
Lonely Souls by Karice Bolton

celjla212's review against another edition

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Triss has a lot going on at this point in her life: graduation, turning 18, and being inducted into her mother's witch coven. But before any of that can happen, her mother vanishes into thin air. Her coven is quick to think the worst, but a few loyal family members and old friends are in agreement with Triss--her mom is still out there somewhere.

With the help of Triss' oldest friend, Logan, she must try to follow the clues to her mom's disappearance. But there are those out there who don't want her finding out the truth. Triss and Logan grow closer together while on their journey...but can Triss really trust him when she finds out about his dark past?

What a cool ride this book was! It started off a bit slow for me, but I really enjoyed it when things got rolling.

I liked Triss a lot. It's just been her and her mom taking care of each other for so long, so she's a pretty strong girl. Even when her mom disappears, she doesn't languish over grieving and being upset. She wants to jump right into seeing what happened to her. And she's not afraid to fight when she needs to.

Logan...aah. Karice Bolton has a knack for writing perfect guys. Some of the things Logan says to Triss are so romantic, they make you swoon...but some are a little on the cheesier side. But when he's on, he's awesome. I loved that they didn't have insta-love as well. They have been friends forever, but their relationship developed naturally--Triss kept her wits about her even though she was under so much stress. I think Logan was just what she needed.

It was really interesting reading about all the witchy stuff--uses for plants, oils and whatnot. The author really did a great job with her research for this part of the book.

The action at the end was not only surprising, it was awesome! I can't wait to see what lies ahead for Triss and was so fun watching Triss grow throughout this book, and I know she'll continue that in the next installment.

shelvesofsecrets's review against another edition

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I've always liked stories about witches and Lonely Souls was an interesting addition to the ones I've already read. I really enjoyed the way that magic was portrayed in Lonely Souls and the portrayal of spells and covens and the like. Triss was a decent heroine, although I occasionally got annoyed with her constant feeling of guilt (which in turn makes me feel like a terrible person considering what she's gone through). But I feel she made the right decision in the end.

I also liked Logan, Triss's childhood friend and love interest. In fact, I know I have much more in common with Logan than with Triss. I'm still a bit mad at Logan about something that happened at the end though.

My biggest turn-off with this one was the dialogue. It felt a little forced and unnatural to me.

trinsreading's review against another edition

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This was an interesting book, and very cute. I was interested in reading about the magic and thought that this has a lot of cool magic. Triss and Logan were so cute! Logan was such a cutie, I really wish that Logan was my best friend! I am very interested into reading the next book in the series.

liza5326's review against another edition

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I can see why some have said "Lonely Souls" is like an adult Harry Potter. And as a Harry Potter fan, that is a compliment. I loved this book and can't wait to read "Altered Souls". Triss and Logan are great characters. They are far from normal and truly unique.

tartbarbie's review against another edition

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I received a review copy of Lonely Souls in return for an honest review as part of the tour hosted by AToMR Tours. Triss's eighteenth birthday is just around the corner which is when she will join the Witch Avenue coven. She heads to the beach to meet her mother but only finds her stuff not her mother. She calls the police who search but are unable to find her, which forces the coven to assume that she has passed on.

Triss is sure her mother didn't just have an accident with the help of her childhood friend she will set out with Logan to find out what really happened to her mother. Triss is torn between joining the coven that didn't support her when her mother is missing. After consulting with Logan they decide it would be best if she does so that they can find out who's behind her mother’s disappearance. As the pair dive deep into Triss's missing mother long lost secrets start coming out that may change their lives forever.

I was drawn in right from the start I actually finished Lonely Souls in one afternoon that's how hooked I was. I love the characters particularly Triss she has a good head on her shoulders even though she does panic a little when it comes down to it she does what's right. At first I wasn't sure about Logan but the more the story progressed I grew to like him. Together they are a perfect team and he's exactly what the good little white witch needs in a guy. I found Lonely souls filled with action, suspense that kept me on my toes with just the right amount of romance for me. I really enjoyed Lonely Souls and look forward to reading more about Triss and Logan in the rest of the series. One of my new favorites series.

diaryofthebookdragon's review

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18 year-old Triss has just graduated from high school but the biggest event in her life is yet to come - her acceptance into the Witch Avenue Coven. Yes you heard it right, Triss is a witch. I must admit I was very surprised with Triss' behaviour toward her witchy powers. All she did until now is collect herbs, make potions and learn only some simple spells. She used her magic wand mostly to stip potions or as a pestle for godsake! If I was a witch I would be eager to learn awesome spells to make dragons, enchant magic carpets, dive underwater for hours and have my own flying broom!

It's not correct to say that Triss is not interested, she did declare multiple times that she could not wait to join the coven so she could explore their library, but she is obedient and patiently waits until she is allowed to access more complicated spells and magic. But then something happens that turns Triss' life upside down - her mother disappears. The Coven declares her mother dead and Triss only has small group of friends to support her and help her search for answers. Logan, her best childhood friend, starts teaching Triss more advanced spells so they could fight together. These lessons were fun, because it gave us perfect opportunity to gradually learn more about witches and their powers in The Witch Avenue series.

Except witches and paranormal events revolving around Triss' mother's disappearance, Lonely Souls also focuses very much on romance. But since it's my favorite kind of love story of childhood friends who start realising they are in love, you won't hear me complaining. And Logan has such romantic statements, I cheered for him almost from the start. I mean just look at these beautiful quotes:

"Everything that I loved about you back then is present sitting here in front of me, except now you've grown into a woman who is unbelievably strong, brave and beautiful."

"I'll always be here waiting for you," he said, touching my chest with his fingertips, drawing a shape of a heart.

"I'm giving you everything I have, Triss. I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine. No matter what storms lay ahead of us, I know that as one we can make it. I'm not perfect by anyone's standards but you make me want to strive to be the best person I can be."

As self-published novel go, Lonely Souls is mostly free of grammatical errors (or I have been too engrossed into a story to notice them). There are some words and phrases that repeat a little too much for my taste though. Logan's lips 'tugged upright slightly' so many times I started doubting is that the beginning of a smile or if it's a tic.

While I am nitpicking I may also point out another thing: Most books that are part of the series have some grand backstory that gets resolved in the end, but each book is a mini quest or some task or problem that our heroes resolve on their journey. There is no such thing in The Witch Avenue series, or at least in Lonely Souls. Triss is trying to find her mother and although she discovers a lot of clues, it still seems like this search will last until the end of the series.

If you are looking for young/new adult paranormal series about witches and you like reading about childhood friends discovering their feeling are more than just friendship while they stir trouble and potions, throw spells, break rules and fight to discover the truth, then I recommend that you check out Lonely Souls by Karice Bolton - it promises to be a start of an interesting series.

My rating:

Disclaimer: I was given a free eBook by the author as part of the blog tour in exchange for a honest review. This text is also posted on my blog Bookworm Dreams in a little bit more styled edition.

mrose21's review against another edition

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Adding a review for this as I've rated it without a review.

A lot of things have happened since. 2014 Was a very hard year for myself so all the reviews are showing up on the same date. I can't explain why they are, if the ratings are justice or accurate I can also not say when I truly read these. I'm just going to say 2014 on the same day added just to keep the year right if not the month...

greatbutuseless's review against another edition

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Very repetitive in the writing and descriptions... Very slow. Won't be continuing the series.

rachelreadwhat's review against another edition

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Self-published authors: I get it. You've put months (maybe even years!) into your project, with no pay and nothing to show for it. But you have so much faith in your story and characters that you decide to publish independently, and to hell with agents and publishing companies. You KNOW your book is good enough, and if you could just get it out there for people to read, they'd love it.

Please, for the love of good books, HIRE AN EDITOR. I know it's expensive, and I know you've read over it a thousand times and think it's perfect the way it is. It's not. There hasn't been a book written in the last thousand years that wasn't improved by an impartial editorial review.

It positively kills me when I read a book that has such potential (like this one) and it's ruined by poor editing, awkward sentence structure, and plain old that-word-does-not-mean-what-you-think-it-means moments. This is worse than a blatantly bad book, because there were moments where I'd have a quick glimpse of what it could have been.

Alas, it was not to be. In conclusion, if you (or any of your friends, your friends' friends, or your friends' friends' friends) should mention that they're thinking of self-publishing, please take drastic measures until they concede that they will hire a professional editor.

potaytaspages's review against another edition

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Very interesting book.

It was very interesting in the beginning, but then it got way to lovey dovey for me, but the ending really made up for it.

I am in love with Logan. Blue eyes and black hair? SOLD. And he is an amazing person and such a sweetheart. Ugh hes great