
Original Sin by Lisa DesRochers

halynah's review

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Rather good, exciting plot, but Frannie spoils a lot in the book, therefore one star away!

claudiac00's review

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Avevo letto il primo volume della serie alquanto scettica, non del tutto convinta da questa nuova serie che sembrava solo l'ennesima saga YA con angeli e demoni. Invece, leggendo, ero rimasta piacevolmente sorpresa, sia grazie ai personaggi particolarmente coinvolgenti creati dall'autrice, sia grazie alla trama che, proseguendo, si era rivelata abbastanza originale. Alla fine Il Bacio Maledetto si era rivelata una lettura sicuramente soddisfacente, seppur leggera e non indimenticabile. Il Bacio del Peccato mi ha nuovamente sorpreso, rivelandosi un romanzo a mio parere più maturo e meglio sviluppato del primo, seppur non ancora perfetto.

Ne Il Bacio del Peccato, vediamo Frannie alle prese con il duro allenamento volto a rafforzare il suo Sway, ovvero la capacità che aveva scoperto di possedere ne Il Bacio Maledetto, che la rendeva capace di influenzare a piacere le menti altrui. Proprio grazie al suo Sway, Frannie aveva reso umano il demone Luc, con la quale all'inizio di questo secondo romanzo ha una relazione stabile e serena.
L'allenamento tuttavia scoraggia la ragazza, la quale si convince sempre di più dell'inutilità del suo Sway; e la partenza Gabriel, l'angelo sceso in terra con lo scopo di proteggerla, del quale si era successivamente innamorata, non migliora la situazione.
Al suo fianco questa volta c'è però Matt, il fratello gemello di Frannie, morto dieci anni prima, diventato nelle ultime pagine de Il Bacio Maledetto, l'angelo custode della ragazza. L'angelo ha il compito di difenderla dai demoni inviati da Lucifero in persona, il quale non ha accettato di buon grado la perdita di un demone (Luc) e di Frannie, da lui desiderata già nel libro precedente.

Ci sono parecchie novità in questo nuovo volume, dove l'autrice ha deciso di cambiare un bel po' di cose. Innanzitutto la storia non viene narrata solo dal punto di vista di Frannie e Luc, come accadeva ne Il Bacio Maledetto, ma questa volta vengono utilizzati tre POV differenti: quello di Frannie, Luc e Matt. Non è da tutti riuscire a gestire non due, ma ben tre punti di vista differenti, tuttavia la Desrochers ci è riuscita perfettamente, riuscendo ad aumentare la curiosità del lettore senza però mai confonderlo.
Un'altra novità è Matt. Il neoangelo è un personaggio molto particolare. Disprezza Luc, vorrebbe proteggere la sorella non solo dai nemici, ma anche dalle sue stesse scelte e spesso si rivela inadatto al ruolo di angelo custode. Dopo poco tempo, infatti, Matt comincia inesorabilmente a desiderare una vita umana: riabbracciare la sua famiglia, uscire con gli amici, avere una ragazza. E questa situazione peggiora quando viene introdotto un altro personaggio: Lili. La ragazza, apparentemente timida e introversa, si è da poco trasferita nell'appartamento accanto a quello di Luc e da quel momento svolgerà un ruolo molto importante nella vita di tutti i personaggi, creando guai e scompiglio ovunque.
Mi dispiace molto per il personaggio di Gabriel, quasi totalmente assente in questi primi due romanzi (specialmente ne Il Bacio del Peccato). Spero che nel prossimo volume, oltre ad essere più presente, abbia una considerazione maggiore, assumendo un ruolo diverso dalla semplice spalla su cui si rifugia Frannie ogni volta che qualcosa va storto.

Il finale lascia parecchie questioni in sospeso, cosa che aumenta il mio desiderio di avere il terzo ed ultimo volume della trilogia, il quale si prospetta un libro ancora più avventuroso ed entusiasmante.
In generale posso dire di aver apprezzato molto Il Bacio del peccato, dove azione, suspense, e colpi di scena rendono il romanzo impossibile da abbandonare fino a lettura conclusa.

reddyrat's review

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I go back and forth on this series. My first reaction is to roll my eyes. The plot and characters are over the top and a bit silly at times - although not purposely so. I especially find the use of Hell cliches to be overdone and somewhat annoying. I also hate that Grandpa says "Ya" instead of "You." That being said, if I put my surface-level level frustrations aside, I really like this series. Personal Demons was a fast paced story with a steamy romance between Frannie and Luc and a potential one between Frannie and Gabriel. Original Sin is just as interesting and the romance goes up a notch.

Frannie has a new guardian angel, her brother Matt who died as a child. Everyone is thrilled about this. Frannie gets to be with her brother for the first time in 10 years. Matt has a cush angel job. Gabriel and Luc know that Matt will watch Frannie like a hawk. Or will he? It seems that being in the human world is fraught with challenges for a newly-minted guardian angel. Matt can still hate, love, lust, and envy. Those combination of emotions make for a much more compromised guardian than anyone expected. I love how the author has created angels who are not always angelic. We see this somewhat with Gabriel who can barely keep himself away from Frannie. But the capacity for human emotions and mistakes is much more apparent with Matt. A nice twist on standard angel mythology.

Luc became human at the end of Personal Demons. Hell is less than thrilled about this. Hell bent on revenge, you might say (eek...even I'm starting to use the Hell cliches). We get to know the various demons better. We see just how devious they can be in enticing people to sin.

I love Luc. I do miss the arrogant demon, but as a human, he's such a sweet guy - so devoted to Frannie. Unfortunately, King Lucifer didn't become lord of Hell by being stupid, so he knows just how to concoct a scenario that has the potential to bring down Luc and destroy his relationship with Frannie.

And then there's Gabriel. I like that he's an angel, but seems human as well. I wish they'd explored the history between Luc and Gabe better. I hope future books do that. Gabriel is actually gone for much of this book. The love triangle was more of a straight line. This was different from many second novels, which is where love triangles often develop or strengthen. I like that the author did something different. I also like that this isn't exactly a love triangle. Frannie isn't torn between Luc and Gabe, but there's still something there. More intriguing.

I'm not a huge fan of Frannie. I'm not sure why. I like that she's a forthright, take-charge girl in most parts of her life. She does what she feels to be right and isn't purely stuck on a guy. At the same time, she seems so wishy washy in her feelings for Luc and Gabe. This is understandable, but still annoying.

Overall, Original Sin is just as fun as Personal Demons. It moves the plot of the series along nicely. It does drag at times, but mostly it's a good pace. I really like how the book diverges from the typical paranormal path in many areas. It shows the importance of choice as well as the consequences. I was also pleased that the book answered some of my questions about Frannie's family - quite interesting. The ending leaves us ready and waiting for Book 3.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

kaitrosereads's review

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SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't read the first book in this series, this review will contain spoilers.

Lisa Desrocher's debut novel, Personal Demons, was a favorite of mine. The sequel, Original Sin, was just as fabulous. Full of angels, demons, romance, and betrayal, this trilogy has a little something for everyone.

Frannie is one hell of a main character. She is fierce, feisty, and totally kick-ass. She knows what she wants and she goes after it. She's also not easily scared by a few demons. In fact, at one point she takes down a demon with her bare hands. This girl needs to teach me (and some other YA girls) some moves!

Luc, Gabe, Matt, and Lili are really the only other characters that seem to matter although there are some secondary characters that play pretty big roles. Luc is no longer a demon but he's still a little twisted (wouldn't have him any other way.) He's a little tormented by his past but he's still kind and totally in love with Frannie. She brings out the best in him. Gabe is absent for a good part of the book but when he is present he's the same as ever. He's sweet, helpful, and caring but I have to say, Frannie's draw to him didn't make sense. I just never saw them that way. He was too much like a father figure, always trying to take care of her. As for Matt, in the beginning I liked him but that quickly changed. He had an attitude issue. And Lili was never trustworthy. It's pretty easy to see from the beginning that something is up with her. As for the rest of the characters they just didn't really make an impression on me. They could have used a bit more development.

The plot was a little slow in the beginning. Things were almost too perfect with Luc and Frannie. It was pretty clear it wouldn't last. And I have to say the whole thing with Lili was a bit too predictable. There were just too many things in Original Sin that were glaringly obvious and I would've liked a bit more mystery. However I never once stopped enjoying the story and it was dang near impossible to stop reading.

Overall, Original Sin is a good follow-up to Personal Demons. It's a fast read that will leave readers dying for the third and final book.

fallen_for_books30's review

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Wonderful book!

nicolcc12's review against another edition

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En general el libro me ha gustado, la construcción del mundo está muy bien, pero los "plot twist" se me hicieron muy predecibles, a menos que la autora haya querido que tú estuvieras queriendo todo el rato que se alejaran o se dieran cuenta mientras a los personajes les daba igual, creo que están mal llevados.
Los personajes son tema aparte, todo el libro echándose la culpa de todo y, sobretodo, Matt se me hicieron insoportables, porque al menos Frannie y Luc ya tenían cierto desarrollo, pero Matt... ¡Dios, Matt! Lo odio. Pero sería un spoiler decir del todo el porqué, pero es súper inmaduro y me parece que sus instructores no hicieron ningún trabajo bien.
Sin embargo, sí que me interesa el desenlace que pueda tener y terminaré la trilogía
Por último, alguien me explica: ¿por qué demonios no llevaron a Frannie con un psicólogo? Que eso es lo que necesita la hija, por favor

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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While the writing was good in Original Sin, the story didn't always make a lot of sense, and especially Luc should have been able to understand many things long before he did - which was when it was actually too late.

This and all my other reviews are originally posted on my blog (un)Conventional Bookviews

emiliebookworld's review

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**********SPOILER ALERT**********

After I finished reading Personal Demons last year, I couldn't wait to get my hands on Original Sin so I could find out what happens next. I had highly enjoyed the first book and Original Sin definitely did not disappoint.

Frannie's soul may now be tagged for Heaven but that still doesn't seem to be stopping all these demons from showing up in town and coming after Luc. Because Hell wants Luc back...except, thanks to Frannie's Sway, he's now human. And what's even better, Gabe has tagged his soul for Heaven. Just when things were starting to go well with Luc and Frannie strange things start happening in town, some demonic in nature, some not so much. Plus, there's Frannie's new guardian angel doesn't seem big on the idea of Luc and Frannie being together. And just when they all need Gabe's help the most, Gabe goes away, finding it more and more difficult to resist Frannie and her Sway. Not that he's trying so hard to resist her. Frannie will now have to fend for herself, especially when her guardian angel keeps getting distracted. But Hell is bringing all its got to the table and Frannie and Luc may be in more trouble than they thought.

Original Sin was nothing if not incredibly hot and sexy. Lisa Desrochers definitely knows how to write those steamy parts. But the book is so much more than just that. The story is incredibly well-written and those mini-cliffhangers at the end of the chapters only served to make me keep reading even when I knew I had to stop. Though what I love best about Original Sin were the alternating points of view. Lisa Desrochers definitely figured out how to make it so no matter who was speaking, I was never even close to bored. Basically, she did no wrong in this book, if you ask me.

Frannie was just as great as I remembered. She definitely doesn't let people walk all over her and that is one of the things I like best about her. But most importantly she wasn't the "damsel-in-distress" type and could actually defend herself when it came down to it. Even though Frannie seems to have chosen between Luc and Gabe, I still can't make my mind up. I loved seeing Luc as a human an reading his thoughts on the subject. Most of the time he just made me crack up or actually start laughing out loud. Once again, I wish I could have seen more of Gabe. But what I did have of him, I enjoyed a lot. What I particularly like is that he's always there for Frannie no matter what. That just made me like him that much more. An Matt was very interesting to say the least. I liked him at first but as the story moved forward I started to have my doubts about him. And with that ending, who knows what's going to happen next.

Original Sin was a most excellent sequel and if anything, it was even better than Personal Demons. Lisa Desrochers is an incredible writer and I can't wait to find out what happens in the next book in this series.

randomly_kait's review

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oooooohhhh, is this going to go back and forth between Frannie and Gabe this time?? That's what the cover makes it look like. Not that I don't absolutely love Luc, I just wanna learn more about Babe, oops, I mean Gabe ;)

aagnni's review against another edition

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adventurous dark emotional medium-paced
