
Flowertown by S.G. Redling

noranne's review against another edition

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This is one of those books that just grabbed me right from the beginning and didn't let go until the end. I really enjoyed it.

malus23's review

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Although there were a few weak points where this being a first novel showed a little, I didn't really stop to think about them until the book was over. Didn't spoil my enjoyment at all. Still really enjoying everything I've read from her.

Re-read: Well, stayed up way too late finishing because even knowing the end, I just couldn't stop before I got there. So still good. :)

ponderinstuff's review

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I know the author of this book. I just finished it and it's very good! Excellent job, Sheila :-)

kmaro3392's review

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I had never heard of this author before, and was weary to stay reading. However, I was pleasantly surprised. The main character is somehow antagonistic and loveable, the twists are unforeseen, and the writing is phenomenal. The characters are well developed, and although you have to wait to get to the action, the storyline is neither dry nor boring; the build up to the climax certainly pulls you into the story and sets up a marvelous ending. Loved it.

jenbsbooks's review

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Reading the first paragraph, you can get a pretty good feel for the tone of most of the book. In the first few sentences, our main character swears, is smoking, and smells of sex and weed ... if you have any problems with proFanity, this book isn't for you. Gritty, would be a good word. Beyond the language, sex, and drugs, the whole setting is very dark and dirty and depressing (vomit, excrement, death). It is however, a very complex and compelling setting. I don't know if I was trying to read too quickly, or if it was just a little too complex, but all the conspiracy theories and happenings in the second half were a little hard to follow for me. I DID anticipate one of the twists (or at least partially suspected ...)

So overall, I did like the book and thought it was a good read. Not for everyone. But it does have an interesting premise that really does make you think.

Oh ... and UNREALISTIC in that there were TWINKIES (just kidding, Hostess hadn't gone under when this was first written, but you know, now, having Twinkies, especially in a restricted zone where things are hard to come by ... you always thought Twinkies were a safe bet even for a dystopian novel!)

I borrowed this for free from the Kindle lending library on Amazon.

steph2472's review

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Fun book" a bit too much sweating/vomiting but a great ride for a few days!

valhecka's review

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Ellie is the best narrator possible for this kind of story.

Tense, fast-paced, twisty plot, with a perspective character who seems to be holding it together only out of rage - girl can barely bring herself to change clothes, which is something I can empathize with. The story is messy, complex, with an ever-increasing number of variables - there isn't one big reveal, but layer after layer of discoveries, redactions, amendments, inversions, and reattributions, while maintaining plausibility as a 21st century late-capitalism conspiracy thriller.

mynameismarines's review

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Most of the books I read, I read because I've followed some trail of hype. Popular on Goodreads or all my friends have read it or best selling, etc, etc.

It's so nice, then, to just pick up a book because it sounded good and to discover what feels like a hidden gem.

Feno Chemical spills an experimental pesticide near a small town in Iowa. Those that survive the contamination are quarantined, guarded by the US Army and a private security force. They work, eat, sleep and are under constant medical supervision. Ellie Caulley's history in containment, all seven years of it, is complicated. She's lost a lover and gained one. She's angry but combats that by constantly smoking something. She's apathetic yet she still seems to have fight in her. And now, Flowertown as the quarantine area is dubbed, seems to be falling apart at the seams.

I really, really liked Ellie. Not in an "I can relate to her, I want to hang out with her on Saturdays" way. I just loved that she was a complicated hero, but that at the end of the day, she kicked ass. I loved that I was rooting for a character who almost never showered, who swore like a sailor and tended to miss what was in front of her. Regardless of what gave her the bite that followed her bark, Ellie is a fighter and there is nothing that I like better in a character.

The premise of this novel was fairly unique and well executed. I often found myself asking the "what if" questions. I found myself playing the, "just imagine" game. What if there was a chemical spill of this magnitude? What if a small population could infect the country or the world? Just imagine being stuck in this microcosm. Just imagine how you would react as you realized that life was slowly bleeding out its meaning. Would I be a 2? A 5? A 7? Docile and accepting? Normal? Angry? Any story that can stir up this sort of extended reaction is doing something right.

I did not see the big twist coming until just the right moment. I pieced it all together just a tick before Ellie gets the reveal, which is nicely done by the author. I got the satisfaction of the OH MY GOD, I FIGURED IT OUT. Plus, when the reveal came, it didn't feel like it came from left field. I saw all the pieces fall together.

The supporting cast is all wonderful as well, from Ellie's farm girl roommate to her intimidating boss. The newspaper selling ex-professor. The market owning old woman who never sleeps. The more I think about it, the more I realize how quirky and interesting they all were.

I have no complaints about the writing, but no big observations there either. I found some of the dialogue to be better than good and liked the rough and tumble feel of everyone in the town.

I found myself wondering at the end if this is meant to be a stand alone novel. I think it should be, or rather it could be, but in that case I was a little dissatisfied with the end. Either it was an amazing cliffhanger or I'm going to go wonder what happened to the villain and a few other balls left in the air while I eat ice cream now.

- Why would Bing talk to Ellie about conspiracy theory stuff?
- Who was responsible for putting the new guard near the red area in the records room?
- Why was Rachel's clearance to leave denied?
- What was really happening to Rachel if she was clean?
- What were the files Ellie stole, really? Just records of the dead?

It's kind of funny how the small things are sticking out to me when at the end we don't know where the evil doctor is. Which reminds me,

- Who is the third doctor?

You get the picture. Wish I had more answers.

This was a nice break from my typical book and I certainly don't regret reading it. One of the better things I've read in 2012.

haramis's review

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This is my 08/12 Kindle Lending Library selection. I have to admit that when I finished this book, I wanted to read it again immediately. While the plot initially seems fairly straightforward, there are some twists and turns I really did not anticipate, and I wanted to go back and really see how everything fit together with the new pieces.

I think Flowertown works because of its characters. Ellie (somehow) is likable; you find yourself cheering for her even though she's gross, foul-mouthed, apathetic, and more than a little crazy. I also like the secondary characters. Rachel, her roommate and ostensibly a simple, sweet farm girl, isn't exactly what she seems, and she's not the only one that has more than what's on the surface. In hilarious contrast, Guy is practically a caricature, and from the early descriptions of him, I think that's pretty well intended.

The book is fast-paced and interesting, and for once it's nice to see a book with a promising premise that doesn't fall flat. I think I would have preferred a less open ending, but I don't feel it hurts the book too much.

P.S. It's been a while since a book actually made me gag, but holy crap the scene with Cooper is so gross that I nearly started puking.

paperbackstash's review

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Okay, but slow. It also got dull, although sometimes amusing, how the main focus of the MC and her friends are marijuana and getting high for like 10 chapters.