
Time's Twisted Arrow by Rysa Walker

napqueeniereads's review

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I am so incredibly happy I downloaded this book. I thought it was absolutely fantastic. It's filled with fantasy, and time travel, and love, and action, and anger, and hate and all the things a great novel really has. I can't say I was expecting much from a book I got off of Amazon for free but wow, was I pleasantly surprised. I thought all the characters were very well developed and had wonderful back stories. Everyone had a major role in the life of this book, and I loved that. I'm not a big huge fan of any American history but I still enjoyed the Chicago history trip. There was so much going on that it wasn't hard to get lost in the feel of the time. Every description and scene really put me in the scene with the characters. I felt every emotion that was going through their minds, especially the scary things in the hotel. I was terribly afraid and creeped out. I can't image the second book in the series will be any less amazing. I am so looking forward to reading the sequel!

samantha_randolph's review

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I was fortunate enough to get this as an ebook in exchange for an honest review, and I'm honestly glad I read it! This is a story about time travel, mystery, and action, with a healthy level of romance that would appeal to readers of young adult books and more. The time travel aspects of the story puts intriguing thoughts of timelines and time ripples in mind, definitely enough to make your head hurt a bit- just like the characters say it does. The story is very well paced, fast, but not so quick that you lose track of what's going on. In the beginning, I was a bit confused about where the story might be headed, especially where the romance was concerned, but it weaves together beautifully as the story unravels. Fans of the books Ruby Red and Sapphire Blue, or if you just like the idea of time travel, should definitely give this book a try: it is well worth it. The character development is done very well, and all of the characters felt relatable. I did miss getting to know some of the characters better, but I have a feeling they will be more present on the next book, which I am eagerly anticipating! Great book, great read, 5 stars.

littleread1's review

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Time Travel ... it throws me for a loop every time. There were times I thought I had a handle on it, then wham, I was lost. It has to be done well, to keep the story moving and not lose the reader. This one toed the line for me, but I didn't get so totally lost that I wasn't able to follow along. I did however have to re-read sections before I got it. But I can be a little slow sometimes, especially at midnight when I was staying up to finish it. Because I needed to know what was going to happen!

Kate has a ... complicated family history. She is roughly 300 years older than her grandmother. Who she has to learn to trust, and it is up to her to not only save her family from never existing, but possibly even the world from a crazy religious cult from taking over. No pressure.

I have to admit there were a few places I had to suspend my own logic and just believe the story. A science background sometimes makes it hard to read about science. Especially future science. With things that are not possible. (Side note - I know time travel technically isn't possible, but that is the one thing I knew going in I was going to have to suspend belief for) This is one of those, "They explain why and even though it is outrageous I just have to believe it possible," stories. So if you have a hard time suspending belief or following multiple time line possibilities, this may be one you want to skip.

However, if you like pondering the what-ifs, and the if-onlys, then you will love this. How many of us could go back in time and not change things? Save a life? Stop a war? I personally would try to prevent some animal extinctions. But what would those changes affect in then current time? Would you even be born? O_O

And while there is definitely more story to be told, there is not a cliffhanger ending. Thank the YA gods! If you do read this, I am curious to know what your thoughts are. Please come back and let me know! The discussion we could have ... oh buddy. :-)

ayanamifaerudo's review

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Original review at Whatever You Can Still Betray.

This is a well-written book, a page turner and I like how the author took great lengths in building the world of Kate and CHRONOS. Doing this, I could not get enough of the secrets and the mysteries surrounding the life of Kate and her family. There are many plot-tendrils scattered throughout the story and some of them were not resolved in this book and established what would be discussed in a future book - which I would be happy to read.

All the explanations of timelines, paradoxes, multiple planes of existence, Katherine's past and time travel had me all dizzy at times @.@ and I had to read those explanations again and again to understand what happened, what was happening and what will happen. All those technicalities @.@ before would make me stop reading and visit the book again at a later date. Surprisingly, I enjoyed learning those things in this book because I wanted to fully understand what was happening and because such explanations were vital to the whole enjoyment of the story.

Time travel technicalities aside, I can't believe the emotional rollercoaster that this book put me through - in the best possible way.