanterns and their battle with the Sinestro Corps.

The art was amazing, the plot was engaging and moved along at a nice clip.
I'll be continuing to read this going forward for as long as the quality stays this high.

iffer's review against another edition

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This was a solidly-entertaining and well-drawn Green Lantern title. As seems to be the case even more often with Green Lantern than some other superheroes, the reader has to be a little bit roll-with-the-punches, since there is so much history, but this contains enough recap that I, at least, was willing to go along for the ride. This isn't ground-breaking, but it was fun to read, with big action sequences, self-deprecatingly bombastic heroes, and mustache-twirling villains. It's entertaining in the way that Michael Bay movies are entertaining.

sodope's review against another edition

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Las GLC han desaparecido de la galaxia y Siniestro toma provecho de esto haciendo que las YLC tomen el control de la galaxia.
Sólo quedan pocos Green Lanterns y tratarán de tomar el control de nuevo, Guy hará un sacrificio y Hal Jordan necesitará la ayuda de la hija de Siniestro.

sblake33's review against another edition

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This is the one I love.

I have to say this now or this review will just be about how much I loved him.

More importantly than my all encompassing love of a certain redhead, I have never read anything about the Green lanterns. My only experience being the horrible movie.

That being said, I wasn't confused. Definitely there was a lot I didn't really understand, but that didn't dampen my reading experience at all because I loved this! I wouldn't say that this is the perfect starting point but new readers can start here with minimal fuss, but some background reading will definitely make this better.

I was able to read and enjoy this trade with any prior knowledge and now I want to read the previous run, which it exactly what rebirth is supposed to do, you know in theory.

Anyway I really enjoyed the story and the characters. I spent the whole trade rooting for the green lanterns and wondering what the hell was going to happen next, cheering for Hal and also worrying if he was going to blow himself up, and wanting to slap Sinestro.

In short I had a great time, and I’m excited to see what happens next and hoping that there is even more Guy Gardner. Also, the artwork and colors were amazing! There were some stunning panels in this trade!

Received from publisher in exchange for an honest review

jhstack's review against another edition

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Decent enough reboot of the Green Lantern Corps overall, but could do with a little more focus/tying up loose ends. (e-galley from NetGalley and DC Comics)

old_tim's review against another edition

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There's a lot going on here. Maybe too much. Of the various Rebirth titles I've read so far, this one feels like the most reliant on some serious knowledge of Lantern continuity. Yet another Hal v Sinestro showdown feels tired.

medusax0's review against another edition

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This is the one I love.

I have to say this now or this review will just be about how much I loved him.

More importantly than my all encompassing love of a certain redhead, I have never read anything about the Green lanterns. My only experience being the horrible movie.

That being said, I wasn't confused. Definitely there was a lot I didn't really understand, but that didn't dampen my reading experience at all because I loved this! I wouldn't say that this is the perfect starting point but new readers can start here with minimal fuss, but some background reading will definitely make this better.

I was able to read and enjoy this trade with any prior knowledge and now I want to read the previous run, which it exactly what rebirth is supposed to do, you know in theory.

Anyway I really enjoyed the story and the characters. I spent the whole trade rooting for the green lanterns and wondering what the hell was going to happen next, cheering for Hal and also worrying if he was going to blow himself up, and wanting to slap Sinestro.

In short I had a great time, and I’m excited to see what happens next and hoping that there is even more Guy Gardner. Also, the artwork and colors were amazing! There were some stunning panels in this trade!

Received from publisher in exchange for an honest review

midnight_misfit's review against another edition

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quirkycatsfatstacks's review against another edition

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First things first, I should admit that I may have jumped the gun a little bit here. I’ve really enjoyed Green Lantern comics in the past, but I’m not exactly up to date. I have yet to read the New 52 version of the comics, so the beginning had some events that I don’t know the backstory to.
Also worth noting – the artwork is exactly what I would expect and hope for when it comes to a Green Lantern graphic novel. It’s full of bright colors that are both bold and distinct (and important factor when considering how many lantern colors there are).

The Green Lantern Corps are gone – they have been for a couple of years. During that time the Sinestro Corps (yellow lanterns) have taken control (not something I’d enjoy seeing, personally). Hal is the only lantern left that’s in distance to help keep the Sinestro Corps from moving forward to the next step in their plan.
As stated above, I haven’t read the New 52 Green Lantern series yet (I know, it’s on the list), so I don’t know what exactly happened before the beginning of this volume. From the context provided I can infer most of what I think I need to know (such as the Green Lanterns got sent away, I don’t know by what. And that Hal has gone Ion). That being said, I actually really enjoyed this volume and can’t wait to read volume two (which is waiting for me as I write this).
There were particular moments I really enjoyed, so I’ll just focus on them a bit. I loved seeing how Hal managed to keep it together while so infused with the Green Lantern force. The glimpse at how a ring is made was also appreciated (though I would have loved more details about it, obviously).
I’m shocked to hear myself say this, but I actually think Guy Gardner had the most memorable moments so far. Though I really didn’t need to know what he wears under his Green Lantern uniform (hint: it’s nothing). On the bright side at least a couple of Yellow Lanterns were also subjected to that fact, so there’s a win. As for why Guy was away from the rest of the lanterns? I adore that they chose him as a scout because they knew he’d be too stubborn and dumb to die (they weren’t wrong). The whole set up and story involving him was just so perfect and really showed what kind of person Guy really is.
I’m not sure how I feel about Sinestro. First he was dying and then suddenly he’s been healed (and made younger) by the yellow lantern force (which has an embodiment named Parallax?). It’s an interesting twist for sure; I’m just not sure how much I liked it. Though I did enjoy seeing Soranik resist her father and try to do what she thought was right. It really shows that we have some biases towards the color of the rings (there’s a natural assumption that there can’t be any good people wearing a yellow ring, which isn’t correct or fair).
I’m really curious about what’s going to happen next – so while I do have full intentions of going back and reading New 52 Green Lanterns sometime, I think I’m going to continue forward for now.

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