
Vengeance Bound by Justina Ireland

posies23's review

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Enjoyable, but pales in comparison to DREAD NATION. This was her first book, and Ireland clearly shows she’s a talented writer, but this book feels like a warm up for the better things to come.

postitsandpens's review

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As anyone who has read my reviews is probably well aware of at this point, I am a huge sucker for books based on mythology of any kind. Vengeance Bound is a semi-retelling of the Furies, except that our main character, Corinne, is one of the three ladies of justice. She and the other two spend the majority of their time chasing down criminals and administering their own brand of justice. Cory also has a backstory that details how the Furies came to be inside her, and a history with an evil doctor she desperately wants revenge on.

This book was exceptionally fast paced. I began reading it and, before I knew it, was already halfway through. The plot moves quickly, with Cory and the other Furies going out at night to punish wrongdoers, and attending a new high school during the day. While at school she becomes friends with a group of kids who have their own issues, although said issues aren't completely apparent in the beginning. She also falls for one of the guys in the group, Niko, who I liked quite a bit. Their relationship was fairly slow moving, although Cory of course gets that "weak in the knees" feeling from the get-go.

My biggest issue with this book wasn't the mythology, which was interesting, or the plot, which was engrossing. The biggest problem was that I really didn't connect with Cory or any of the other characters at all. I was sort of just surface reading, if that makes sense, not feeling any attachment to their plights or Cory's struggle to maintain her hold on the Furies so they didn't completely take over her body. Normally a book that has as much blood and gore as this one would prompt some kind of response - a flinch or wince or something - but that wasn't the case here at all. I was sort of like Cory, in that I was along for the ride. It was a very strange reading experience for me. I can't recall the last time I felt so dispassionate about a book's proceedings.

Still, Vengeance Bound was entertaining enough in that fluffy way. Fans of mythology will enjoy the backstory to the Furies origin, and those who enjoy seeing criminals get their comeuppance will also have something to cheer for. The romance is sweet enough but nothing earth-shattering, and - at least on Cory's part - a bit too insta-lovy for my tastes, although I did wind up liking the two of them and their sweet shared moments and steamy kisses. The ending seems open to a possible sequel, but I'm not sure I'll be reading. It wasn't a bad way to spend an afternoon, but I really can't say anything more enthusiastic than that.

An e-galley was provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.


To see more of my reviews, please visit me @ Read and Reviewed!

lrnunez's review

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I loved the heroine of this story. I loved her background story, I loved her personality, I even mostly liked the setting she was in. I just didn't like any of the other characters of this book. I can't even say that I hated them, because honestly I felt like they didn't even exist. I would have loved for my heroine to have found strong friends and an even stronger guy with an actual interesting background story, but instead I was disappointed with weakly broken teens and a lost boy who is just seeking for the next thrill and super girl. Even though I honestly believe this book had a really strong main character and what I think was an eye catching first chapter, the lack of strong co characters and plot activity leaves the reader floating aimlessly in the mind of an alienated heroine who, by the middle of the book, seems doomed to unhappiness and loneliness. I was both torn with wanting to love this book and hate it and over all I think it's a gamble to read.

heather4994's review

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I'm not really sure how to describe this one. It was a lot of fun to read. It starts out with a bang, seeking justice and how can you hate that. I love my husband and boys in YA in general,but maybe I've watched a few too many CSI's or too many news stories. I like it when men get hunted down and served justice that the courts didn't give them. So, I really love Cory. She's taking care of the bad guys, the really, really bad ones. I do not have a problem with that! Smite away.

However, the things that are helping her are the Furies, yes those, from Greek Mythology. They came to her in a time of great need and she's had them literally in her ever since. Cory busts out of a mental institution having suffered greatly at the hands of her psychiatrist with his drug treatments. She's been on the run for two years now and has finally settled down back close to home in PA. Her parents died in a car crash on their way to visit her in another treatment center when she was young. She then went to live with a grandmother who also died. It had something to do with the Furies. All of it had something to do with them. But Cory can't escape them. She is quickly becoming their third. When she starts at a new high school, they whisper to her about all the horrible thoughts and misdeeds of every boy that passes by. But never the women. They never speak about the bad deeds of women. But they are more than happy to pass judgement on the boys and men. Until Niko comes along. They are eerily quiet around him.

The romance is pretty quick, Cory and Niko not being able to live without each other happens too soon. But I remember high school and how hard I fell for someone and how quickly so, I do try to cut some slack in the insta love department. And I don't know, I think if I had Cory's problem I'd want Niko around all the time, too if he can shut them up. But their declarations of love are a bit premature. They don't know anything about each other. Still it was forgivable. I think if there are Furies there is also Fate playing a hand so maybe they were fated.

The really fascinating part of the book was how Cory sought justice. The Furies couldn't manifest in the human world unless she let them. So they would find a different way to let her know who the victim was. Then Cory hunts this man. Always a man. She plays the victim one time to a tow truck driver who she finds in a bar. She talks to the bartender pretending she needs a tow and he points her to the tow truck driver, even though she knows who he is. Now the bartender sees them leave together. She's the last person to be seen with him. But when he turns up dead the next day miles away and his truck is in the bar parking lot and Cory's car is gone, no one is going to think to ask about her? Fingerprints? She's apparently very pretty. The bartender won't remember her? Some of those details didn't feel very tight to me. I tried to explain them away, but they just kept bugging me. But police investigative work isn't the point of the story. Just know you're going to have to accept those parts and move along or you'll miss the important stuff. Don't worry about fingerprints.

The point is this, Cory needed the Furies once a long time ago and now she doesn't. Now she's in danger of losing herself over to them. They are slowly gaining control of her. And if she doesn't find an answer to how to get rid of them, she'll be their third forever and Lord help the male population then. Because they will kill innocent men just as quick as guilty. As the story builds, the reason Cory needed the Furies in the first place begins to be revealed, another terrifying tale. Cory hasn't had an easy life. But there is hope for her and the ending is solid enough that I was really happy I read the novel.

Cory has a bit of snark that comes out when it shouldn't. Actually, her asides in her head are wicked good. She is also very practical. She's not used to having friends but she tries her hardest to be a good friend to the raggedy band of kids she chooses to sit with on her first day of school. She tries to shield Niko from her evil. But you can't love someone and only know half of them. Did I say I love that she kills the truly evil guys?? To me, she's the only fully developed character. The story seems so hurried we don't have enough time to learn anyone else any deeper. I will say, in the end, justice is served in every way imaginable.

I don't think this is a series. It felt complete to me. It's fun, quick and violent. I recommend it to lovers of action packed YA novels with a fast pace and romance. There is a definite nod to Greek Mythology with the Furies. Not for the younger set, typical older crowd things are mentioned, drinking, sex, there might have been some language but it wasn't excessive since I'm not remembering it and I just finished the book today. I suppose I should make better notes. I think it's a winner!


diaryofthebookdragon's review

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With retelling of one of the less-used Greek myths about Furies, [b:Vengeance Bound|13643222|Vengeance Bound|Justina Ireland||19258554] tells us a story about a girl possessed by these vengeful mythological beings. Amelie Ainsworth aka. Cory Graff is tortured by her own tragic past, running away from psychiatric hospital, fighting against unforgiving rightfulness of her possessors and desperately trying to save her integrity and a piece of her humanity.

Sounds like something awesome and original? Yes. Was it really? Weeeeeeeell... not so much. I don't know how but [b:Vengeance Bound|13643222|Vengeance Bound|Justina Ireland||19258554] turned into a cliched young adult paranormal plot: new school, meeting group of good friends, insta-love with handsome moody and quiet boy who can (of course) save our heroine... Honestly, when I got up to that I thought about DNF-ing this book. I kept on reading just because [b:Mila 2.0|10222362|Mila 2.0 (MILA 2.0, #1)|Debra Driza||15122092] started the same and then turned into action-packed page-turner. Sadly, [b:Vengeance Bound|13643222|Vengeance Bound|Justina Ireland||19258554] did not stray from well known formula for young adult paranormal novels.

I am not sure what was Justina Ireland's intention with Amelie/Cory. Should we feel sorry for her because of traumatic events during her childhood? Should we be impressed with her awesome powers and declare her our favorite kick-ass heroine? The more I got to know Amelie, the more unfortunate resemblance to possessed girl from movie The Exorcist came to my mind. Talking in altered voices, easily angered, has attacks when she can't control her actions and gets violent (occasionally murderous) tendencies toward other people, puking green slime if she tries fighting against the beings that possessed her...

As always when you get some idea stuck in your mind, I could not get rid of this vision of Amelie anymore. I didn't like her, I could not cheer for her, I didn't believe in her narration and descriptions because I did not trust her judgement... The way she told her story, every girl in school was either mentally deranged or a slut or both and all men were horny and amoral. I hoped that the ending is going to get me to at least respect Amelie for winning against her possessors, but it did not happened as I expected. The feeling that Amelie accomplished anything was not there because everything resolved without her influence, just a lucky coincidence...

As always when I do not like the book and write a negative review I feel like I was too harsh. I feel sorry for the writer who invested a lot of time into writing a book. Justina Ireland writing was easy to read, her descriptions were very vivid, I could sometimes almost feel the heat and wind when the Furies raged... And picking a topic about when pursuing justice and being righteous is overstepping the boundaries of humanity is great choice. I'm all for "Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone" philosophy. Sadly, all that got lost in my dislike for heroine and cliched ya novel setting. But I am sure that there are a lot of people out there who are going to enjoy and love [b:Vengeance Bound|13643222|Vengeance Bound|Justina Ireland||19258554].

My rating: 2 stars

I recommend this book to fans of: young adult paranormal novels; just-moved-to-town starting-new-school premise; heroines with tragic and traumatic past; insta-love romance; greek myth about furies; ...

Disclaimer: I was given a free eBook by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for a honest review. This text is also posted on my blog Bookworm Dreams in a little bit more styled edition.

emmascc's review

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Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

I enjoyed this, it wasn't the best book i've read in a while, but it was an easy and fun read. What I liked most about this was the ending.

wisecraic's review

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I caught myself avoiding reading this and not enjoying it. I'm not the target demographic and am of an age where I have seen these tropes done with more nuance in adult books and prefer that. 

snchard's review

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I love the premise, the story was pretty fast-paced, but for some reason, it wasn't as incredible as I wanted it to be. I guess I wanted Amelie to fully commit to something one way or the other, and I kept waiting and waiting for this utterly predictable reveal, and then it was so underwhelming when it finally showed up. I think I would have been more invested if the *big reveal* was a prologue, so it could inform the story the whole time, instead of just being implied and then used for sympathy points when Amelie is at her least likable. Love interest was sort of a manic pixie dream boy, not much of a personality. All-around did not live up to expectations.

ccaterer's review

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Justina Ireland's riveting debut is based on a fascinating and unique idea: The Furies of Ancient Greek mythology have possessed young Amelie, feeding on her pain and rage so that she can join them as their vessel of vengeance. While the concept sounds like a hook that can't live up to its possibilities, Ireland manages to create a character in Amelie who is as strong as she is vulnerable, and a story that takes more than one surprising twist. As Amelie struggles to overcome the Furies--and faces her own role in their destructive path--she also discovers she's falling in love with someone for the first time.

I love the interplay between Amelie and the crowd she hangs with at her new high school. A mystery is woven into the fabric of this book as Amelie searches out an evil doctor worthy of her vengeance and her schoolmates turn out not to be everything she'd assumed. In trying desperately not to alienate her new friends, Amelie ends up uncovering their truths while she tries to hide her own.

While this is not a story for the squeamish--Amelie is a killer, although it's hard to feel sorry for her victims--Ireland handles it in a way that leaves the reader aching for the characters who want to set their lives right. She is complex, well drawn, and interesting, and the love story that grows out of her newfound attraction is anything but standard. The suspense is high, the writing taut, and the ending satisfying. Teens will love VENGEANCE BOUND.

acrazyfangirl's review

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Bland characters, less than interesting story. For something with so much murder where was the suspense? Where was the adventure? Every female character is demonized, the others are just background noise, and the love interest gives us very little reason to love him. There were a few interesting lines and the potential for something was there but it was never realized. It just kept going about boring high school drama and then the ending came and that's it.