
More than Fashion by Elizabeth Briggs

bookdevouringmisfit's review against another edition

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Although More Than Fashion doesn't really offer anything new to the New Adult genre, I greatly appreciated the fact that it deviated from the path most NAs take and did not heavily focus on the drama but instead, any conflict between the two characters got resolved easily because they talked about it. Sure, there were moments when I wanted to bash Julie's head on the wall because of how incredibly unreasonable she could be but believe me, that's pretty tame already compared to the other NAs that I've read. Plus, it doesn't hurt either that she and Gavin have great chemistry and amazing banter. There was insta-lust between them but the gradual build-up into love was very sweet and believable.

Also, the MC is Korean (!!) and I liked how the author didn't point it out in every single page/chapter that, yes, there is diversity in this book and yes, Koreans--or Asians for that matter--are not just destined to become scientists or doctors. And gasp, we love fashion, too! It was just there, a fact, that POC exist in this world and it is very normal to see one in an extremely diversified city that is New York. We exist y'all and we're amazing as hell. *flips hair*

michalice's review against another edition

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I have enjoyed this series from the start, so when I got the chance to review More Than Fashion I jumped at the chance. I could not wait to not only catch up with the rest of the gang, but also read Julie's story, especially after finishing More Than Comics.

Julie is someone who has always stayed in the background, and only really finding her voice by helping her friends out with costumes. When it was announced that she was going onto a reality show I will admit to being ridiculously happy for her.

Julie is a force to be reckoned with, and she is determined to get her own way, whether that be winning the competition, or bedding a hot guy she meets at the bar, she's like a tiny little hurricane. Gavin is the hot guy, and also Julie's competition. But when the competition heats up, so do the sparks between this duo, and things are surely going to get hotter, faster. Gavin, what can I say about him. He is a very hot, very sexy Brit, and I have to admit that once I knew he was a fellow Brit, then his voice in my head immediately became even more English than my own. I did think he was a bit of an ass at first, but the more I got to know him the more he grew on me.

More Than Fashion was a quick read, I could not turn the pages fast enough, and my reading was halted for all of two minutes, the two minutes it took for my iPad to charge up, and I never moved away from the plug socket until I was finished. I really liked how More Than Fashion was in a completely different setting than the previous books, and although we do see some familiar faces, Julie is basically alone, away from the music and away from her friends and I liked how this was portrayed. We get to see Julie in her element, and while I loved reading what she designs I think a nice little touch to add to this would have been a few sketches of the designs she made, like we are looking at her designs in process.

More Than Fashion was more than I expected, especially as the book is set in such a localised place, with no travel, no fans, no big crowds, only what is there in the environment. I did not expect it to pack the punch that it did. Every emotion that Julie goes through is portrayed clearly in the pages, the feeling of loneliness, sadness, and lust.

More Than Fashion was a book that kept me guessing in a lot of ways. Would Gavin and Julie finally get together? Would Julie win the competition? Who gets kicked off the show next? All of these questions are answered within the pages of More Than Fashion, and I am envious of those who get to experience this for the first time,

Final Verdict
More Than Fashion has got to be my favourite book out of this series so far, and I am eager to jump into the next book as soon as possible.

catiinha's review

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*I was provided a copy by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Before I start this review let me tell you that if you don’t feel comfortable reading some mature content or if you’re too young this book is not for you.
This book is book 4 from the Chasing the Dreams series. Having read More than Exes, More than Comics and More than Once I was really excited to read this book and I loved it.
I absolutely loved this book like I was expecting because I loved all the books I’ve read so far from this series. I really liked the characters. I already kind of knew Julie because this wasn’t the first time she appeared in the series so I knew I would love her character. I really liked that I was able to know more about her and her life. I also loved Gavin. He’s not Andy (from More Than Once) but he’s still amazing. What I loved about this book is the character development. I really liked to see them changing and how they helped each other overcoming a few things and how they talked about things. If there’s one thing I don’t like in books is miscommunication so I was really happy that it didn’t happened here and that they were able to talk about everything. Another thing I really, really liked was that the book was set in a fashion reality show similar to Project Runway. I was obsessed with Project Runway a few years ago so I really liked to see the behind the scenes bits and all the challenges they had in the show. Also, some of the characters from the other books came back for this one and I loved that chapter. The only thing I didn’t like as much was that it didn’t have a dual POV. I really like the way Elizabeth Briggs writes when she has the dual POV and I really missed that in this book.
Overall this is a really good book and as I said before I plan on reading more Elizabeth Briggs books and I can’t wait to read More Than Distance. If you like new adult and have no problems with mature content you should definitely try to read this series.

katsmiao's review against another edition

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I expected to love this book, and I was blown away. Reality TV, romance, fashion and petty competitors all in one book? Yeah!! Can't go wrong with that.

This is actually book 3 of a series, but I haven't read the other ones, so this can be read as a stand alone.

Elisabeth Briggs brings to life sassy main characters, lots of heat, an amazing Reality TV competition, gorgeous fashion and enough tension to keep me intrigued, as well as enough comedy to make me laugh. great book!

danicapage's review against another edition

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My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Disclaimers: I received a copy of this novel from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. I was not obligated to write a good review nor did I receive any compensation for writing this review.

Why did I decide to turn the pages? I adored the previous two in the series.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I am loving this series. Briggs does an incredible job of capturing romance, competition, intrigue, humor, and wit all in one novel.

The chemistry between her lead characters is always off the charts. Fans of witty exchanges will love this novel.

Personally, I also like how Briggs delves into different worlds. So far we've dove into music, comics, and now fashion. It's fantastic. She makes these worlds accessible to all readers.

Heck, she's mad me interested in comics and fashion.

I love her writing style. Her novels are a fun, fast read that I'd recommend to anybody. Can't wait to see what she comes up with in the fourth one in the series.

Major Strengths: The setting and the characters.

Major Weaknesses: Lack of depth.

So why 3.5 stars? Because I enjoyed this one a lot more than several other novels I've given a 3 too. It was a good read.

Can I read the series out of order? Yes, it can be read as a standalone. Although it does reference characters from the previous two books in the series.

Warnings/Side-notes: Several instances of strong language and semi-graphic sexual scenes. For 17+.

The Wrap-up: An enjoyable fun read.


Danica Page

stories_by_sharanja's review against another edition

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I really liked the setting of "More Than Fashion". The two main characters fall in love while being contestants on a televised competition for fashion designers(similar to Project Runway). Not only was the romance aspect of the book sizzling, I also enjoyed reading about the actual competition itself. I never thought being a fashion designer could be so interesting.

carleneinspired's review against another edition

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I loved the Chasing the Dream series when it first came out, each standalone novel featured a fun opportunity for the characters to chase their dreams. More than Fashion follows Julie and Gavin as they compete against one another on a fashion show a la Project Runway. It's the only in the series I didn't quite enjoy, I think that mostly has to do with the fashion theme. I'm not interested and found myself skimming the design descriptions. I liked Julie though, even with her sass, and absolutely loved Gavin. They're compelling characters and their interactions are adorable...and sometimes sexy. While this wasn't a win for me, it's a great addition to a series I really enjoy.

bananatricky's review

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Three and a half stars.

I received a free copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Julie Hong is about to enter a reality TV competition called Behind the Seams and decides that what she needs to take her mind off what could happen is to pick up some random guy in the hotel bar. Unfortunately she has had one too many strawberry martinis and has gone from a light buzz to verging on the sloppy drunk side. Nevertheless she picks up a smoking hot English guy in the bar and takes him back to her room.

Of course, we as the reader are totally expecting the smoking hot guy to be on the reality TV show, and indeed he is.

Soon we are immersed in the world of reality TV. Ridiculous tasks (make a dress out of things you find on the streets of New York?), bitchy contestants and judges with their own axes to grind. Gavin, that's the name of Julie's mystery hook-up, became a fashion designer to honour his sister. Julie desperately wants to be a fashion designer but her Korean parents are determined that she will be a doctor like her older sister.

I have read a few Elizabeth Briggs books and really enjoy her writing, my only niggling concern is that she sort of reverse slut-shames her heroines (if that makes any sense) and Julie is no exception. So, in this book Julie doesn't 'do' relationships, she prefers hook-ups with random guys on a 'no names' basis, which is fine. But she then goes on to say that other people might call her a slut - I don't think it's necessary to say it in that way. But really that was my only niggle.

Recommended for anyone who likes NA/YA, reality TV, fashion and smoking hot English guys.

allyriadayne's review against another edition

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