
Net Force: Dark Web by Jerome Preisler

gabizago's review against another edition

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I'll be honest - I struggled to finish this book. While the story is compelling and packed with action, it gets a bit slow at some points. It's like I enjoyed more the idea of the book - a cyberattack and a special Net Force trying to unveil it - than the actual book itself. But if you like this type of action stories, you might like this book and appreciate it more than I did.

lspargo's review against another edition

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Too many characters, too many story lines, several of which were not explained or wrapped up by the end. The big action scene near the end did not make sense to me. Not great.

j45rpm's review against another edition

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This book was shockingly terrible. The book jumps around from point of view to point of view, creating a very fragmented and amateur feel to the book. It drags. It engages in more technobabble than a Star Trek episode could bear. And then after you suffer all 486 choppy pages of plot, where the stakes are escalating and escalating, it just suddenly ends. No resolution to the storyline. I paid $1.99 for the Kindle version when it was on sale, and I'm left feeling like I dramatically overpaid.

The first couple of Net Force novels in the original novel run were great, but the series gradually went off the rails. This debut novel in the reboot never made to the rails in the first place. Save your money; save your time; read something else.

popthebutterfly's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: I received this book from Netgalley. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Author: Jerome Preisler

Rating: 2/5

Publication Date: November 26, 2019

Genre: Thriller (?)

Recommended Age: 18+ (terrorism, cyber attacks, frightening things and slow pacing)

Publisher: Hanover Square Press


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Synopsis: The number one threat to our nation’s security is in cyberspace. The new US president wants to tackle the urgent problem head-on and launches a top secret line of defense: Net Force. But before the organization can be announced, the country is hit by an unprecedented, two-pronged terror attack.

Not yet empowered by Congress nor embraced by a dubious intelligence community, still untested, unproven and officially unnamed, Net Force’s elite group of cyber experts and field operatives must lead the fight against the ongoing waves of hacks while tracking down the mastermind. Their failure could mean global catastrophe. Success may lead them to become the highest-level security agency in the United States.

A story that seems ripped from tomorrow’s headlines, Net Force: Dark Web relaunches one of the most prescient thriller series at a time when cybersecurity is more vital than ever

Review: I thought the overall plot was really good and the writing was pretty good. However, unfortunately, that's all I liked about this book.

I thought the book was way way way to lengthy for what it should have been. The book had too much going on in my opinion. The book pacing was really slow too and I felt like I was running a marathon reading this. I felt mentally exhausted and I was so confused throughout the whole book. I really thing it should have been split up into multiple books or something because how it is isn't working for me lol.

Verdict: Not my cup of tea.

storiedadventures's review against another edition

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Full review on my blog, Storied Adventures

Likes: Writing was well done. Plot was interesting. HIVE with Audrey Hepburn’s voice as she simulates a very real seeming virtual reality. The plot seemed so real! A cyber threat is really scary. The fact that a terrorist group could potentially take control of our devices, is terrifying.

Dislikes: It was very slow. It didn’t pick up until over half way through the book. I also didn’t connect with any of the characters.

booksintheirnaturalhabitat's review against another edition

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For full disclosure, the publisher contacted me via Netgalley regarding this book. I love a good mystery or thriller so I thought, “Why not?!” What sounded like a promising premise did not turn out to be a book for me.

In my opinion, this book suffers from a whole lot of too much all around. The point of view changes constantly and rapidly. I lost track of the number of people’s points of view I read from but my best guess would be AT LEAST 15-20 people. The story still could have effectively been told even with editing this down to make it clearer for the reader.

On top of having everyone and their mother’s point of view, there was endless details, much of which was unnecessary or was simply put in to get a reaction out of the reader (and not the kind of reaction I want). I work in a somewhat investigative space and understand how incredibly complex a good crime scheme is… but there are again ways this could have been edited down to streamline and still have the same impact, the same story.

There were a couple of redeeming moments, such as when all of the information thrown at you chapter after chapter finally pulls the puzzle together. And there’s a female U.S. President (finally). But I barely made it to those points.

Overall, this is a rare two star read for me.

Thank you to Harlequin and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book. I have voluntarily read this book and the review expresses my own personal opinion.

mommasaystoread's review against another edition

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Here's the thing, if you Google the meaning of thriller, the result is "a novel, play, or movie with an exciting plot, typically involving crime or espionage." If you read further, you'll see things about putting a reader or viewer on the edge of their seat. Net Force: Dark Web has the crime or espionage part of that, but the exciting plot or edge of my seat storyline? Not so much. The blurb sounds exciting, and I was certainly hoping for an edge of my seat read, but this book was the complete opposite for me. It's about 700 pages of way too easy to put down and even harder to pick back up. Only sheer determination and a bit of OCD about finishing things kept me pushing through to the end. The story is snail's pace slow, tedious, and wordy. There are numerous characters and subplots to keep track of, and we meet those characters in info dump like fashion. Those things combined made it hard to get invested in any of it. It's been a long time since I read anything by Tom Clancy, but I don't remember having this much trouble with those books. Maybe my tastes have changed, or maybe this one just isn't for me. Either way, this one came up sorely lacking, and this is one Clancy world that I won't be revisiting.

zaineylaney's review against another edition

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BOOK: Net Force: Dark Web
AUTHOR: Jerome Preisler

This might be the first book in awhile that I have had difficulty reading. I don’t really enjoy some spy novels but I thought I would give this a chance. And honestly, my head is still reeling from the complexity of this book. I couldn’t keep the characters straight and it was just a struggle to get through. I hate having negative things to say about a book, but I really struggled to enjoy this book. Please don’t shoot the messenger.

Short Synopsis (from Goodreads):
The number one threat to our nation’s security is in cyberspace. The new US president wants to tackle the urgent problem head-on and launches a top secret line of defense: Net Force. But before the organization can be announced, the country is hit by an unprecedented, two-pronged terror attack.

I received this book for review purposes from NetGalley. ⠀

angelikarenee's review against another edition

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I am not sure how this book got on my shelf because this is not typically a book I would pick up. However, I thought I would give it a try but I did not enjoy it. I found it to be confused and hard to follow due to the amount of characters. Plus the story is told in such a fragmented way and the jumping around increase the confusion. Also, I did not find the story interesting which I could have predicated since I do not read much from this genre.