
Velké U by Neal Stephenson

adnielsen's review against another edition

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This begins as a satire of university life and culture with Neal Stephenson’s trademark insertion of all things nerdy. Unfortunately, it descends into madness with giant radioactive rats and full blown war inside in the university complex. It’s just ends up a bit too ridiculous to really enjoy.

carmiendo's review against another edition

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This book sucked. I did not like it at all. booooooooo

gnomicsans's review against another edition

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It's got a major case of first-novel-itis, but this is a damn hilarious campus satire, and a must-read for Neal fans and disgruntled undergrads alike.

erikinthedistrict's review against another edition

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Quite bad, would not recommended. He got much better at writing later on, this was put back in print after Snow Crash as a cash grab (fair, get that bag), not because it was good.

clockworkvk's review against another edition

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This is a weird book. I'm giving it a 4 for being the proto-Stephensonian novel, holding the seeds which later blossom in Snowcrash, Anathem, Diamond Age etc. At some point I'd like to sit down and actually trace what blossomed where :)

tankard's review against another edition

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Not bad for a debut novel but I can see why Stephenson disowned this book and tried to remove it from printing.
Some of the Stephenson’s signature style peeks through but overall it’s pretty underwhelming in every aspect. Definitely do not recommend this one as an intro to his work.

akross's review against another edition

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Stephenson undoubtedly grew and matured as a writer between The Big U and Snowcrash (the latter being a far superior novel), but it helped understand where he came from. Having graduated from (and now working for) a small private college, I couldn't appreciate the satire as much, but definitely cracked up at some of the more generic academia jabs (One professor is panicked, having forgotten the core components of his field after getting caught up in advising, conferences, papers, etc). Some sections of the book seemed rushed; others seemed nonsensical, but an overall enjoyable (if not memorable) jaunt through higher education with some outsiders.

abmgw's review against another edition

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Naja. jeder hat mal klein angefangen.

caedocyon's review against another edition

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I read this the summer before college, when I was reading every college-related book I could get my hands on. That ended up being mostly Big U (giddy, dark, ridiculous, and hilarious) and Tom Wolfe's I Am Charlotte Simmons (his disdain for his own characters dripped off every word).

Both very useful in my college life. Definitely.

kurwaczytaj's review

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Jde o knihu, jejíž vydání nechtěl autor dlouho povolit a proto získala kultovní status. Tak trochu nezaslouženě, tak jako u nás Kulhánek. ; )
Ne, že by byla vyloženě špatná ale na druhou stranu nejde ani o nějaký zázrak nebo přelomové dílo. Prostě takový slušnější nadprůměr.
Jde o vyprávění o životě v smyšlené americké obří universitě, která tvoří takový stát ve státě. SE všemi výhodami a nevýhodami. K vykreslení jak samotné university, tak jejích obyvatel a institucí použil autor pořádnou porci černého humoru. I ve jménech osob a institucí se nenechal omezovat nějakou politickou korektností a proto universitu řídí S. S. Krupp a na universitě působí spolek levičáckých aktivistů skrývající se za zkratkou S.U.P..
Do vyprávění se prolíná spousta iracionálních až magických prvků a s tím, jak se postupně prohlubuje krize a chátrání university, iracionalita jejich obyvatel nabývá na intenzitě. Jednou z nejlepších scén v knize je je ta, kdy S.U.P. naplánuje, že po rektorovi university hodí šlehačkový dort ale "soudruh" pověřený koupí "munice", koupí ten dort mražený a tak ho musí poměrně dlouho rozmrazovat pod sušákem ruk na záchodech a jen tak tak, stihne rozmrazit dort ještě před skončením vystoupení S. S. Kruppa. Nakonec se stejně netrefí.
Kniha bych asi doporučil jako takovou jednohubku mezi dvěma knihami s vážnou tematikou.