
Encore to an Empty Room: An Exile Novel by Kevin Emerson

lphr3ads's review against another edition

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karissakate's review against another edition

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**Indirect Spoilers**

I was SO right about this series on my review of the first book! It is a YA version of How to Kill a Rockstar by Tiffanie DeBartolo! I'll definitely be watching for the third book to come out.

cecireda's review against another edition

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Can someone give me Finding Abbey Road?

thepaperreels's review against another edition

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DNF AT 59%

Sorry, can't take it anymore. So I just dropped it then skimmed the rest.

Exile started really great for me. Summer, the MC, was a a little bit over dramatic and demanding. But she manages bands! That's why her attitude is yeah, reasonable. I love how descriptive this book is. You really get inside Summers' life.. But you know what ruined this for me?

The Romance. The non sense relationship of Caleb and Summer. I don't even know why these two are together. But you know what, I tried to ignore that because the mystery really caught my attention. It's really interesting.. Imagine solving the death of a rockstar legend.

Then this girl came. Val. Part of me is thankful that she showed up because it helps the readers realize how crap of a boyfriend Caleb is. The other part is just plain annoyed. But whoah! There's a twist! And I did not see that coming! You see, it's part of the mystery. There's a reason why this annoying Val showed up after all. But when I found out, it's too late already. My annoyance can't be erased any more and Caleb is still a jerk to me.

Caleb's like a robot guys. Seriously, Summer liking him doesn't make sense.

Anyway, this was disappointing. The Music references and the mystery pulled me in a little but the under developed romance ruined it for me.

heisereads's review against another edition

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Standing ovation for Kevin Emerson! I think I'm officially a groupie of this series. I loved Exile, and was anxiously awaiting Encore to an Empty Room, and was sucked back in from the first page. In this second book, which avoids the sophomore slump a trilogy can sometimes fall into, the mystery discovered in the first book takes the headliner role while the romance and band trying to get a recording deal are the opening acts, with the dilemmas a high school senior faces in trying to figure out college and what path she wants her life to take and how to make her mark becomes the roadie connecting it all and doing the heavy lifting to make it work. And at the sound board controlling the volume and tone of it all is Kevin Emerson with beautiful turn of a phrase writing and plotting moving it forward at a brisk pace. If you read Exile and enjoyed it, don't miss this next part of Summer's and Dangerheart's story, and if you haven't read Exile yet, what are you waiting for?

islandgeekgirl's review against another edition

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The sequel to Exile finds Dangerheart and Summer struggling with the band's sudden rise to fame while still trying to solve the mystery of the lost songs from Caleb's father. The fact that the band she's managing is finding success should mean great things for Summer but she finds herself at a crossroads between the band and college and who she wants to be.

I ended up enjoying this sequel slightly more than the first book. I still had some of the same problems with it but there was more happening with the band, with Summer and Caleb's relationship, with the mystery of the lost songs. The band was getting more attention so it was harder for them to fly under the radar as they hunted for the clues and there was of course a lot of attention now that the secret of Caleb's father had been exposed.

Summer was a character I still find myself unsure about. One minute I love her fierce personality an her determination to do what she believes is best for the band. The next minutes I want to scream at her that there's more to the band than Caleb and his father's songs. If she truly wanted to be involved with managing bands as a career, this seemed like a good example of how not to manage your clients. I did enjoy her struggles between trying to manage the band and college applications and interviews.

I felt for all the guys in the bands in this book. They just wanted to play music and get a little recognition for themselves, not because one of who Caleb's father was. Normally a character acting like Jon was in this book would have annoyed me but instead I just really felt for him the most. Nothing he did or said seemed to be right, he couldn't get any attention from his supposed manager who was too busy being Caleb's girlfriend or obsessed with finding the lost tapes, and I could see where this thing he loved, playing music, became less and less of a thing he loved to do as the book went on and that hurt. I felt for Matt too since the tension between Jon and Caleb was high and dealing with it wasn't easy. And Caleb, he never asked for any of it but he never really helped matters by being so closed off and unwilling to talk to his bandmates. Val, she was a mess and I have a feeling there's even more to her story that we'll see in the next book.

The book had lots of fun elements that made it a fast read. There was the main mystery of the lost songs, there was the band's performances and there was some road trips antics that made me laugh. There were times when things got a little too over the top but still fun to read. Like the first book, this one also a had a Bandslam type feel to it and set up the third book well.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

myapplemonkey's review against another edition

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This was a fab sequel! I was excited to find out what would happen next in the adventure to find the missing songs and this didn't hold back. Can't wait to find out what happens next! :)

aprilbooksandwine's review against another edition

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I was in for a listening treat when it came to Encore To An Empty Room by Kevin Emerson. Read the rest of my review here

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Such a fantastic book, and a wonderful sequel! Loved being with these characters again, and I can't wait to read the next book!

alysecampbell's review against another edition

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Encore was a captivating, road trip filled with music, mystery and more! I really enjoyed the pacing of this one, perhaps even more than Exile. I didn't see that plot twist coming at the end. Overall, I really enjoyed the format of this book as well as all of the references, twists and turns that surfaced throughout. I can't wait to see where Dangerheart goes next!