
Soul Screamers: Sophie by Rachel Vincent

chelsfoust's review against another edition

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I actually like Sophie a little better now! :)

misslover's review against another edition

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I never liked Sophie, ever. I will admit even in this nice little novella I still don't like her. But what I did really like was that she had a taste of her own medicine and finally she had to experience exactly what Kaylee has been through, although Kaylee's experiences were worse and more times then she had too. What really pissed me off? How at the end she insisted that she was now badass and the Queen like the selfish little snot she always has been. For that alone I only wanted to give it 2 stars. Then there was Luca. I love him and hate him all at the same time! Why on earth would he be so attracted to Sophie in literally 5 minutes? I am dieing to figure out what he is and what the hell Sophie is and for that it deserved its 4 stars.

I should have saved this till I was able to jump right into Before I Wake.

Oh well! :)

brunettegeekgirl's review against another edition

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The cover:

The cover is gorgeous.

The storyline:

So, this is where things kind of get ugly and weird.

The story happens sometime in If I Die, so if you haven’t read it, don’t read this one because it’ll only mess things up for you and spoil If I Die.

Because I hate Sophie, I’m not going to talk much about the story and instead you’ll have points.

What I loved:

The story began normally with Sophie being a… you know, herself. Then things totally switched to be more intense.
This story has so many twists and facts that I had to pause each time to absorb what was seen or happened!! Just to let you know, these twists has everything to do with my favorite hellion, Avari. Not to mention that we got a glimpse of Addison (T_T <3) and Thane just after Tod and Kaylee became together.
I loved how well the story was told and how Sophie found the Crimson Creeper so disgusting and she was getting scared!
What I hated:

I hated the Sophie world. I hated how much she hated her cousin, Kaylee and how she called crazy many times behind her back. She was rude.
I hated how arrogant she was. It was hell for me to finish this novella.
I was expecting to know how things went when Kaylee died and how she reacted when she found out that Kaylee was the heroine all this time .
The end wasn’t good at all. The end was just what Sophie would do.
The characters:

This time, things are going to be crazy.

Avari is awesome. Sophie’s lucky he didn’t have her head cut off. I’m even suspecting that he let her go intentionally.

Sophie is a very rude, disrespectful and arrogant cousin.

Luc is just mysterious. I’m having my own guesses about him…

My favorite quotes:

There are only 2 but I won’t spoil this review. So, I’ll have to keep them to myself…


I had to read this novella for two reasons and two only:

I had to know what happened to this stupid cousin during If I Die and to know other secrets that weren’t mentioned in the previous novel.
I needed more Soul Screamers craziness because I can’t wait until Before I Wake is out!!! *_*
This was a great read when it comes to the writing style and the new information I got . But, The Reaper, the previous Novella, was way better. I think this one was over describing every move of Sophie.

michalice's review against another edition

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I love the Soul Screamers series so was really happy to see this new novella from Rachel Vincent and jumped at the chance to buy a copy as soon as it became available.

Never To Sleep is a short novella set within If I Die time frame and is told from Sophie's point of view.


please be aware that this review may contain spoilers for If I Die so read at your own risk.

Sophie is helping collect dance uniforms for dance team and literally bumps into Luca. After making a detour to avoid Tod and Kaylee kissing in the school hallway they end up finding a dead walking body, with no soul.

This scares Sophie, which results in her screaming and being transported to the Netherworld.

Sophie meets a few familiar faces and creatures to us, and learns of other supernatural beings and unknowingly discovers a new talent of her own, which we have yet to learn more about how she copes with it. We are also introduced to Luca, who is a necromancer, and I am looking forward to what role he plays in the next book Before I Wake.

I could not put this book down once I had started it and I am glad I had If I Die to read as I don't think I would be able to wait for it to come out, but now I am waiting for Before I Wake to be released and it can't come any faster. Rachel has managed to write another amazing book that keeps you reading from start to finish and keeps you wanting more.

nbwalks's review against another edition

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I was starting to like Sophie and feel sorry for her because of how little she knows about…everything but then she had to make the comment about how Kaylee wouldn’t have been stable enough to handle what she just went through. Argh! If only she knew!

And then at the whole “Find out what Luca is really up to” Geez!!! I liked Luca but maybe he’s too good to be true? I don’t know…

Can’t wait for Before I Wake!!!!

anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Once I saw this was about Sophie, I thought it would be more of a "mean girls" type of book. But it turned out to be great! I love that we got to know Sophie a bit more, see another side to her, and got a chance to watch her grow. I look forward to reading the next books and seeing where it all goes with Sophie and Luca. But right now, I'm going to re-read the part of If I Die where Sophie comes over Kaylee's house, and look for clues of what just happened to her. I thought this was cool that it actually took place DURING another book.

This series keeps getting better. I like seeing these kids grow up.

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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I was truly awake, for the first time in my life, and if asleep was what I'd been before, I never wanted to sleep again.

wow, I've always disliked Sophie. Although I won't say I like her, I at least understand her better now.

and I think this was the best way for Sophie to find out. Any other way would have blown her mind and she never would have accepted it.

now the big question is, what is she?
and welcome to the scene Luca :D

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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Short, to the point, quite funny... but still from Sophie's POV...

In this novella, Sophie meets Luca, the necromancer, and a soulless reaper who makes her screem so hard she and Luca end up in the Netherworld. Most of the story is about how to get back to the real world, and it actually had loads of hilarious quotes :

"I don't even like regular plants. Except for corsages and long-stemmed roses." And htose only hurt you when they don't show up...

"You're not... human?" "Well, I am human. But I'm more."

Maybe Kaylee was actually the sanest person I knew.

"Okay, time out. That's all the crazy talk I can take for now. I want to go home. What do I have to do? Click my heels together?" My shoes weren't ruby, nor were they slippers, but for what my dad paid for the designer label, they damn well ought to take me wherever I wanted to go.

"I never joke about carnivorous bunnies."

"Aplologies, Your Highnexx, I meant to mistake you for someone who wants to survive."

In the end, my conscience won, but only because letting Luca die in the Netherworld would be an unacceptable waste of a perfectly good six-pack.

"I always knew popularity was a survival skill i high school, but here, it's really an issue of life and death."

I wanted the courage to face whaterver was coming to kill me, but who was I kidding? I didn't even have the guts to defent Laura - my own best friend - when Peyton started raggin on her, so what good would I be against an actual monster?

People called Kaylee special, but what they really meant was "special." In that straitjackets and padded walls kind of way. She wasn't special like Luca thought I was special. She could never handle what I'd just seen and done. She wasn't stable enough.

All right, then, Sophie - you really make me look forward to seeing how you'll react to just how special Kaylee is - and how you only have a tiny part of that family special-ness in you :D

lolasreviews's review against another edition

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Another great short story from Rachel Vincent. This one about Sophie, Kaylee's mean cousin. We get to see some events from If I die from Sophie's point of view, so make sure you've read that before this short story. Again the same comments as reaper, it almost is too good to be a short story and the fact that it is short is one of the few min points. I wondered what it would be like to see things from Sophie's point of view. Well she is still a bitch and cares too much about her own world, popularity and fashion, which makes for some great talks with Luca, who we meet in this short story. We don't get to know much about Luca, for that we will have to wait until the next book. I really am looking forward to it!

To conclude: a short story from Sophie's point of view. Really interesting to see the view of that irritaing cousin of Kaylee and find out she is actually quite funny and interesting character. A must read for fans of the soul screamers series.

hoping4more's review against another edition

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I still don't like Sophie after reading this short story, but it sets up a pretty cool twist for Before I Wake, so definitely read this before the new book comes out!