
Dinosaur World by Stephen Leigh

isabel005's review

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Very weird! But I liked it! I read the whole thing at once because I was so curious about what was going to happen and intrigued by the Mutata dinosaur society!

I went in thinking this book would be kind of YA and a little simple or stupid, based on the concept of "time travel dinosaur hunting shenanigans", but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was actually an interesting, thought-provoking, existential slipstream sci fi story. And also there are spear-wielding dinosaurs. I found out after reading Dinosaur World that it's based on Ray Bradbury's short story A Sound of Thunder. The book made more sense after reading it- Dinosaur World is like someone took the opportunity to indulge in writing about the dinosaur society they came up with by using A Sound of Thunder as a jumping off point.

I didn't love every part or each human character, and I was a little confused about the plot, or
Spoilerwhat caused the timeline to get messed up and lead to humans never existing
, but I still liked this book! I felt chills reading about Aaron's experience
Spoilerbeholding the alien landscape that was once his hometown and feeling the sinking dread that comes with knowing he had no life to return to
, and I enjoyed reading about Jennifer's interactions with the Mutata dinosaurs and SStragh's own perspective on the humans.

It was very brain-stretching to try to comprehend the interactions between not just different cultures, but different intelligent species with no common ground, not even common intrinsic language, like 'raising your hands means I don't want to hurt you' or 'crying means I am sad.' Also I liked SStragh! what a nice lady dinosaur

I can't say I really totally understand Mundo's whole thing. But when his character was first introduced, the description of his interconnectedness and omniscience with the whole world was cool.

I think a good way to describe this book is "morbidly intriguing and pushing the limits of my understanding (in a good way). also dinosaurs"