
Brave the Tempest by Karen Chance

hellobookbird's review

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I guess some girls really did just want to watch the world burn.

Cassie Palmer has been chief seer of the supernatural world for a little over four months. In that time, she's battled two gods, fallen in love with two men, and confronted the two sides of her own nature: both god and human. So it's not surprising that she currently finds herself facing two adversaries, although they have a single purpose: to wipe out the supernatural community's newest fighting force, leaving it vulnerable to enemies in this world and beyond.

To prevent catastrophe, the vamps, mages, and demons will have to do the one thing they've never managed before: coming together as allies. Cassie has the difficult task of keeping the uneasy coalition intact, and of persuading her own two opposing forces to fight at her side.

When I tell someone they should read the Cassandra Palmer series, I always mention that these books have absolute non-stop action...and yet it surprises me just how much this is true with every new book that comes out. Cassie's life is just one catastrophe away from a full meltdown and you feel it. I honestly think that's one of my favorite things about this series because there is no good place to put these books down.

Also: after a disappointing amount of Pritkin last book...I finally get my tea!

“I’m your partner, not your boyfriend, a word I hate in any—” Pritkin paused, and his head tilted. “Wait. Am I?”

Both Pritkin and Cassie did a lot of growing individually while separate. I really loved seeing how this came into play now that he's back.

Not only that...Cassie is finally working through some of her self-doubt issues and finally growing into the hidden demi-goddess beneath. In fact, the demi-goddess propaganda at the beginning of the novel (Consul's usual tricks, you's all about the reputation) seriously ticked her off because she didn't feel like it was deserved (which I can feel for because she honestly didn't feel like one to me).

Boy howdy did that flip by the end of the novel.

I still had ninety-nine problems, but those bitches weren’t one.

And you know she was doing a good job of it when the Consul took her side with a passing comment...effectively shutting an argument down in her favor. I totally did an oh, snap! face when that happened, too. Poor, Marlowe.

“I consider you an ally as well. I would hate to have to kill you!” He smiled faintly, but for the first time, it looked genuine. “More like her every day . . .”

An excellent addition to the series that had me squeeing and yelling and grrrrrrl!ing.

kathydavie's review against another edition

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Ninth in the Cassandra Palmer urban fantasy series (and fourteenth in the Cassandra Palmer World) revolving around Cassie, a clairvoyant necromancer who became the untrained Pythia who is based in Las Vegas. There's been so much going on that I can't believe Cassie has been Pythia for only four months! If you're interested, there is a chronological listing of the Cassandra Palmer books on my website.

My Take
OMIGOD, there is so much going on here — action-packed with battles of all sorts — Mircea is taking away Cassie's bodyguards! As for characters? Ha-ha-ha. LOLOLOLOL, oh, yeah, there are definitely some crazy characters in Cassandra Palmer.

The revelations about the current and past Pythian Courts — disclosures about Agnes and how her behavior contributed to her downfall. The truth about the Court as a coven...and Cassie with and against other covens! Wait'll you read Cassie's bluff against them and Rhea's part in provoking it!

We learn a lot more about Cassie's power and that it's not all Pythian. Who knew?? The hidden info about those coven witches along with more of their back history and war with the Silver Circle. It's amazing how much the covens have kept, um, covert *grin*.

Of course, Cassie has also seen the other side of Agnes, what her court never saw. And it does help that Chance uses first person protagonist point-of-view from Cassie's perspective.

Of course, there's always going to be the Pritkin element, only there is so much more about how their relationship is affected by who their parents are (Chance keeps releasing more and more about who and what Cassie's mother was!), how their powers combine...and that longed-for lovemaking that is just too weird and too easy. It all combines to make Cassie and Pritkin the perfect team. And the perfect threat. Who'd've thunk?

The power-mad Mircea has his unexpected obsession that also explains why there aren't too many milleniums-old vampires. It doesn't help how unsupportive the other master vampires are in the war efforts...and doesn't Mircea let them know it! As for Jonathan, I feel as if the real threat of him finally comes out...and it's dang scary!

The conflict is set up early in the book with the battle between Cassie wanting to give her young acolytes a childhood and Hilde insisting on training the children. Cassie is also determined to be a neutral party, no matter what the Silver Circle, the covens, or the vampires want. That attitude as well as the lecture about appearances plays up Cassie's good heart AND her naïveté. It's part of Cassie's ongoing education, and she's starting to push back, like a real leader. Hoo, boy! While I did love Cassie's invasion of that meeting, it was confusing.

Naturally, there is no such thing as a group whose members all adhere to the same principles. It allows for plenty of confrontation, especially when Cassie calls the covens on their insularity and intransigence.

Chance reminds us of Mircea's underhanded reasons for "romancing" a potential Pythia, as well as Cassie's fury over it. It definitely seems that we'll be getting a tenth Cassie Palmer story... And, and...and! Mircea and Cassie FINALLY have the Talk.

Oh, man, Augustine — we learn something really horrible about Augustine's past! — is being asked to design things for the military...I can't wait! Then there's that revelation about the creation of the Dark Fey! The original Fey!! Those rumors about Caedmon!

It includes a recap of events in Tempt the Stars, 6, and Ride the Storm, 7.

Um, I was confused over the loss of three centers of vampire power (actually I was confused at various points in the story). Did those losses really happen? 'Cause Chance sure didn't raise up any drama or tension over it.

Awww, Dorina is blissfully happy, or as much as she can be with Louis-Cesare missing. Seems Louis-Cesare is/was happy too, as he's always wanted to belong. Now if we only knew where he was...?

That cocktail party at the end...lolololol...

The Story
Cassie intends to change how the Pythia and her court are viewed, only...there's too much she doesn't know and meanwhile, the war is worsening. Cassie's bodyguards are being pulled. The other vampire courts are sending — and pulling back — fodder that is totally unsuited to be soldiers.

And then Pritkin: "I was going to go slow."

The Characters
Cassie Palmer is the Pythia, the chief seer of the supernatural world, a touch clairvoyant and necromancer. Artemis/Hel, the goddess, the Great Huntress who had been her mother, but a diminished goddess when she had Cassie. Billy Joe is a ghost tethered to a garish necklace Cassie wears.

John Pritkin is a powerful war mage, half incubus, a quarter fae, and a quarter human, Merlin, and Cassie's bodyguard, partner-in-crime, and reluctant lover. Ruth had been the wife whom Pritkin drained.

Cassie's security people consist of mostly Mircea's vampires, including the hulking Marco with a need to protect the young, the red-headed Roy, Daniel is an idiotic newbie, the food-obsessed Fred, Rico Marino named himself for his origins as a fisherman, the sweet-faced Emilio, Paulie, Lorenzo, and Santiago who is a Spanish master ticked off because Cassie wasn't invited. Reggie, a.k.a., Jug Ears, is the lone Silver Circle mage assigned to Cassie's security. Stimson, another mage, shows up once a week or so.

The Pythian Court blew up... London, and Cassie has them in Las Vegas now at Dante's hotel and casino. The timid Rhea Silvanus, the unacknowledged daughter of the former Pythia and Jonas, is finally an acolyte. The London acolytes include Emily; Ophélie; Anaïs; and, Belvia, a.k.a., "Belle", who is one of the oldest acolytes, at twelve. Turns out that Hilde, who came out of retirement, is a fail-safe. Abigail is another fail-safe. Gertie, an 1840s Pythia, is Hilde's sister.

Tami, the crazy orphan lady, is a null witch and Cassie's best friend who is the major domo for the court, an upgrade from when she used to break out kids from the Silver Circle's special "schools". Jesse is Tami's son. Jiao is one of Tami's kids.

Agnes Wetherby, Lady Phenomoe, was the previous Pythia; the traitorous Myra had been Agnes' heir. Jo Zirimis is a necromancer and former acolyte who's gone rogue, working with the Svarestri. Elizabeth "Lizzie" Warrender is the last of Agnes' rogue acolytes still alive. Berenice had been the Byzantine Pythia.

Augustine is half Svarestri whose parents were ashamed of him. He "kidnaps" a tiny creature from the witches who have been using him like third world labor.

The Vampire Senate
Cassie is technically married to Mircea, a former vampire diplomat to the North American Vampire Senate, who is now the Chief Enforcer of the new über Vampire World Senate based in New York with members from the world's six vampire governments. Gerald is Mircea's new assistant. Dorina is Mircea's crazy dhampir daughter. Louis-Cesare, the dueling champion of the European senate, is Dorina's now-missing husband. Elena was Mircea's first (human) wife. Marlowe is the consul's spymaster.

The consul of the North American Vampire Senate had been Cleopatra and still likes her snakes. MAGIC had been their HQ in the desert outside Las Vegas. Until it was destroyed. Ismitta is quite the bad ass, challenging Cassie. Anthony is the European consul. Ming-de is the East Asian consul. Parendra is the South Asian consul. Riacus, a.k.a., Roberto, had been a wealthy man who ran Genoa in the fifteenth century.

Raphael (the Renaissance artist) is NOT dead. Lucas is one of the conscripts.

The Covens use...
...wild magic. Saphronia, a.k.a., Saffy, has pink hair and is a real bad ass. Beatrice claims Cassie is coven. Evelyn, Zara "Jasmine" (the youngest of the coven leaders), the tattooed and pierced Violet, and Fern are on Cassie's side. Ingaret is one nasty, manipulative witch who doesn't care how she gets what she wants.

The Silver Circle is...
...the world's leading magical organization, which traditionally guards the Pythian Court. Their magic also involves capturing the magical energy of the earth, part of which is used to support Artemis' ouroboros spell intended to keep the gods out. Jonas Marsden is their current leader, the Lord Protector. The War Mage Corps is the military police branch. Mage Talbert.

The covens' portals are routed through Faerie. Lord Caedmon is a king of the light fey; gryphons are the sigil of his house. Tristram is Caedmon's usual spy who wears a dragon skull. Lady Nimue is said to have had a goddess for a mother. Claude, who is/was Anthony's couturier, has way too much magic as well as a spell not seen in five centuries: Nodo D'Amore, an incubus-based spell. Spriggans are used as spies. A vargr is a sort of fey seer.

Aeslinn is king of the Svarestri, the Dark Fey, presumably created by the gods.

The Black Knights, Black Circle??, are...
...a group of powerful dark mages, the elite of the magical underworld. They are majorly addicted to magic which they steal to increase their abilities and get high. Jonathan is the worst of them, alive at least since the twelfth century.

Lord Rosier is an incubus and Pritkin's father. Pritkin's mother was falf-fae, half-human. Rian is one of Rosier's. The Allû are guards for the demon high council, spirits in armor-like suits. Adramelech, a.k.a., Adra, is a trans-dimensional being of immense power, who prefers a glamor of a slightly portly, middle-aged schoolteacher — and is head of the high demon council. The Shadowland is the demon realm used as a neutral zone for meetings, marketing, etc.

The Great Dangers are...
...also known as Ancient Horrors, descendants of the eleven children created by Tiamat (Babylonian), a.k.a., Tethys (Greek), who seems to have experimented with various demon species, including the Apkallu. Gaylord is a right nasty rotter, trapped in a book.

Decimus had been part of Marco's squad in Roman days. The Badlands is the location of the prison for time travelers. It was Fat Tony's court where the young Cassie was raised. Manlikans are humongous creatures, elemental constructs that require a rider. The Spartoi had been demigod sons of Ares, the god of war. Chimera is a spell that splits the soul into two or more pieces, allowing an adept to operate in multiple timelines or more than one place in a single timeline.

The Cover and Title
It's a tempest of a cover with a background that starts with a black sky descending into the orange, rust, and grays of the storm sparking around Cassie's blonde hair, lightening into a smoky, still-sparking cloud cover which descends into a deep royal blue. It's Cassie who takes up the bottom three-fourths of the cover in a black dress with spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline, her light blue eyes staring out at us. At the very top is an info blurb in white with the author's name right above Cassie's head, also in white. The series information is in a much smaller size to the right and above Cassie's shoulder. The title is in a pale yellow, which crosses Cassie's chest and midriff. At the very bottom is a testimonial in white and pale, pale orange.

The title is indeed a whirlwind of action, as Cassie must Brave the Tempest of war, politics and love.

clockworkbook's review

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I need the next book immediately! So much information and action. I love the characters and did not get nearly enough.

eg_m's review

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This latest installment of the Cassandra Palmer series is the most cohesive of the last few books, and ties up some significant plot lines while holding true to the fast-paced action and excitement of the series. My complaints: 1) Too much regurgitation of prior books. It was distracting. 2)
Spoiler I'm team Mercia and Pritkin is coming out the winner. That Ms. Chance is setting Mercia up with a consolation prize is nice, but not working for me.

sznnbrgrn's review against another edition

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  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No


cassiewbee's review against another edition

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adventurous fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


cplumma3's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark emotional fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


jlaynereads's review against another edition

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I agreed to read this and if I liked it maybe review it, it was given to me for free.

That said, I did like it. I was unaware that it was the 9th in a series of books so I was a bit lost at times. However, it was a great story with plenty of action, some romance & steam as well as amazing characters!

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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French & English reviews (very very long xD)

OMG un tome ... En fait, je ne sais pas trop quoi en penser >< Je suis tellement partagée !! J'ai adoré mais à certains moments aussi, j'ai eu envie de me taper la tête sur un mur ...

Ce que j'ai adoré :
- CASSIE CHOISIT ENFIN (et c'est celui que je voulais =D) donc on a eu enfin le droit à des vraies scènes de sexe mais aussi des scènes mignonnes =D J'espère qu'ils auront plus de moments ensemble à l'avenir <3
- la découverte du monde des sorcières que j'ai adoré !! J'espère les revoir plus à l'avenir x) (et j'adorais avoir des nouvelles de leur point de vue ou carrément sur les guerres avec les mages !!)
- voir Louis-Cesare et Dorina du point de vue de Cassie (tellement mignons <3)
- l'avancement de la guerre qui est passionnant avec tous les jeux de pouvoir et les intrigues politiques (voir notamment les autres consuls en action =D)
- revoir d'anciens personnages avec d'autres points de vue (Caedmon <3 J'adorais avoir une nouvelle sur lui ... Et le voir tomber amoureux =D) ou les voir évoluer (Mircea est le changement le plus frappant je pense et le plus fascinant !! J'ai hâte de voir comment sa relation avec la consule va évoluer =D Et j'ai été très intriguée par l'attitude de Marlowe (tellement badass face au consul indien x)) et j'espère avoir d'autres nouvelles sur lui !!)
- voir la cour de Cassie devenir quelque chose de concret et surtout un lieu familial ! Il y a des sorcières, un ou deux mages, des vampires (Marco mais aussi Fred <3) et plein de petites filles =D
- le point de vue très bref de
Spoilerl'incube de Pritkin
... J'espère en apprendre plus à l'avenir =D

Ce qui m'a déçu :
- les scènes de sexe ... Autant les scènes qu'on a eu avec Mircea ou même avec Louis-Cesare étaient PFIOULALA, autant là ... J'ai été hyper déçu parce qu'il y a une tension de fou entre eux et que les préliminaires étaient géniaux mais le sexe en lui-même ne m'a fait absolument pas rêver ! Et Pritkin est censé être un incube !! Le problème je pense c'est qu'à chaque fois on se concentre plus sur l'échange de pouvoir et les pensées de Cassie qui analyse tout que l'acte physique en lui-même ...
- c'est un peu mon reproche habituel pour cette auteure mais trop de descriptions un peu en kaléidoscope et parfois je me perds (notamment quand il y a
Spoilerl'attaque sur Londres
, j'avais une impression de trop et ça casse un peu l'action !) et de blablas de Cassie (on a parfois l'impression qu'elle nous résume tout ce qui s'est passé avant ... Sauf que si on lit le neuvième tome, c'est qu'on a déjà lu les précédents !)
- je m'attendais tellement à une histoire tournant autour du
Spoilerchantage de Mircea
et en fait pas du tout !! Et j'ai trouvé Cassie ... Je ne sais pas, je pensais qu'elle allait être furieuse, se mettre en colère et que ça servirait de déclencheur pour qu'elle s'émancipe un peu plus !! Et en fait, elle continue les mêmes erreurs alors que dans le précédent tome j'avais vraiment pensé qu'elle avait évolué pour embrasser la badass en elle !!
- pas assez de Pritkin >< J'ai eu l'impression qu'il était toujours parti ailleurs !! Et Cassie qui se retrouve toute seule à tout gérer ...
- j'ai lu que je n'étais pas la seule à avoir été surprise mais on a 9 tomes et pourtant, il n'y a que quatre mois qui se sont écoulés ??!! (ça pourrait expliquer le fait que Cassie n'arrive toujours pas à assumer son nouveau statut ...)

Bref, c'est un livre que j'ai dévoré et adoré mais avec aussi ses défauts ... Malgré toutes mes critiques, Karen Chance reste une de mes auteures préférées parce que j'adore son univers et ses personnages =D


OMG a book ... In fact, I don't know what to think about it >< I am so torn !! I loved it but sometimes, I wanted to bang my head on a wall ...

What I loved :
- CASSIE CHOSE FINALLY (and that's the one I wanted =D) so we finally had THE sex scenes but also cute scenes =D I hope they will have more moment together in the future <3
- the discovery of the world of witches that I loved !! I hope to see them again in the future x) (and I would love to read things or a short-story about them or just about the wars with the Silver Circle !)
- seeing Louis-Cesare and Dorina from Cassie's point of view (so cute <3)
- the progress of the war which is exciting with all the power games and political intrigues (seeing especially the other consuls in action =D)
- seeing old characters with other points of view (Caedmon <3 I would love to have a short-story about him ... And seeing him fall in love =D) or seeing them evolve (Mircea is the most striking change I think and the most fascinating !! I can't wait to see how his relationship with the consule will evolve =D And I was very intrigued by the attitude of Marlowe (so badass against the Indian consul x)) and I hope to have other short-story about him !!)
- seeing the court of Cassie becoming something concrete and especially a family place ! There are witches, one or two mages, vampires (Marco but also Fred <3) and lots of little girls =D
SpoilerPritkin's incubus
POV ... I hope to learn more in the future about him =D

What disappointed me :
- The scenes of sex ... Much as the scenes we had with Mircea or even with Louis-Cesare were PFIOULALA, there ... I was super disappointed because there was a steamy tension between them and the preliminaries were great but the sex itself didn't make me dream ! And Pritkin is supposed to be an incubus !! The problem I think is that each time we focus more on the exchange of power and the thoughts of Cassie who analyzes everything that the physical act in itself ...
- it's a bit my usual reproach for this author but too many descriptions a little like a kaleidoscope and sometimes I get lost (especially when there is the
Spoilerattack on London
, I had an impression of too much and it stops a little the action!) and Cassie's blahs (we sometimes have the impression that she summarizes everything that happened before ... Except that if we read the ninth book, it's because we already read the previous ones !)
- I was so expecting a story about
SpoilerMircea's blackmail
and not at all ! And I found Cassie ... I don't know, I thought she was going to be furious, get angry and that it would serve as a trigger for her to emancipate a little more !! And in fact, she continues the same mistakes while in the previous book I really thought she had evolved to embrace her inner badass !
- not enough Pritkin >< I had the impression that he was always gone elsewhere !! And Cassie who finds herself alone to manage everything ...
- I read that I was not the only one to have been surprised but we have 9 books and yet, only four months have passed ?? !! (That could explain the fact that Cassie still can't assume her new status ...)

In short, it's a book that I devoured and loved but also with its faults ... Despite all my criticisms, Karen Chance remains one of my favorite authors because I love her universe and her characters =D

hgranger's review against another edition

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Really 2.5 stars. Too much filler, not enough story/ character development. Bonus points for Rhea, Marco, Rico, and Dorina. Points taken for even the hint of Mircea-induced stupidity. That has to stop. Please!