
Come to Me Recklessly by A.L. Jackson

magencorrie's review

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5 amazing stars!

My Review:

I love, love, love this series. I seriously can’t get enough. Aly and Jared’s story was breathtaking (and I loved seeing so much of them in this book), but Christopher’s and Samantha’s was wonderful. It was beautiful, heartfelt, and completely consuming. A.L. Jackson really knows how to spin a story that’ll consume you.

Christopher is truly a lovely character. I was intrigued by his character in the first two books, so having a chance to be inside his head, learn about his character, who he is, was truly amazing. Christopher has been through a lot, which you can tell by his actions and his words. Everything that happened to him in the past has lead him to live a life void of attachments and feelings expect for those he truly cares for. Yes, he was quite the douche-butt when Sam reenters his life, but under that hard exterior is a man who loves deeply, wholeheartedly, and fully. Learning about his past, watching him overcome that and face his past, face what happened between him and Sam was wonderful. I loved him in the first two books, but by the end of CTMR... be still my beating heart.

Sam, I felt, truly complimented Christopher. Unlike his hard, rough, and dominate personality, Sam is kind, sweet, and very shy. I loved getting to know her. Watching and learning how she and Christopher meet, and how they came to care for each other, then how they slowly lost each other was heartbreaking and astonishing. Sam did a lot of growing throughout the book. Being bullying in school, to having very strict parents, Sam was unable to grow. To find who she was. But it was Christopher who allowed her to do that. I connected with her and I loved her personal growth. And I'm a big fan of true love, that soul that was made for you. So watching that spark, that pull, between her and Christopher had my inner romance fangirl going crazy.

The book is emotional –like all of A.L. Jackson’s books – and absolutely intense. Though Christopher and Sam met young, there love was true. But seeing who they are and then seeing who they were was pretty sad. The intensity between them burned fiercely and hot. Though at the beginning, they aren't on the best of terms, I could feel their attraction and love for each other seeping off the pages. The chemistry was toe-curling amazing and I could not get enough of it!

I adore A.L. Jackson. I love her writing style and how she spins a story. She really pulls me in and makes me not only connect with the characters and the story, but really, truly feel them. Feel their emotions. The book flowed nicely and though I was able to see where some aspects of the story were heading, I couldn’t put this book down! The character growth was very present and so well done. The chemistry, as I mentioned, was magnificent. I also enjoyed how it switched from past to present, allowing me to see both Christopher and Sam as they were and as they are now. The buildup between the characters was just to my liking, not too fast or too slow.

This book really pulled at my heartstrings. And I'm so happy to finally have Christopher and Samantha’s story. It was heartbreaking, intense, and beautiful. I highly recommend this book and the series! It’s an amazing New Adult read filled with emotion, love, heartache, and overcoming one’s past to find family and love.

camibookish's review

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Usually I like monologue from the characters, but at first of this book I just thought it was too much, also I don't know if the female lead charmed me all the way but I did loved her relationship with his brother. Besides that I liked this book, so there's that.

booknerdqueen's review

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This was the 3rd installment and was the best (in my opinion) love love love Christopher and Samantha love story!! Love how their life always connected!! Hated Ben so much!!

Great love story!

lcmarie19's review

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**This book was given to me in exchange for my honest reivew**

Definitely not the most original story I've read. I predicted 99% of it, but it was well written. And I did enjoy it.

COME TO ME RECKLESSLY is a cute contemporary romance that, while it has its dramatic moments -- is really just a nice fluffy, somewhat steamy read. It's more of a feel good, palette cleanser. And that's part of why I really enjoyed it as much as I did.

The main characters, Christopher Moore and Samantha Schultz, has chemistry right off the bat, which is GREAT. I think it's in part to the fact that at the very beginning of the book, they already had history that played into the plot of the story, as well as into the progression of their relationship -- as friends and beyond.

The overall progression of the story felt pretty believable to me, with the supporting characters because just as strong (and in some ways stronger) than the main characters. I really liked Christopher's sister, Aly. She was a genuinely charming and sweet character. And she's the perfect buffer between the two main characters, for quite a bit of the story.

There, of course, are characters in the story that the reader isn't going to be too fond of, which is to be expected. And it's actually written in a way that you're not supposed to really like this specific person. It was just an all around enjoyable read. Good characters, good plot. Nice and even pace.

It's definitely a book that I'd recommend as a nice break from heavier fiction. Or even just as a refresher that pulls you out of a reading slump. Or... any other time, really. A.L. Jackson has consistently proven that she knows what she's doing when it comes to writing stories like this. And she continues to earn my trust as a really great and reliable contemporary author.

Also, although this is technically the third book in a series --- it can be read as a standalone. The previous two books are in the same world and some of the characters DO crossover, but you don't miss out on anything having not read them in order!

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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Review to come.

bibliophile90's review against another edition

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*************** COULD CONTAIN SPOILERS!! ***********************
I am an huge AL Jackson fan (read all her books) so I was very excited to read this book. Normally I don't like the story going back and forth between the past and present (there wasn't that much past glimpses btw, so don't let that turn you off), but it was perfectly done in this book and I enjoyed seeing how Christopher and Samantha were in the past. The first interaction between Samantha and Aly/jared I was very happy to see that we got glimpses of their life as well (they are one of my all time favorite couple).

The first meeting between Christopher and Samantha after 7 years being apart was heart breaking, Christopher really said some hurtful words that no girl should hear. It was obvious Christopher never got over Samantha, and the same could be said about Samantha. You could just feel the love between the two, they were meant to be (soul-mates!). Chris was very intense (just my type of guy). One guy I absolutely hated was BEN!! He was so controlling and acting more like a keeper than Samantha's boyfriend. Glad he got what he deserved at the end. Stewart, Samantha's younger brother, just broke my heart. Every piece I read featuring him got me teary-eyed, and yes I cried at the end (I am a very emotional reader, I feel everything!). The only thing I wish could be included was that Christopher got to see Stewart again after the 7 years, would've loved to see them interact. AL's writing style is beautiful and is very easy to follow.I am glad they got their HEA. One of my favorite quotes was:

"Nothing in this world could make me happier, Samantha. Watching your belly grow with my baby. Claiming you as my wife. having someone call me Daddy. It's all I want, baby... to spend this life with you."

Aly's and Jared's story is still my favorite (that's why I gave this book 4 stars). I am hoping that the following side-characters get their own book: August, Courtney (Jared's sister), and Megan (Aly's and Samantha's friend). I will One-click any book by Al Jackson, no doubt about it she is one awesome author who writes the type of book I really enjoy reading.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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Come to Me Recklessly is my favorite in the Closer to You series! Not only because I loved Christopher and Samantha's second chance at love - because I truly did! - but because Aly and Jared were also very present in this story.
I loved all the torment Christopher and Samantha had been living with because of missed opportunities, and the lies other people had fed them. Not that I enjoyed the fact that they were tormented, but because the way they still found it in their hearts to love and trust again was magnificent!

COYER Summer 2019 Treasure Hunt: Read a complete trilogy - 5 POINTS - Done!

wchappus's review

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4.5 stars

chroniclesofabookreader's review

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I have not had a book affect me like this in a long time. I probably spent about 80% of this book with a pain in my chest, and a flutter in my stomach. How Ms. Jackson managed to make it both steamy and heartbreaking at the same damn time, I do not now, but I am in awe of it. Second chance romances are a favorite of mine and this one was utterly superb.

“When it came to Christopher, foolish was all I’d ever been.
Just a foolish, foolish girl.
And I swore I would never be her again.”

Samantha grew up in one of the worst conditions–as a daughter of a man of the church. She is ridiculed, bullied, and rumored about for this. Her parents are very much strict on who she sees and what she wants. Samantha never gets to have the freedom a child needs to express oneself or to figure out who they are. She wants nothing more than to be free and when she’s with Christopher, she is. She gets to experience feelings, people, herself. He’s a safe place for her for expression as a girl. She’d never had a boy pay attention to her, especially one so popular, but she cherishes the way he makes her feel and in turn she’s willing to risk punishment for being with him. Too soon they’re ripped apart both by life, circumstance, and bad choices. Seven years later and the pain is still excruciating.

“His hands roamed up my sides, and his voice grew deep as he moved to murmur near my ear, ‘You see…there’s this girl who’s on my mind every second of every day, and she drives me kind of crazy because I don’t really understand the hold she has on me. But she has me in a way no one else ever has and more than anyone else ever will. And this girl…she needed me, and I didn’t think twice about that jump, because getting in deep with her is the only place I ever want to be.'”

Christopher had quite the reputation growing up. And he’s not finding that reputation to be worthy of someone like Samantha. He doesn’t realize that he should have waited for it all with her, but he’s going to make sure the future always holds that. As tragedy strikes with his best friend Jared (from the prior two books), his world also spins out of control. It sets into motion a horrible change that’ll affect both Samantha and Christopher. But what it makes Christopher become is the opposite of what he ever wanted.

“‘No, Samantha. You just make me better. You can’t see all my ugly when I’m surrounded by your light.'”

The emotions were so incredibly poignant in this book, with tension that was sticky and wild. Two characters who never had their happily ever after are pushed together by fate (cruel or not) that sets into motion a wild train of sexual tension and damaged souls coming back together. It should have always been them, if life had gone smoothly, but because it didn’t these two destined mates had to suffer apart. For a book with no danger, I found myself reading incredibly quickly because I was desperate for them–desperate for love to overrule and conquer. Beautiful words with a sorrowful story created an adventure that I wholly ate up. I could feel their emotions like a living thing, and not many authors can accomplish that physical response. Not many can make me feel that deep ache in my gut, and sometimes it was so intense I had to close the book and just take a deep breath. It was magical, simply, and the blend between past and present was just right. Highly recommended.

Standalone. There is cheating (but you won’t care).

**Received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

kara_hildebrand's review

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***6 Stars***

I can't…I don't know…I just…I have no words…This won't be the last time I say this: AL Jackson is a literary genius. She's an amazing woman and writer. I can't help but feel like she needs hugs after she finishes a book. I felt wrecked after I was finished. It's heartwarming and heart wrenching at the same time. AL Jackson is the only writer that can do that, in my opinion. I devoured Christopher's story, but at the same time I didn't want it to end. He's just nothing like you thought he would be. In the beginning of the series you get a glimpse of his wild ways and player persona, but you know there is something deeper going on inside his head and his heart. We already know how much he loves his sister, his family and Jared, but now we get to see why he holds himself back from women. Why his heart is broken and already spoken for. Once Christopher comes face to face with Samantha, his high school love, his heart cracks open and he wants her. Before he'll let himself feel anything though, he's rude and mean. He wants her to suffer and he has no problem telling her to go to hell. He's been there since she broke his heart, so it only seems fair. I love how we get to see both Sam and Christopher's points of view, because we learn that the reasons that they are not together now are not what they seemed. Neither one of them forgot the other. Never once actually moving on with their lives and letting people in. It's as if their hearts knew they would be together again someday. Once Christopher realizes that he needs to get her back, he goes all in. He shows her that he's not the boy he was when they were in love as kids. He's grown up, matured and he can't live without her any longer. Will Samantha be able to forget the past? Will she find out that the truth she's been living with for years is not actually the truth? Can Christopher make Sam's heart remember his? I don’t want to let this story out of my own heart, it's just that powerful. That moving. That amazing. That incredible. Along with the tears, sighs, and heart break, we also get the laughs that always come with Jared and Christopher. Add in Aly and a sweet little girl and the smiles ensue. It was so great seeing Jared and Aly again. Oh, how I've missed these characters. I can't help but want MORE!

My heart squeezed to tight I could feel it splintering, disintegrating into dust.

She tasted like sugar and all things sweet, like a spoonful of pure honey. A remedy.

And he felt familiar and right and totally, incredibly wrong, this man I didn't even know, because I never really had.

"Eww, Megan! Don't be making googly eyes at my man. That's just wrong and gross and I will kill you," Aly warned.

He was so beautiful, his presence to powerful, so bug and overwhelming.
Too much.
But somehow I wanted more.