moondance120's review

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Murder By Plum Pudding by Lee Strauss 3 stars

The journal remained tucked away in the bottom drawer of Mrs. Ginger Reed's bedside table, along with a photo of her first husband, Daniel , Lord Gold.

Historical cozies are not my favorite genre but I did enjoy the story. I appreciated that Ginger worked outside the home which was not common in the late 1920s. The characters were well developed and believable. I may go back and read earlier books just to learn a bit more about Ginger.

Slay Bells Ring by Karen MacInerney 4 stars

Nothing says Christmas in Central Texas like cedar fever.

Lucy and Quinn are preparing for the Christmas Market when a hunter is shot and killed on Lucy's land. This is one of my all time favorite series. I love the characters and the small town atmosphere. Every book makes me want to move to a small farming community and leave behind the hustle and bustle of the city. It is something that I plan for retirement and I hope that I will meet colorful characters like the ones written by Karen MacInerney. I love the interaction between Lucy and her friends. I really like the personalities of the animals on her little farm. I always learn something new from her DIY projects. The yummy recipes are always a hit as well. This was a nice addition to the series.

Baker Street Christmas by CeeCee James 3 stars

The clouds in the sky lay across the horizon like a gray flannel blanket, threatening an impending snow storm.

A guest at a local bed and breakfast dies unexpectedly and the other guests are not quite what they seem. This was a cute cozy form a series that I am not familiar with. I did enjoy the mature sleuths and the good character portrayal. This is a series that I will definitely be looking into.

Cat's Paws and Curses by Nancy Warren 4 stars

There is a phenomenon that occurs all over the British Isles toward the end of December.

I have only read the first book in the Vampire Knitting club series and really enjoyed it. This quick Christmas novella has a human knitting group that meets in the yarn shop. A couple of the vampire knitters are in attendance as well. During a brief blackout, a knitter is murdered. This was a lovely addition to the series. I enjoyed meeting the characters in the first book. Ms. Warren does an excellent job in introducing characters. As a fiber fiend, I appreciate the weekly meeting to knit and/or crochet. It's always a bit disturbing to imagine that a killer is sitting right next to you. I thought the plot was handled quite well. I look forward to reading more in the series.

Meowy Christmas Mayhem by Molly Fitz 3.5 stars

Hi, my name's Angie Russo, and I can talk to animals.

I love the concept of talking to animals! Then I start thinking of all the things we do in front of our animals and thank goodness mine can't talk. This was a clever tale and I will go back to read the other books in the series.

Christmas Fudge Fatality: Murder in The Mix by Addison Moore 4 stars

My name is Lottie Lemon, and I see dead people.

Any cozy with a bit of a paranormal twist to it interests me. This was no exception. Again, we have a character that sees and talks with animals although these are generally departed pets. I enjoyed the characters. I am not a fan of romantic triangles but I'm willing to give it a chance. This is a series that I will be looking into to start.

The recipe section at the back of the book was excellent! I often try recipes that are in cozies. I've really been watching my carbs but that does not stop me from making goodies to take to work. There are several here that I think will go over great.

This was a cute collection that I enjoyed reading. I found a few authors to add to my never ending to be read pile.