
Witch Fall by Amber Argyle

amethystbookwyrm's review against another edition

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Thanks to Amber Argyle and Xpresso Book Tours for giving me this book to review.

All things fall.
Even Witches.
Supreme in their dominion over the seasons, storms, and seas, the Witches have forgotten the unmatched destructiveness of mankind. And among the weapons men seek are the magical songs of the Witches.
Lilette is one of the few who see the decadence and decay weakening the Witches. As an outsider amid her own kind, can she help them survive the coming war?

Witch Fall is a very good novel by Amber Argyle and while you don’t have to read Witch Song, I would suggest you read Witch Rising first as it does help with the story. Argyle is really good at writing stories that suck you in, and it was interesting to read a book where you know how it ends but you don’t know how it happens. Witch Fall is a powerful and tragic story which is fast-paced and full of action and romance.

Lilette is a kind and brave character who has had a tough life and because of it has learn when to fight and when to bide her time unlike most heroines. However, she is a bit too good at everything, which did make her harder to connect to, unlike Senna in Witch Song. This book has great secondary characters both good and bad, but my favourite has to be Jolin, as it was interesting to see what she was thinking at the beginning of each chapter and she is the most realistic person in the book as she is ambitious but a good person.

Another interesting character in this book is Han as even though something he comes across as too harsh, he has been punished in the past for protecting people he cares about and is Lilette’s strength. However, I did find the romance a bit too quick for my liking as they have not seen each other since they were children, yet they were falling for each other after only a few days.

Witch Fall is a very enjoyable YA fantasy novel which I would recommend to people who like Amber Argyle’s other books, or fans of good YA fantasy.

vikingwolf's review against another edition

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*I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

I read and enjoyed the first two books in this series and the novella which came after it was a decent read. But I just didn't enjoy this book at all for reasons I will explain..

There is no issue for me with the writing style, character and plot development, storytelling, worldbuilding etc of the author. She is very good at setting out a story, developing it and drawing you in to care about the characters and wonder what will happen next.

The problem I had with it was purely personal. I wasn't greatly interested in reading Lilette's story to be honest. I was more interested in seeing what might happen to the characters in book two. Yes Lilette is important to the story in books one and two and I fully understood why the author wanted to take the reader back to see how things came to be. It does explain the actions and fears of the witches. I have no issue with that and I'm sure lots of people will enjoy it. But it just isn't my kind of read. I didn't like the old historical book setting and the string of miserable experiences that come from being in that period of history. I'm not a huge fan of books set in old anywhere except when it is Tudor times, so I was never going to connect with the plot.

I can imagine that some of you are saying 'well why read it if you knew it wasn't your thing?' Well the answer to that was simple. I agreed to review the series based only on reading the blurb for book one so I had no idea what was coming in the other books. I hate looking at blurbs for later books in case a massive spoiler yells out at me and blows a big raspberry! In this case it is just unfortunate that the story went in a different direction from what I enjoy and that is no fault of the author.

I certainly don't regret reading the series and I do recommend it to those of you who like paranormal historical, paranormal romance and dark fantasy. The characters are great, the plot is always moving and twisting and there should be something in it for all readers.

casey_zi's review against another edition

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gross sobbing

What a powerful story. I only wish it wasn't so rushed at every moment - there is so much material packed in here, with hardly any space to breathe and flesh out the characters and settings. I feel like this is one of the rare books that could actually benefit from being twice as long as it is.

Still, this is a nonstop exciting, rollicking fantasy tale that I actually liked better than Witch Song and I didn't expect to. Recommended if you liked the rest of this series.

bookladysreviews's review against another edition

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I'll start by saying that I loved Witch Fall.The writing was amazing and really unique.The world building was phenomenal and I loved the quotes at the beginning of each chapter.I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of witches but this book captivated me from the beginning.

This was such a fast paced,enjoyable read.The world the author created was so beautiful and unique.The plot was fantastic and it definitely drew me in.I felt really connected with the characters and couldn't wait to find out what was gonna happen.I loved Lilette as a main character.She was so strong and brave but she has to make some heartbreaking choices...She was such an amazing female character,perfect through her imperfections.She had a purpose and her journey captures your attention and makes you realize that the journey is what really matters.Cause after the journey she eventually finds her path and ends up where she was supposed to end up.

This was such a beautifully written and magical story that made me wanna keep reading.The character development was perfect and the world building fascinated me from the beginning.I think what I liked the most is the writing.I was literally hooked.And the quotes were really intriguing and well written.The ending was a bit heartbreaking and the way it was written made me want to cry for some unknown reason.It was a really emotional moment for me.

This was a beautifully written story about choices and the impact they have on people,with amazing and strong characters and an intriguing and captivating plot.Not only did I enjoy reading this book...I loved reading it.Highly highly recommend it!

An eArc copy was provided for an honest review!

mlboyd20's review against another edition

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I wish to thank the author for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Receiving such does not sway my opinion in any way.

I was at a slight disadvantage than some when it came to reading this book. Honestly, I have not read the other books in this series. Don't let this sway you, possibly a reader of the series or maybe a newbie to it like me, because the author did a wonderful job setting up the book so that anyone could read it and not feel like they were missing out on anything. What is nice is that this is a prequel to the series, so I can hop into it and just read the rest of the books.

The blurb, if anything immediate, I would ask the author to expand on this. There are scenes, destinations, subjects, etc in this book that normally I find a turn off in reading and a blurb that works for a new reader would have probably given some of that information in it. This is no way is a negative look at the book, writing nor author, it just would be a bit helpful.

I enjoyed the quote before each chapter. They give the reader an insight of the characters, a foreshadowing of things to come, a sense of what had passed and are well thought out and placed. The quotes from Jolin are not weak, but are strong, full of emotion and carry the story on another level.

Lillette...she had me fascinated with her from the beginning. Head strong, conniving, used common sense, knew when to push, when to pull and when to just give in. I could visualize her as an actual person and could follow along with her. The way the author set up the scenes and visual description of not only the characters but of the surroundings just pulled me right into the story and stunned me with just how raw and real it all felt. The story also gave you a true sense of the downfall of the witches power.

I recommend this to anyone who likes a good fantasy read without all the really out there fantasy stuff thrown in. I will be going back to this series and reading it through from the start. Amber Argyle has truly created a story that will keep you enthralled and ready for more.

leacallida's review against another edition

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J'ai adoré ce nouveau tome, les nouveaux personnages et ce que ça nous apporte sur l'univers !
Je recommande à 1000% :)

kelsenator's review against another edition

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anovelstart's review against another edition

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A beautiful story. This third instalment takes us back to the days of Lilette, years before Brusenna's time. It's full of romance and plotting, we finally see what witches were like at their strongest.

I did rather enjoy this book. I liked that the romance was a bit complicated, that it had grown over years and hadn't stopped while they were separated. Granted, it began when they were children, but I think that adds to its depth. They're constantly trying to sacrifice each other for the other one when there's danger, I liked this because it just shows that love isn't selfish. In hard times that's how you imagine love would be.

You really feel sorry for Lilette throughout this story because she's a prisoner of some kind or another throughout the book. She's a witch, but she doesn't remember the songs. How could she? She wasn't raised among the witches. People expect her to know things and help or fight for them, I can imagine how frustrated she must be. Having to put on a brave face all the time so she doesn't show her true feelings. As she said, a beautiful prison is still a prison.

There's one quote that keeps repeating in this book, but I really like it:

"Fight the battles you can win. Retreat from the ones you cannot."

Another small piece of wisdom I found in these books. Why keep fighting when you can't win? I respect Lilette a lot because she realises this and takes it to heart when it's said to her. She retreats with dignity so she can lure her captures into a false sense of security. It's brilliant though! How often does a young women take advice like this instead of rebelling? I know, I'm one of them lol! If someone said that to me I'd tell them to get on their bike and do my own thing!

I really liked Lilettes' friendship with Jolin. Join, really, is the first witch she speaks to now that she's a young woman. Surprisingly though, their friendship endures. I think we can learn a thing or two about this. Now when we feel betrayed by our friends, we cut them off completely, or carry on repeating the same things. Lilette and Jolins' doesn't. They work through it, they might not want to, but they do. For me it's like looking at how friendships could be if we really put in the effort.

I really liked this peek into the history of Witch Born. I'd recommend the book if you liked the first two in the series. The description and pace of the book make it enticing, I didn't want to put it down. It's definitely a favourite. The reason I gave it four stars is because I want to know more of what happened after the book finished. I hope this helps!

Happy reading!

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bookish_satty's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars

I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side as part of the blog tour.

Firstly I would like to thank the author for giving me this opportunity of reading and reviewing this book.

Well to be honest, I'm not very impressed with the book and the story. I think the pace was a little slow for my taste and it seemed a little predictable as well. The overall execution of the concept is good but I missed the little twists and turns that just blows your line of thoughts and take you to a completely different path. Most of the story was quite known to me.

The characters are really developed and the dialogues are crisp and to the point but I think the author stretched a scene too long for my taste.

It was an okay read for me not a mind blowing one but definitely I would like to recommend this book to others because it's definitely worth a read and maybe you guys will love it more than I read, after all opinion differs. So go on and give this story a shot!!! Enjoy!!!

selket16's review against another edition

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So I read this book not knowing it is the final book in a trilogy, but that didn't matter, it stood alone on its own. I will, however, be looking up the rest of the series.

I really at first was on the fence with this book, not thinking I would like it, but some element kept me reading until very quickly I was hooked.

For fans of witches and fantasy or for dystopian societies, this book is right up your alley.