
A Bouquet for Adam by K.T. Spence, A.J. Marcus

karlijnmerle's review

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I was really excited for this one. The blurb sounded so good.
But no, it wasn't what I thought. I wasn't feeling it and I don't know, I missed something. It was a bit too fast. I don't have problems with insta-love, but in this story it didn't catch me. Too bad.

kumabear's review

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some of the dialogue seemed so forced. and it was almost instalove. i found they fell into bed quite fast especially for a person on the autistic spectrum even though he was functional. but i know nothing about it so what do i know? it was a super good idea and it was good overall

suze_1624's review

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I found the writing fairly easy to read and the story moved along at a quick pace.
The early part of the story when Adam and Trent first meet and get to know one another does move very fast. Whilst I have no direct knowledge of people on the autism spectrum, Adam’s attachment to one person felt realistic when it was said he struggled with social niceties - and his attraction to Trent solidified this fixation.
Trent I felt leapt in very quick for a guy still dealing with his own issues and not knowing Adam at all - I would have thought warning bells over dealing with agrieving man would have had him stepping back.
Whilst the family issue did ramp up the drama, I do think Mother would have written something for Adam’s care if she’d made a will. However, the continual spiral of doom where Uncle Pete was concerned just got a bit too much, though I was obviously rooting for team Adam.
But I did like it 3/3.5*

fantasyliving's review

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3.5 Hearts

This story was just sweet. I wasn’t completely convinced by it all, but I’d have to say this was a well thought out story.

Adam is on his own now that his mother has died, and his Uncle is trying to convince him to move to Virginia to live. While out on a walk after burying his mother, Adam meets Trent, and they start a friendship.

ASD comes in all shades (hence spectrum), so it was difficult for me to place where Adam was. The only reason this matters is because he seemed to rely heavily on his mother, which made it more difficult to believe that she wouldn’t have written anything in her Will regardless of whether it was legally necessary or not.

In any event, I let that slide because I found that I really enjoyed Trent and Adam’s relationship development. I got a pretty good impression of both characters, and even if Adam’s behaviours were a little on the suspect side, I did find that his tells were clearly defined.

Trent in Virginia. I actually believed it was possible for those things to happen. Call me a conspiracy theorist, I don’t care. I can totally see something like that happen. I have been in a small town before, where everyone is in each other’s pockets, and I have definitely seen some suspect reactions to things that would normally cause action. So yeah, I can totally see Trent being caught up in a small town, being trapped and targeted.

The flow of this story was smooth, and it was easy to follow. It was emotional without getting too dark. Trent had some issues as well, but when he decided that he and Adam were going to be together, he didn’t stop until he had him.

I would recommend this as a comfort read for those who enjoy fairly straight forward romance. There is nothing overly complicated about the plot, so it would be something light and quick to work through.

swamphag's review

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This book was an over dramatic disaster. Have you ever read a book or watched a movie where you’ve thought “Surely nothing else could possibly go wrong?” and then it does and you feel like you’ve been taken hostage? And you want to gouge your eyes out to get away from it?

That’s what this book was like. I got so mad at some points that I am surprised that I was able to finish it even though it was a quick read.

I thought that my biggest problem with this book was going to be the possible fetishization of a disability, but here we are with me wanting to throw my kindle out of a window. To be fair to this book I feel that they did Adam and his autism/Asperger’s justice by showing him as a strong character with his own personality, struggles, and such.

It really made me angrier that I super liked Trent and Adam and their growing relationship, but then it became about Adam’s horrible relatives being horrible. I got enough of abusive relatives growing up and I don’t particularly want to read about it for entertainment.

I am so stressed out right now that I want to go get a cold beer and watch some baseball to get back to my zen.

There are probably some people who would love this book but I really think the average reader would not like it. Which is unfortunate because I really wanted to like it.

Review originally posted over at Just Love Romance